Any ordinance or other measure passed by Council shall be subject to referendum, except as hereinafter provided. No ordinance or other measure shall go into effect until thirty (30) days after it shall have been passed by Council, except as hereinafter provided; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the Municipality, after the passage of any ordinance or other measure, from proceeding at once to give any notice or make any tender or publication required by such a measure, by this Charter, by general law or by general ordinance.
   When there shall have been filed a petition signed by not less than fifteen per centum (15%) of the electors of the Municipality within thirty (30) days after any ordinance or other measure shall have been passed by Council, ordering that such ordinance or other measure be submitted to the electors of the Municipality for their approval or rejection, the Clerk shall, at the next regular meeting of Council, certify such petition to Council. Council shall thereupon proceed to reconsider such ordinance or other measure. If upon such reconsideration the ordinance or other measure be not entirely repealed, Council shall provide for submitting it to a vote of the electors as herein elsewhere provided. No such ordinance or measure shall go into effect until approved by a majority of those voting on the same.
   Whenever Council is by law or provisions of general ordinance required to pass more than one ordinance or other measure to complete the legislation necessary to make and pay for any public improvement, the provisions of this section shall apply only to the first ordinance or other measure required to be passed and not to any subsequent ordinances or other measures relating thereto.
   Whenever the electors shall have authorized the issuance of bonds, subsequent ordinances or other measures relating to the issuance of such bonds shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
   Ordinances or other measures providing for appropriations for current expenses, and emergency ordinances or measures necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, shall go into immediate effect and shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
   Such emergency ordinances or measures must upon an aye and nay vote receive the vote of five (5) members of Council and the reasons for such necessity shall be set forth in one section of the ordinance or other measure.