A. Election Of Officers: Such Directors shall, immediately after appointment, meet and organize by the election of a president, secretary, and treasurer from their number.
B. Powers And Duties:
1. Adopt Bylaws, Rules And Regulations: The Directors shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations, for their own guidance and for the government of the library and reading room, as may be expedient and not inconsistent with this Chapter.
2. Control Of Expenditures; Care Of Building And Grounds: They shall have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all monies collected to the credit of the Library Fund, and of the construction or leasing of any library building or addition thereto, and for the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, room or buildings constructed, leased or set apart for that purpose.
3. Purchase Or Lease Grounds And Buildings: Said Board shall have the power to purchase or lease grounds, to occupy, lease or erect an appropriate building or buildings, for the use of said library, or to purchase or lease the library buildings or other property of any existing library association for such time and upon such condition as may appear equitable and shall be agreed upon with the directors of such existing library association.
4. Appoint Librarian And Assistants: The Directors shall also have the power to appoint a suitable librarian and necessary assistants and fix their compensation, and shall also have power to remove such appointees.
5. General Powers And Duties; Establish Rules And Regulations: The Directors shall, in general, carry out the spirit and intent of this Chapter and Section 7-7-1 of this Code in establishing and maintaining a public library and reading room. Said Board may make all reasonable rules and regulations in order to render the use of said library and reading room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and the Board may exclude from the use of said library and reading room any and all persons who shall wilfully violate such rules. The Board may extend the privileges and use of such library to persons residing out of the City in the State, and upon such terms and conditions as said Board may from time to time by its regulations prescribe. (1944 Code § 301)