Video Service Authorizations
933.01   Short title.
933.02   Definitions.
933.03   VSP fee.
933.04   VSP fee notice provision.
933.05   VSP access provision.
933.06   Access programming requirements.
933.07   Fee payment requirements.
933.08   PEG origination points.
933.09   Notice requirement.
933.10   Application to incumbent cable providers.
933.99   Penalty.
   933.01  SHORT TITLE.
   This Chapter shall be known and may be cited as "Video Service Authorizations."
(Ord. 2007-163.  Passed 12-3-07.)
   933.02  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this Chapter the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, words in the singular number include the plural number, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders whenever the sense requires. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. Words not defined shall be given their common and ordinary meaning.
   (a)   “Incumbent Cable Provider” means any person who on the effective date of this Section is the holder of a cable franchise agreement with the City as granted pursuant to requirements of 47 U.S.C. 541.
   (b)   “PEG” means activities or actions performed for the benefit of public, educational and government video programming by the City or any other community or educational access programming entity or affiliate.
   (c)   “Video Service” means the service defined in Ohio R.C. Section 1332.21(J).
   (d)   “Video Service Authorization or VSA” means the authorization granted to a video service provider in accordance with the requirements of Ohio R.C. Sections 1332.21 to 1332.34 et seq.
   (e)   “Video Service Provider Fee” or “VSP Fee” means the fee paid by a VSP in accordance with the requirements of Ohio R.C Section 1332.32.
   (f)   “Video Service Provider” or “VSP” means a person, firm, or corporation granted a video service authorization under Ohio R.C. Sections 1332.21 to 1332.34 et seq.
      (Ord. 2007-163.  Passed 12-3-07.)
   933.03 VSP FEE.
   In accordance with the requirements of Ohio R.C. Section 1332.32, all VSPs providing video service in the City pursuant to a VSA obtained from the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce shall pay a VSP Fee in the amount of three percent (3%) of gross revenues received from providing Video Service in the City, which gross revenue base shall include advertising revenues as defined by Ohio R.C. Section 1332.32(B)(2)(g). The VSP Fee shall be paid quarterly, not later than sixty (60) days after the end of each calendar quarter.
(Ord. 2007-163.  Passed 12-3-07.)