(A) The duties and powers of the Oversight Committee shall be as specified herein, and the Oversight Committee shall make rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
(B) The Oversight Committee shall meet quarterly or may be called as needed to address urgent business by the County Director of Emergency Services, Chairman of the Oversight Committee, or a majority of the Committee can request the Chairman call a special meeting.
(C) The Oversight Committee shall, from time to time, review the regulations and requirements contained herein and make recommendations to the County Emergency Services Director for presentation to the Board of Commissioners of any amendments or changes which it deems advisable.
(Ord. passed 6-2-2014; Ord. passed 9-10-2018)
(A) All members of the Oversight Committee shall have full and equal voting rights and responsibilities on matters brought before the Oversight Committee.
(B) All members must vote on all matters brought before the Oversight Committee unless excused for a specific stated conflict of interest by a majority vote of those members present.
(C) The County Emergency Services Director shall serve as liaison, a non-voting member, between the Oversight Committee and the Board of Commissioners.
(D) A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be elected each year at the September meeting of the Oversight Committee, or the first meeting held thereafter if no meeting is held in September. The County Attorney or his/her designee shall preside over the election of officers. Any voting member of the Oversight Committee is eligible to be nominated and serve as Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson. Nominations do not require a second. Members nominated shall be voted on individually in reverse order, with the last nomination being voted on first. The positions of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be filled by a majority vote of the Oversight Committee.
(E) The Oversight Committee shall not conduct business unless a quorum is present. A quorum is defined as a majority of appointed members, excluding vacant seats.
(Ord. passed 6-2-2014; Ord. passed 9-10-2018)
The duties of the Oversight Committee shall be to provide oversight of EMS activities in the county to assure that each EMS provider's equipment, personnel, method of operation, training, and skills are adequate to furnish emergency medical services to the area the provider covers. These activities shall include the following:
(A) Providing ongoing evaluation and recommendations for improvement of EMS services;
(B) Promoting public information campaigns;
(C) Promoting other activities to improve EMS services in the county;
(D) Reviewing the annual budget package for EMS providers;
(E) Reviewing the county's EMS service areas (districts) to advise the Board of Commissioners concerning restructuring and/or consolidating districts as necessary to carry out the Oversight Committee's mission of providing quality cost effective EMS services throughout the county;
(F) Advising the Emergency Services Director on matters relating to the enforcement of this chapter, and developing and recommending to the Director, for approval by the Board of Commissioners, such policies, regulations, and actions which will maintain and improve the quality of both emergency medical services and non-emergency ambulance services for the citizens of the county;
(G) Reviewing the compliance with this chapter by EMS providers and non-emergency franchisees;
(H) Reviewing compliance of measurable performance standards by all EMS providers;
(I) Reviewing compliance of measurable performance standards by all non-emergency franchisees;
(J) Reviewing reports of inspections conducted by the Emergency Services Director or his/her designee;
(K) Scheduling and conducting a hearing on application for franchise upon request by the Emergency Services Director upon receipt of a complete application for a franchise; and
(L) Supporting and encouraging non-profit providers to conduct fund raisers and utilize volunteers for cost effectiveness.
(Ord. passed 6-2-2014; Ord. passed 9-10-2018)
(A) Penalties may be imposed for violations or acts of non-compliance with any of the franchise terms of this chapter.
(B) Penalties may be imposed and collected by the County Department of Emergency Services as follows:
(1) First offense: penalty of $500;
(2) Second offense: if within one year of the first offense, penalty of $1,000;
(3) Third offense: if within one year of the second offense, penalty of $2,000; and
(4) Fourth offense: if within one year of the third offense, shall cause the Oversight Committee to recommend to the Board of Commissioners the permanent termination of the franchise.
(C) Penalties for any offense may include monetary penalties, suspension, probation, and/or termination of the franchise if approved by the Oversight Committee and the Board of Commissioners.
(Ord. passed 6-2-2014; Ord. passed 9-10-2018)