   Every location for a helistop shall be within 500 feet of a City boundary line. The approach path to a landing location shall be, insofar as possible, over open land, designed so as not to endanger surrounding property, on a plan to be approved. No helistop shall be permitted within 500 feet of residential zoning or residence use.
   No approach path shall be used and no helicopter shall be flown at an elevation of less than 500 feet over a residence building, school or other public building, or closer than 200 feet to any other building, structure, tree or public highways, except for the purpose of landing or taking off from an approved helistop.
   No fueling, repairing or maintenance of helicopters shall be performed at such helistop, except in case of emergency, and no fuel shall be stored. (Ord. 1972-143. Passed 12-18-72.)
   Every rooftop or platform helistop shall be constructed of noncombustible material having a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours, supported by a building or structure of equivalent fire resistance rating. Openings in the roof or platform shall not be permitted in the immediate landing area. At least two approved means of egress, remote from each other shall be provided from each rooftop landing area. Each means of egress shall be by enclosed stairways at least equal in fire resistance rating to that required by the Building Code for the specific occupancy of the building.
   Fire extinguishing systems consisting of dry mechanical portable extinguishers, building standpipe systems or other sources of water supply, and at least two hose stations remote from each other, shall be provided subject to detailed specifications prescribed by the Fire Chief.
(Ord. 1972-143. Passed 12-18-72.)
   Every person, firm or corporation intending to establish and use a helistop within the City shall first submit plans for approval to the Safety Director, consisting of the following:
   (a)   A statement as to the intended use of the helistop, whether public or private, commercial or otherwise, the identity and financial responsibility of the management, frequency of flights, size, type and manufacture of equipment intended to be used, and hours of operation.
   (b)    A plan of the proposed site showing dimensions of the entire usable areas, dimensions of actual landing and take-off areas, all obstructions within 1, 000 feet of the helistop indicating their heights, and drawings of flight and approach paths within 1,000 feet of the helistop, and lighting, access and drainage plans.
   (c)    A report by a professional engineer approved by the Inspector of Buildings showing that the roof structure or platform is designed to support concentrated loads on any one square foot equivalent to three-fourths gross weight of the largest helicopter to be accommodated, assuming that the load is concentrated only at the points of contact under each main landing gear.
      (Ord. 1972-143. Passed 12-18-72.)
   No approval of plans and operation shall be given for such proposed helistop unless the Safety Director is satisfied that all provisions of this chapter and other provisions of the Codified Ordinances will be complied with, that the public safety will be protected, and that the use and enjoyment of neighboring property will not be adversely affected.
   Every such approval shall be subject to:
   (a)   Continuing compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations.
   (b)    The prohibition of smoking within the helistop area.
   (c)    The right and authority of the Safety Director to cancel such approval and prohibit the use of such helistop upon noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter, or F.A.A. regulations, or for any other reasonable cause or ground, based upon the protection of the public safety, health or welfare. Cancellation of a permit or failure to issue a permit shall be subject to the right of appeal and public hearing before Council, such appeal to Council to be within sixty days of notice of refusal or cancellation. (Ord. 1972-143. Passed 12-18-72.)
   (a)   No person shall operate a helicopter in or over any part of the City who does not have an F.A.A. operator's certificate, and who has not logged more than 200 hours of helicopter operation time according to a log book indicating number of hours, available for inspection of the Safety Director or his representatives, at any time. Landing or taking off of helicopters by training pilots or student operators is prohibited.
   (b)   Helistops may not be used for any purpose other than to pick up or discharge passengers or cargo. No maintenance, fueling, parking or storage of helicopters will be permitted within the City limits. (Ord. 1972-143. Passed 12-18-73.)
   727.08  EMERGENCIES.
   Helicopter pilots may deviate from the provisions of this chapter in the event of an emergency. A full statement of the reasons for such deviations shall be submitted in writing to the Safety Director within twenty-four hours after such deviation. Deviations from the provisions of this chapter without cause and any act or omission which affects the safety or protection of persons and property will be considered violations. (Ord. 1972-143. Passed 12-18-72. )
   727.99  PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 101.99 for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)