(a) (1) Unless specifically waived by Council, contracts for the expenditure of more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) shall be awarded pursuant to competitive bidding. The advertising for bids shall be made by a motion of Council directing the Clerk to advertise for not less than two weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. The Clerk shall be solely responsible for receipt and opening of all City bids. The award of a contract accepting a bid shall be made by ordinance of Council directing the Mayor and Finance Director to enter into an appropriate contract.
(2) If an ordinance directing the Mayor and Finance Director to enter into an appropriate contract with a successful bidder is approved by Council in accordance with the procedure outlined above in (a)(i) of this section, and such contract is in fact executed by the City, and if, during the performance of an awarded contract it should become apparent that a change order or alteration is necessary to the original contract, in an amount in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), such change order or alteration must first be authorized by Council. The need for the change order or alteration shall be presented to Council by ordinance. If the change order or alteration to an existing contract is fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or less, the Mayor is authorized to enter into such supplemental agreement without Council's authorization. Such amounts shall be cumulative and shall not be offset by non-performed items or other credits.
(b) Contracts for expenditures of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more, but less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) are not required to be subject to competitive bidding, but may be awarded, upon the recommendation of the Mayor and/or Department Director, by ordinance of Council directing the Mayor and Finance Director to enter into an appropriate contract.
(c) Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 125.04, the City may also participate in the cooperative purchasing program through the State Department of Administrative Services, pursuant to such terms and conditions as the State prescribes without advertising further for competitive bids. Pursuant to the provisions of Ohio R.C. 125.04(C), the City may also purchase supplies or services available through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program from another party, if such supplies or services can be obtained upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price, than such supplies or services can be obtained through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program, without following any competitive selection procedures otherwise required by law. The Finance Department shall maintain sufficient information regarding a purchase made pursuant to this authorization to verify that the City satisfied the conditions for making such purchase without competitive bidding.
(1) Blanket Purchase Orders. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.41(D), the Finance Director is hereby authorized to issue blanket purchase orders in an amount not to exceed fourteen thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($14,999.99) per line item, provided that the blanket purchase orders cannot extend beyond the fiscal year-end, although they may remain open after year-end to pay for obligations incurred prior to year end. The total amount of blanket purchase orders issued for the year against a particular line item appropriation may exceed fourteen thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($14,999.99), provided that adequate funds were appropriated, and no more than fourteen thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($14,999.99) was spent with any one vendor, unless approved by Council, or purchases are being made under the cooperative purchasing program through the State Department of Administrative Services, or at a price lower than the pricing offered through the state program.
(d) (1) The City may participate in contracts authorized by Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program, the National Association of State Procurement Officials (“NASPO”) cooperative purchasing program, the General Services Administration (“GSA”) cooperative purchasing program, and other State of Ohio cooperative purchasing programs in order for the City to purchase equipment, materials, supplies and other articles that have been competitively bid in accordance with participating cooperative purchasing programs.
(2) The Mayor is authorized to agree, in the name of the City, to be bound by all terms and conditions that the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program, the National Association of State Procurement Officials (“NASPO”) cooperative purchasing program, the General Services Administration (“GSA”) cooperative purchasing program, and other State of Ohio cooperative purchasing programs prescribes.
(3) The Mayor is authorized to agree, in the name of the City, to directly pay any vendor, under contract with the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program, the National Association of State Procurement Officials (“NASPO”) cooperative purchasing program, the General Services Administration (“GSA”) cooperative purchasing program, and other State of Ohio cooperative purchasing programs in which the City participates, for those items that the City receives pursuant to the contract.
(Ord. 2019-124. Passed 11-4-19.)
The Mayor is authorized to employ expert consultants to advise and assist the City officials and employees with respect to municipal problems on such terms and conditions as he shall see fit provided compensation for such services is fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or less.
Upon a motion duly adopted by a majority of the members of Council for services in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), it shall direct and authorize the Mayor to employ expert consultants to advise and assist the City officials and employees with respect to municipal problems on such terms and conditions as are prescribed in such motion.
(Ord. 1999-29. Passed 2-1-99.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 121.105 was repealed by Ordinance 2016-57.)
Upon a motion duly adopted by a majority of the members of Council, it may determine to print, publish and distribute financial reports and such other reports of general interest at municipal expense, upon such times and terms as are prescribed in such motion. Such reports shall be factual only and shall not express an opinion or promote any person, position, group of persons or any idea, theory or viewpoint of a political nature.
(Ord. 1965-111. Passed 10-4-65.)
At the organizational meeting required by Article III, Section 2 of the Charter, or as soon thereafter as may be convenient, Council shall appoint a Clerk of Council and Assistant Clerks of Council to serve until the next organizational meeting, unless such appointment is terminated by Council at an earlier date. The responsibilities of the Clerk shall be those set forth in the Charter or in the laws of the City or of the State. In the absence or unavailability of the Clerk, the Assistant Clerks shall have the same authority and responsibility as the Clerk and shall act under the direction and control of the Clerk.
(Ord. 2004-2. Passed 1-5-04.)
The Clerk of Council may schedule secretarial assistants to attend meetings of governmental bodies and record the minutes. The Clerk shall approve the minutes of every meeting. (Ord. 1986-121. Passed 11-17-86.)
The standing committees of Council shall be as follows:
Audit Committee: Council shall appoint one member of the residential or business community.
Buildings and Grounds
Economic Development
Finance and Insurance
Intergovernmental Relations
Legal and Personnel
Planning and Zoning
Public Works
Recreation and Community Services
Residential Housing: Council shall appoint one member who is a resident homeowner
Safety and Public Health
Storm Water Commission
The President of Council shall appoint all chairpersons and members of said committees in accordance with Article III, Section 2 of the Charter, with the exception of Council’s representatives to the Planning and Zoning Commission who shall be elected at each organizational meeting of Council. The President of Council shall be an ex officio member of all committees.
(Ord. 2018-39. Passed 2-5-18.)