The City Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Municipality, and shall be responsible to Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the Municipality and the enforcement of all the laws and ordinances, except as herein otherwise provided; and to that end he shall have authority to appoint and remove all other administrative officers and employees, except as otherwise provided herein. He shall attend all meetings of Council, with the right to participate in its discussions, but without the right of vote; and he shall attend meetings of any committee of Council when so required by such committee. He shall prepare and submit to Council the annual budget, after receiving estimates made by the directors of the several departments, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or by the ordinances or resolutions of Council.
   Excepting the Department of Finance, the Department of Law, and excepting the Department of Public Health, if and when the Department of Public Health is created by Council as hereinafter provided, the City Manager shall be the Director of Public Safety and director of each and every department of the Government until otherwise provided by Council.
   The Manager shall be the purchasing agent for the Municipality and as such purchasing agent shall make all purchases and contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment required by the Municipality and every department thereof. When an expenditure within any department, other than the compensation of persons employed therein, exceeds the amount set forth in Ohio Revised Code Section 731.14, or any successor statute thereto, such expenditures shall first be authorized and directed by ordinance of Council. When so authorized and directed, the Manager shall make a written contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder after advertisement in the manner provided by general law or ordinance.
(11-2-71; 11-2-82; 11-7-00)