Parking spaces that are designed and developed to comply with the requirements for one building or use shall not be counted as fulfilling the parking requirement of another building or use except as specifically permitted in this section. The Planning Commission may approve a development plan with a reduction in the number of parking spaces required if it can be shown that the lesser number of spaces is appropriate and consistent with these regulations and when it is determined that:
   (a)   In a project with more than one use or a single-use project for which the different components of the use have varying peak demands, the uses can be adequately accommodated with a lesser number of parking spaces than that which is required based on the sum of the various uses computed separately.
   (b)   The required parking spaces for a proposed use can be accommodated on an adjacent or nearby site in compliance with Section 1292.08, provided that binding arrangements are made between the City, business owners and property owners of uses that are not normally open, used or operated during the same hours to ensure the perpetual joint use and maintenance of such shared parking areas and the continuance of such upon transfer of ownership. The binding agreement shall specify the parking spaces that shall be shared. Not more than one-half of the parking space required for one use may be assigned to a use that operates at different hours.
(Ord. 58-01. Passed 5-29-01.)