Sec. 14-126. Injunctive relief and penalties.
   (a)   Injunctive relief. Upon violation of this division, the permit officer may, either before or after the institution of proceedings for the collection of any penalty imposed by CAMA for such violation, institute a civil action in the general court of justice in the name of the affected local government for injunctive relief to restrain the violation and for such other or further relief in the premises as the court shall deem proper.Neither the institution of the action nor any of the proceedings thereon shall relieve any party to such proceedings from any penalty prescribed by CAMA for any violation of same.
   (b)   Penalties. Any person adjudged guilty of knowingly and wilfully undertaking any development without acquiring such a permit, or of conduct exceeding the authority of a permit granted, or of failure to observe the agreed modification of a conditioned grant, or of any other applicable regulations adopted by the village or the coastal resources commission pursuant to the CAMA shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each violation shall be punished in accordance with G.S. 113A-126. In addition, if any person continues or further commits any of the above violations after written notice from the permit officer, the court may determine that each day during which the violation continues or is repeated constitutes a separate violation subject to the foregoing penalties.
(Ord. No. 5, § 5, 1-27-1986)