Sec. 3. Vacancy.
   1.   In the event of the Mayor's temporary absence or inability for any cause to perform the duties of the office, the Council President, or if necessary, the Council Vice President, shall become the acting Mayor and have all of the powers and duties of the Mayor for such period, but not the power of veto, and shall continue to have all the powers and duties of the Council President or Council Vice President, and of a Councilmember. 
   2.   In the event of the Mayor's death, resignation, removal or disqualification, the unexpired terms shall be filled as follows:
      (A)   The Council President shall immediately become acting Mayor, with the same power and duties as provided in Article IV of this Charter to serve as follows:
         1)   If twenty-four (24) months or more remain of the Mayor's term, then the Council President shall serve as acting Mayor until a new Mayor is elected at a special election to be held within one hundred (100) days after the vacancy occurs. The petition filing deadline for each candidate shall be sixty (60) days prior to the election.  During such tenure, the acting Mayor is permitted to conduct the business of the City on a part-time basis in order to maintain any prior or current full-time employment.
         2)   If less than twenty-four (24) months remain of the Mayor's term, then the Council President shall become Mayor if the Council President accepts the office within fifteen (15) days after the vacancy occurs at a Regular or Special Council meeting  or in writing to Council. During such tenure, the Council President who becomes Mayor shall use their best efforts to conduct the business of the City on a full-time basis. 
         3)   If within said fifteen (15) days the Council President declines the office of Mayor at a Regular or Special  Council meeting of Council or in writing to Council, then the Council President shall continue as acting Mayor.  If the Council President declines the office of the Mayor, the Council Vice President shall become Mayor if the Council Vice President accepts the office within fifteen (15) days after the Council President declines the office, at a Regular or Special Council meeting or in writing to Council. If within said fifteen (15) days the Council Vice President declines the office of Mayor at a Regular or Special Council meeting or in writing to Council, then the Council President shall continue as acting Mayor  until Council meets and elects one of its members to be Mayor.  Such election shall occur within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of notice that the Council President declines the Mayor's office.  No Councilmember shall be so elected without the Councilmember's consent.
         4)   The acting Mayor shall have no veto power during any tenure served under subsection 1 or 3, hereof.
      (B)   If the Council President accepts the office of Mayor, then (1) the Council President's office as Councilmember and as Council President shall be vacant and filled in accordance with this Charter and (2) the Council President shall become Mayor with all the powers and duties as provided in Article IV.