1351.01   Definitions.
1351.02   General restriction.
1351.03   Parking prohibited outside park.
1351.04   Existing nonconforming parking; Village Planning Commission.
1351.05   Trailer and site requirements.
1351.06   Permit issuance.
1351.07   Fee.
1351.08   Variance.
1351.09   Owner's responsibility.
1351.10   Exemptions.
Off-street parking facilities - see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
Trailer parks - see Ohio R.C. Chapter 3733
House trailer defined - see Ohio R.C. 4501.01(I)
State license plate fee - see Ohio R.C. 4503.06 et seq.
Tax levy on house trailers - see Ohio R.C. 4503.06 et seq.
Register; information open to inspection - see Ohio R.C 4503.062
   (a)   As used in this chapter and the Codified Ordinances, except as otherwise provided, the terms "house trailer" or "mobile home" mean any non-self propelled vehicle or unit so designed, constructed, reconstructed, or added to by means of accessories in such manner as will permit the use and occupancy thereof for human habitation, on a regular or temporary basis, when connected to indicated utilities, whether resting on wheels, jacks or other temporary foundations and used or so constructed as to permit its being conveyed upon the public streets, roads or highways. Standard manufacturer's reference to "house trailer" or "mobile home" shall be considered prima-facie evidence.
   (b)   "Motorized home", for purposes of this chapter, means a self-propelled vehicle.
   (c)   "Pick-up camper", "travel trailer" and "folding tent trailer" are vehicles of a portable nature built on a chassis, and not exceeding an overall length of forty feet on a chassis designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation use.
   (d)   "Owner" includes any person, firm or corporation other than a manufacturer or dealer having title to the house trailer or mobile home.
(Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)
   No owner, agent or any other person, firm or corporation shall park any house trailer, mobile home, travel trailer, pick-up camper, motorized home or folding tent trailer or similar type vehicle or structure on any tract of land owned by any person, firm or corporation, occupied or unoccupied, within the Village except as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)
   No person shall park or occupy any house trailer or mobile home on the premises of any occupied dwelling or on any lot which is not a part of the premises of any occupied dwelling, either of which is situated outside of a mobile home park approved under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3733, except that the parking of only one unoccupied travel trailer, pick-up camper, motorized home or folding tent trailer or similar type vehicle in an accessory private garage building or in a rear yard in any district or lot is permitted if no living quarters are maintained or any business practiced in such vehicles while such travel trailer, pick-up camper, motorized home or folding tent trailer is so parked or stored.
(Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)
   Nothing contained in this chapter shall in any way effect any house trailer or mobile home now parked or used by any person for such purposes prior to the effective date of this section insofar as such uses were in compliance with the ordinances and laws of the Village at the time of the effective date of this section. Should any such trailer within the Village limits be moved or removed it shall be lawful to return or replace such trailer on the same lot or location from which the trailer had been moved or removed by the same owner, if that application is applied for with the Village Planning Commission within a thirty day period from the time the trailer was removed and upon satisfactory proof that a replacement trailer is on order, the same may be replaced within an additional ninety days. The replacement trailer need not be the identical trailer which was moved or removed, but the replacement trailer must be approved by the Village Planning Commission, as set forth by the terms. Vehicles as defined in Section 1351.01(b) and (c) are not to be used as living quarters beyond fifteen days.
(Ord. 1917. Passed 12-20-93.)