923.01   Definitions.
923.02   Authority of Director of Public Works.
923.03   Permit required for handling trees in public places.
923.04   Placing harmful substances near  trees.
923.05   Placing stone or concrete near  trees.
923.06   Care of trees during building  operations.
923.07   Moving trees.
923.08   Trimming trees on public property.
923.09   Removal of trees on public property.
923.10   Trimming trees on private property.
923.11   Removal of trees on private property.
923.12   Interfering with work of Director  or assistants.
923.13   Master Street Tree Plan.
923.14   Dutch elm disease.
923.99   Penalty.
      Assessments for tree planting or maintenance - see Ohio R.C.
      Injury and destruction of trees and growing products - see
         GEN. OFF. 642.06
      Weeds - see GEN..OFF. 660.16
      Tree roots obstructing sewers - see GEN. OFF. 660.20(e)