923.01 Definitions.
923.02 Authority of Director of Public Works.
923.03 Permit required for handling trees in public places.
923.04 Placing harmful substances near trees.
923.05 Placing stone or concrete near trees.
923.06 Care of trees during building operations.
923.07 Moving trees.
923.08 Trimming trees on public property.
923.09 Removal of trees on public property.
923.10 Trimming trees on private property.
923.11 Removal of trees on private property.
923.12 Interfering with work of Director or assistants.
923.13 Master Street Tree Plan.
923.14 Dutch elm disease.
923.99 Penalty.
Assessments for tree planting or maintenance - see Ohio R.C.
Injury and destruction of trees and growing products - see
GEN. OFF. 642.06
Weeds - see GEN..OFF. 660.16
Tree roots obstructing sewers - see GEN. OFF. 660.20(e)
For the purposes of this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows:
(a) "Arboriculture" or "tree preservation" means and includes the treating, spraying, pruning, maintaining and any other care or work intended for the strengthening of trees and the removal and prevention of tree pests, blights and diseases of any and all kinds.
(b) "Owner" means the owner or owners of the premises, including the holder of title thereto subject to contract or purchase, a vendee in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a lessee or joint lessees of the whole thereof, or an agent or any other person, firm, corporation or fiduciary directly in control of the premises.
(c) "Private property" means all property not included in the definition of "public property", including, but not limited to, vacant land or any land, building or other structure designed or used for residential, commercial, business, industrial, institutional or religious purposes.
(d) "Public place" means any public street, public highway, public park or any property owned or held by the City within the boundaries of the City.
(e) "Public property" means all property owned, operated or controlled by any government agency, including but not limited to streets, sidewalks, tree lawns, parks, playgrounds, parking lots, schools, libraries, post offices, municipal transit facilities and all other public lands and buildings.
(f) "Director of Public Works" or "Director" means the Director of the Department of Public Works.
(g) "Tree" means any tree.
(1964 Code 51.01; Ord. 1965-130. Passed 12-20-65.)
The Director of Public Works is hereby given full jurisdiction, authority, control, supervision and direction of all trees which now or which may hereafter exist upon any public place in this City. The Director is also given full jurisdiction, authority and control in connection with the issuance of permits hereinafter provided for. In the exercise of any or all of the powers herein granted, the Director shall have the authority to delegate all or such part of his power and duties with respect to supervision and control of trees to his subordinates and assistants in the employ of the City as he may from time to time determine. (1964 Code §51.02)