   Council shall ordinarily hold its regular meetings at the Council Chamber, City Hall, at 7:00 p.m. the first and third Mondays of each month. In recognition of various holidays observed by residents of the City and holidays established by Federal and/or State law Council may change the regular meeting date or adjourn to an alternative date where the regular meeting date conflicts with such holidays. Where it is doubtful that a quorum will be present, the Council may adjourn to an alternative meeting date.
(Ord. 1998-33. Passed 1-20-98.)
   The Mayor or any four members of Council may call a special meeting upon the giving of at least twelve hours' notice to each member served personally or left at his usual place of residence.
(Ord. 1965-111. Passed 10-4-65.)
   (a)    At any time following the election of the Council President pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the Charter, Council may elect a Council Vice President who, in the event the Council President is absent from the municipality or is for any reason unable to perform his/her duties as Council President, shall act in the place of the Council President.
   (b)    In the event of the Mayor's temporary absence or inability to perform the duties of the office of Mayor at a time during which the Council President is for any reason unable to perform his/her duties as Council President, the Council Vice President shall become acting Mayor in the same manner as the Council President under Article IV, Section 3 of the Charter for such period.
   (c)    In the event of the Mayor's death, resignation, removal or disqualification at a time during which the Council President is for any reason unable to perform his/her duties as Council President, the Council Vice President shall become acting Mayor in the same manner as the Council President under Article IV, Section 3 of the Charter; provided, however that such service as acting Mayor shall terminate if, within fifteen (15) days after the vacancy in the office of Mayor occurs, the Council President becomes capable of performing the duties of Council President. If the Council President does not become capable of performing his/her duties within 15 days of the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of Mayor, then the Council Vice President shall continue as acting Mayor until Council meets and elects one of its members to be Mayor, such election to occur within thirty (30) days of the vacancy. No Council member shall be so elected without the Council member' s consent.
(Ord. 2012-180. Passed 12-3-12.)
   The form of all ordinances and resolutions shall be as follows: "Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Beachwood, State of Ohio." Legislative action of Council shall be by ordinance and resolution, with the vote taken by yeas and nays and entered upon the Journal, except this shall not apply to the ordering of an election or direction of Council to any officer or board to furnish Council with information as to the affairs of any department or office. No ordinance or resolution, except a general appropriation ordinance, shall contain more than one subject which shall be clearly stated in the title. All ordinances except emergency ordinances shall be read in full at three separate meetings of Council before passage.
   Resolutions and emergency ordinances shall, before passage, be read by title only at three separate meetings of Council, provided that this requirement may be dispensed with by the affirmative vote of five members of Council and provided, further, that such resolution or ordinance shall be read in full when so requested by any member of Council.
   The affirmative vote of at least four members of Council shall be required for the passage of every ordinance or resolution unless a greater number be required by the Charter or by Ohio R.C. 727.12 relating to the passage of a resolution declaring the necessity of an improvement to be paid for in whole or in part by special assessment.
(Ord. 1965-111. Passed 10-4-65.)
   All ordinances, resolutions, statements, orders, proclamations and reports required by law or by ordinance to be published or posted shall be posted in one place only, namely the City Hall, for a period of not less than fifteen days.
(Ord. 1965-111. Passed 10-4-65.)
   Each measure of a general nature hereafter adopted, other than an ordinance of general application limited to a single occasion, wherever practicable, shall be of a form re-enacting, revising, supplementing or amending an appropriate title, chapter or section of these Codified Ordinances. Such ordinance when so adopted shall become part of these Codified Ordinances as though included in its original enactment, and shall constitute a repealer of any previous section or sections intended to be repealed thereby. The provisions of this section and Section 121.06 are directory and failure of Council to comply therewith shall not affect the validity of any such ordinance.
(1964 Code Section 21.04.)