(A) Inspection fees.
(1) Inspection fees:
(a) Foster care/day care (11 or less): $15;
(b) Day care facility: $25;
(c) Facility needing letter or signature: $10; and
(d) Oil and gas wells with issuance of permit: $25.
(2) All other occupancy would receive the first FPB inspection free.
(3) If violations are found and follow-up inspections are needed, a fee of $25 per inspection shall be charged to the occupant.
(4) The first follow-up inspection fee shall be waived; provided, all violations are corrected at that time.
(B) Permits/fees required by the Barberton Fire Department.
(1) Tents and air-supported structures (for purpose of public assembly, as defined in the Ohio Fire Code): $10;
(2) Fireworks exhibition: $250;
(3) Hot roof work (torch applied, hot tar and the like): $10 (BBD permit required);
(4) Explosives, use: $100;
(5) Temporary storage of explosives or fireworks: $50/day;
(6) Bonfire (greater than three hours): $5 (must have copy of Ohio EPA permit);
(7) Bowling lane/pin refinishing: $10; and
(8) Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging: $10.
(C) Exception. Facilities involved in long-term activities on various days may purchase a permit for the calendar year; provided, they notify the Fire Department 24 hours in advance of said activity: $100.
(D) Violation. Failure to acquire appropriate permit, as well as any violation of this chapter, shall be subject to penalties as set forth in § 1604.99 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 1604.021) (Ord. 115-2003, passed 9-8-2003)
(A) The Council hereby declares the application of torch applied bitumen roofing material to be a “process which produces conditions hazardous to life or property”, as regulated by § FM-103.1 of the Ohio Fire Code (current edition).
(B) No person, firm or corporation shall apply torch applied bitumen roofing material to any structure within the city without complying with all of the requirements of § FM-103.0 of the Ohio Fire Code (current edition).
(Prior Code, § 1604.025) (Ord. 1-1999, passed 1-11-1999)
Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, there is hereby adopted by and for the city, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the National Fire Codes, recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, International, being the current edition thereof, as submitted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein and from the date on which this section takes effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 1604.03) (Ord. 1-1999, passed 1-11-1999)
(A) The Ohio Fire Code, the National Fire Codes and this Part Sixteen shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Division of Fire, which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Division.
(B) The Chief of the Fire Division shall direct the Fire Marshal, or such other fire officer he or she deems appropriate, to be in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Such officer shall carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Bureau of Fire Prevention as prescribed by the Chief.
(C) The Chief shall appoint, by appropriate means, one of the captains (or an officer of rank equal to that of shift commander) of the Fire Division to serve in the Bureau of Fire Prevention as the Fire Marshal. Such officer shall carry out the duties and responsibilities prescribed by the Chief of the Fire Division.
(D) The Fire Chief may assign, by appropriate means, other officers as necessary to serve as Deputy Fire Marshal in the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Such officers shall serve at the discretion of the Chief for any length of time the Chief deems proper and shall carry out the duties and responsibilities prescribed by the Fire Marshal or other responsible authority placed in charge of the Bureau by the Chief of the Fire Division.
(E) A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor. It shall contain all proceedings under this Fire Prevention Code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Fire Division may wish to include therein. The Chief of the Fire Division shall also recommend any amendments to the Fire Prevention Code which, in his or her judgment, are desirable.
(Prior Code, § 1604.05) (Ord. 106-1999, passed 5-10-1999)