Use of City Hall Facilities
927.01   Statement of policy.
927.02   Procedures and practices.
927.03   Review and appeal.
      Vending machines - see ADM. 131.05
      Alcoholic beverages - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 612
      Illegal drugs - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 624
      Disorderly conduct - see GEN. OFF. 648.04
      Disturbing meetings - see GEN. OFF. 648.05
   (a)   Recognizing that the City Hall and its grounds belong to the community, Council encourages the use of certain of the City's facilities by and for the benefit of residents, but such use shall not interfere in any Municipal operation of the community.
   (b)   The Council Chambers, Caucus Room, Conference Rooms, offices and all other administrative areas of City Hall are reserved for use exclusively by city officials, boards, employees, agents and representative for City business.
(Ord. 2015-70.  Passed 5-18-15.)
   (a)   Approval; Fee; Deposit.
      (1)   Without Charge.  The Community Services Director is authorized to approve the use of available rooms in the Community Center, without charge, by community groups as set forth herein. The community groups and activities authorized to use the Community Center without charge as provided in this chapter are as follows:
         A.    City of Beachwood sponsored activities;
         B.    Beachwood Board of Education activities;
         C.    Beachwood Arts Council;
      D.   Beachwood Chamber of Commerce;
         E.   Government Entities;
         F.   Homeowner Association.
Any special requests (those outside of a standard meeting) may be subject to additional charges as determined by the Community Services Director and/or the Mayor.
      (2)   Without a Room Rental Fee During Regular Hours.  The Community Services Director is authorized to approve the use of available rooms in the Community Center, without a room rental charge, by community groups as set forth herein.  The community groups and activities authorized to use the Community Center without a room rental charge during regular hours as provided herein are as follows:
         A.    Civic or community groups with a majority of Beachwood residents or an office within the City limits;
         B.    Non-Profit/Charitable organizations which have an office in Beachwood or provide services to a significant number of Beachwood residents.
      (3)   With a Rental Fee.  The Community Services Director is authorized to approve the rental of available rooms in the Community Center as set forth herein. The Community Center is available for rental to:
         A.    Beachwood residents;
         B.    Businesses/commercial institutions whose offices are located in Beachwood; and
         C.    Civic or community groups with a majority of Beachwood residents or an office within the City limits during extended hours;
         D.    Non-Profit/Charitable organizations which have an office in Beachwood or provide services to a significant number of Beachwood residents during extended hours.
      (4)   Discretionary Fees. If the event involves the sale of goods, services or tickets (other than tickets to cover the direct costs of the event such as refreshments), the group shall pay an hourly rate determined by the Community Services Director, to cover the cost to the City of making the Community Center available for the event.
   (b)   Approving Requests and Resolving Conflicting Requests.
      (1)   A formal application shall be filed with the Community Services Director at least thirty (30) days and not more than six (6) months before the requested use of the Center. Exceptions to this rule may be approved by the Community Services Director when special circumstances apply, if such scheduling does not interfere with the policies contained in this Chapter or with approved scheduling commitments already made by the City.
      (2)   The Mayor and/or Council reserves the right to cancel and/or re-schedule use of the Community Center if a City function requires its use.
   (c)   Special Conditions.
      (1)   Applicants for the use of the Community Center shall pay for or furnish any special supervisors needed, i.e., police protection, parking supervisors, etc., as determined by the Community Services Director or the Police Chief and approved by the Mayor.
      (2)   Applicants shall be responsible for any damage to the City property and for supervision of the use of the Community Center. The Community Services Director may charge for janitorial services if extra clean-up costs have been incurred over and above those which might normally be expected, at the rate of per employee hour for such extra services.
      (3)   Except for the groups listed in subsection (a)(1) above, no groups or individuals may reserve space more than once per calendar quarter.
      (4)   Campaign events or other political events associated with an individual running for office are not permitted.
      (5)   The sale, soliciting or advertising for sale of merchandise, circulars, tickets, prizes, rewards or other monetary rewards, or the collection of money or goods by any for profit entity shall not be permitted in the Community Center.
      (6)   Under no conditions may alcoholic beverages, smoking or illegal drugs be used in connection with any function held in or on any City building or on City grounds, nor shall guns or weapons of any type be permitted inside any City building or on City grounds.
      (7)   All persons attending events in the Community Center shall:
         A.   Conduct themselves in an orderly manner;
         B.   Be respectful of the rights of others;
         C.   Protect City property from damage;
         D.   Children shall not run or “rough house” in rented or common areas; and
         E.   Follow the orders of any authorized official regarding the use and occupancy of City property. Occupancy may not exceed the stated room limits.
   (d)   Applications.  Application forms for use of the Community Center may be obtained from the Community Services Director. An approved application is only valid for the applicant; and is not transferable. Applicants must be 21 years of age or older and must be present at the function. Applicant(s) are responsible for the enforcement of all rental policies. The Community Services Director shall keep a calendar of approved uses of the Community Center.
   (e)   Cancellation Policy.
      (1)   To receive a full refund (including security deposit), applicant(s) must cancel the event at least thirty (30) days in advance.
      (2)   There will be a 15% handling fee applied to cancellations which are less than thirty (30) days but more than seven (7) days prior to said event.
      (3)   There will be no refund for events cancelled less than seven (7) days prior to said event.
   (f)   Rental Fee; Schedule
      (1)   Rental fees shall be established by Council; as said fees may be modified from time to time.
      (2)   Payment for room rental, security deposit, and any other fees associated with room usage (examples include, but are not limited to, coffee service, police security or parking lot attendant) is required at time of booking.
   (g)   Rules Governing Usage and Rental of Community Center Space.  Additional rules for the use of the Community Center may be promulgated by the Mayor and/or the Community Services Director.
(Ord. 2010-116.  Passed 8-16-10.)
   (h)   Room Rental.
      (1)    Basic rental includes a specified room/space, set up of table and chairs and  a sound system (volume is controlled by City staff).
      (2)    Rental also includes usage of one kitchen, including use of sinks, countertops, ice machine, and refrigerator.
      (3)    Kitchen rental shall be based on availability and only one rental group may use the kitchen at a time.
      (4)    Rental does not include food/beverage services.
      (5)    No common areas (lobby or patio) are rentable.
      (6)    The entitles and organizations listed in Section 927.02(a)(1) hereof of the Beachwood Codified Ordinances shall be permitted to use available rooms in the Community Center without charge during regular or extended hours.  Other Civic Organizations, Community Groups, or Non-Profit/Charitable Organizations with a majority of Beachwood residents, an office within the City limits or which provides services to a significant number of Beachwood residents, may rent space without charge during regular hours and may rent space during extended hours at 50% off the extended hour rate noted below.
      (7)    The fee schedule for use of specific rooms in the Community Center is as set forth below.
(tables/ chairs)
$ 90/hour
$50 extra
$ 90/hour
$50 extra
$75 extra
$ 50/hour
$ 60/hour
$30 extra
$ 50/hour
$ 60/hour
$30 extra
$ 75/hour
$ 85/hour
$50 extra
$ 30/hour
$ 45/hour
$20 extra
$ 30/hour
$ 45/hour
$20 extra
$ 60/hour
$ 60/hour
$30 extra
*All 4 Spaces
$75 extra
**    Extended Hours are before 9:00 A.M. and after 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.
   (i)   Security Deposit, Police Security/Parking Attendants and Other Fees.
      (1)    A security deposit of two hundred dollars ($200.00) is due at the time of booking. The cost of repairing any damage to the facility or its contents shall be charged directly to the permit holder in occupancy at the time of the damage. Such cost may be charged against the security deposit, but the permit holder's financial responsibility is not limited to the deposit. Any cost over and above the security deposit shall be the responsibility of the permit holder. Any remaining deposit will be refunded within thirty (30) days after the event.
      (2)    A police security/parking attendant fee may be assessed for special events depending on the nature of the event, attendance levels etc. If it is determined that a police security /parking attendant is necessary, the fee shall be paid at the time of booking.
      (3)    Coffee/Hot Tea Service may be provided for one dollar ($1.00) per person extra/minimum charge of thirteen dollars ($13.00). Ice is complimentary.
   (j)   The Community Services Director, with the approval of the Mayor or his designee, has the discretion to adjust the above rates under special circumstances.
(Ord. 2010-117.  Passed 6-16-09.)