Council shall, at the time of organizing and every two years (2 yrs.) thereafter, elect one (1) of its members who shall have the title of Vice-Mayor.
   The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of Council and shall have a voice and a vote in its proceedings, but no veto. Except as the same are otherwise disposed of or provided for herein, he shall exercise all the powers and discharge all the duties imposed upon mayors of municipalities by the general laws of the State of Ohio, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, but nothing herein provided shall be construed as conferring upon him any administrative functions herein conferred upon other officers. Upon the written request of the Mayor to a director or department head, said director or department head shall furnish such information requested, in writing, and a copy of such information shall be forwarded to the City Manager. The Mayor shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed or elected boards or commissions and shall serve on such boards and commissions in an advisory capacity without a vote.
   The Mayor shall be recognized as the official head of the Municipality for all ceremonial purposes. In time of public danger or emergency he shall assist the City Manager-Safety Director in maintaining order and enforcing the law. In the case of the absence or incapacity of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor shall have all the powers herein conferred upon the Mayor. In the absence or incapacity of the Mayor and the Vice-Mayor, a majority of Council may appoint an acting Mayor. In the event of the death or resignation of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor shall become Mayor. If the Vice-Mayor declines to be Mayor, or is unable to serve, the Council may elect one (1) of its members Mayor. In the event the office of Vice-Mayor becomes vacant, Council shall elect one (1) of its members Vice-Mayor, no later than the next regular meeting for the unexpired term.
   In the event that a catastrophic event occurs and three (3) or less Councilpersons are able to continue to serve on the Council then, in the following order, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, the Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, the Chairman of the Board of Building Standards and Appeals, or in the absence of such a Chairman, a member of such board or commission nominated by the remaining members as acting chairman, shall become temporarily appointed as councilman-at-large until an election can be held as is otherwise set forth in this Charter.
(11-2-71; 11-2-82)