Sec. 14-127. Amendment procedures.
   (a)   Consistency. Amendments to this division shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Coastal Area Management Act and with appropriate rules, criteria, and requirements of the coastal resources commission.
   (b)   Hearing requirements. Prior to amendment of this division, a public hearing concerning the proposed amendment shall be held. Notice of the public hearing shall appear in a local newspaper of general circulation at least 15 calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. The permit officer shall compile and maintain a complete record of the hearing and written comments.
   (c)   Request to waive formal amendment requirements. Whenever a proposed amendment is deemed sufficiently insignificant by the village council, that body may petition the commission for a waiver of formal hearing and notice requirements.
   (d)   Coastal resources commission approval. Upon local acceptance of any amendment, the amendment shall be submitted to the coastal resources commission for approval. Upon coastal resources commission approval such amendment shall be adopted by the village council as a part of the ordinances implementing this division.
(Ord. No. 5, § 6, 1-27-1986)