Nursing homes and rest homes, as licensed by the state, shall meet the following requirements.
(A) Sprinkler system and fire alarm system. The emergency alarm reporting system shall be connected to a third party alarm monitoring system. Each licensed address shall require a separate third party alarm monitoring system. The city municipal fire alarm system shall be considered as a third party monitoring system as long as it remains in operation.
(1) All nursing homes and rest homes shall be equipped with a conforming sprinkler system throughout these buildings occupied in whole or in part by the patients or patrons. The type of system employed, the manner in which it is installed and the maintenance of the system shall be in conformity with the recommendations of the American Insurance Association.
(2) (a) All nursing homes and rest homes shall be equipped with an approved emergency alarm reporting system. The system shall consist of the following:
1. Approved manually operated alarm reporting devices located near each station of the key personnel;
2. A water flow alarm reporting device interconnected with the required sprinkler system; and
3. Sufficient approved alarm sounding bells, horns or other audible devices, so located as to be clearly audible throughout the patient and personnel areas.
(b) Installation, maintenance, proper repair and testing of the connection shall be at the expense of, and shall be the responsibility of, the nursing home and rest home operators.
(B) Fire extinguishers.
(1) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in conformity with the following schedule:
(a) In each story, cellar and basement, in the proportion of not less than one extinguisher to each 1,250 square feet of floor area, so that there will be not more than 50 feet of travel distance between extinguishers;
(b) One at or near each end of each indoor place of assembly;
(c) One in each kitchen;
(d) One in each shop;
(e) One in each heater room, except that for small heater rooms the extinguisher may be placed outside and near a doorway to the heater room; and
(f) One at every location where a special fire hazard necessitates the availability of an extinguisher.
(2) The size and number of the extinguishers shall be as conditions dictate; except that, the types provided shall be not less effective than the following:
(a) For general use, where water would be the prime extinguishant, an extinguisher of not less than two and one-half gallons capacity, water-type, with an Underwriters’ Laboratory Classification of “2-A”;
(b) For shops, kitchens and heater rooms, an extinguisher of not less than two and one-half gallons capacity, foam-type, with an Underwriters’ Laboratory Classification of “2-A, 4-B”, or a five pound carbon dioxide-type with an Underwriters’ Laboratory Classification of not less than “1-B, C”, or a dry chemical type with an Underwriters’ Laboratory Classification of not less than “4-B, C”; and
(c) For electrical and other determined special hazards, the above-noted carbon dioxide type or dry chemical types shall be installed.
(Prior Code, § 1608.01) (Ord. 117-2003, passed 9-8-2003)
Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall, for a first offense, be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than three months, or both, and for a second or subsequent offense, be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Prior Code, § 1608.99) (Ord. 36-1972, passed 2-28-1972)