1351.07 FEE.
   (a)   Replacement of existing trailer, ten dollars ($10.00).
   (b)   New trailer (no previous trailer), same rate as building permit/Ordinance 1908. (Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)
1351.08 VARIANCE.
   A variance of the age requirement of house trailers and mobile homes may be granted by the Planning Commission upon proper application by the owner of a house trailer or mobile home. Such application shall be considered in the following manner:
   (a)   An owner of a house trailer or mobile home who desires that a variance be granted shall request a variance addressed to the Chairman of the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Upon receipt of such written request for variance, the Planning Commission shall consider within thirty days such request and report its recommendations to Council at its next regular meeting.
   (c)   In determining whether a variance shall be allowed, the following matters shall be considered:
      (1)   Whether the subject house trailer or mobile home is being used or could be used in any manner so as to create any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable element or condition, which would adversely affect the surrounding area or adjoining premises.
      (2)   Whether the granting of a variance would substantially alter or injure the character of the neighborhood in which the house trailer or mobile home is located or will be located.
      (3)   Whether the physical condition and appearance of the subject house trailer or mobile home is such that to grant a variance would achieve substantial justice and service the spirit of the age requirement for house trailer and mobile homes.
      (4)   Whether denial of a variance would work an undue and unreasonable economic hardship upon the owner of the subject house trailer or mobile home. (Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)
   An owner of a house trailer, mobile home or recreational vehicle shall be responsible for compliance with the requirements for house trailers, mobile homes and recreational vehicles in the Village. (Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)
   Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to apply to house trailers, mobile homes, manufactured homes or recreational vehicles located within a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park licensed pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 3733.
(Ord. 3543. Passed 1-16-12.)