Subd. 1. Accessory structures.
      A. Standards for residential lots less than one acre in size:
         1. Maximum number of detached structures per lot: two;
         2. Maximum total aggregate size of all detached accessory structures on the lot: 1,200 square feet.
         3. Maximum detached accessory building height: 20 feet.
         4. Maximum size of an attached accessory structure: 100% of the size of the principal building or structure.
      B. Standards for residential lots one acre or greater in size:
         1. Maximum size of an attached accessory structure: 100% of the size of the principal building or structure;
         2. Maximum number of detached structures per lot: three;
         3. Maximum total aggregate size of all detached accessory structures on the lot: 1,800 square feet.
         4. Maximum detached accessory building height: 25 feet.
(Ord. 717, passed 3-20-23)
   Subd. 2. Gas stations.
      A. No displays or storage of merchandise, parts or refuse may be located closer than ten feet from any public right-of-way;
      B. A dense vegetative buffer or solid fence, must be installed and maintained along all side and rear property lines abutting a residential district;
      C. A vehicle wash facility or fueling pump or dispenser must be at least 50 feet from any property line containing a residential structure, excluding any residential use or structure on the same property as the filling station or within the same development. All outdoor speakers and audio components of a vehicle wash facility or fuel pump or dispenser located within 125 feet of any residential structure shall be muted daily between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
      D. In all residential zoning districts where a filling station is an allowed use, the following additional standards apply:
         1. New structures, excluding car washes, shall be located close to the street to define the street edge, and shall provide transparent windows and doors for retail buildings to ensure security and visibility between the store, the pump islands and surrounding streets, with interior signage to make opaque no more than 30% of any transparent window or door.
         2. Car washes.
            a. Car washes shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building; and
            b. Car wash entrances shall have a vehicle stacking lane for at least three passenger vehicles without interfering with parking lot circulation or required parking stalls.
         3. An unobstructed, five-foot wide minimum, pedestrian walkway between the public sidewalk (or if none exists at the time of development, the adjacent street curb) and building entrances shall be provided at any public right-of-way.
         4. Curb cuts to allow for vehicle traffic into and out of the site shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from street intersections, unless a greater or lesser distance is specified by the City Engineer for reasons of traffic or pedestrian safety. The number and width of curb cuts from the public street shall be evaluated to ensure pedestrian safety and to encourage walkability, including evaluation to consider appropriate car entrance locations while allowing for necessary tanker truck turning.
         5. Vehicle stacking lanes and exits of car washes shall be located away from adjacent uses such as residential and outdoor amenity areas to reduce the impacts of noise and pollution caused by stacking vehicles near such uses. Landscaping and fencing shall be used to buffer potential impacts.
         6. Noise-generating areas, including auto service bays, car wash openings, vacuum stations, outdoor loading areas, garbage storage and stacking lanes, shall be located away from adjacent residential areas and outdoor amenity areas. Potential noise generators shall be buffered with landscaping, beaming, or fencing to reduce impacts.
         7. Site and sign illumination shall be designed to avoid glare/light spillover toward adjacent land uses. Proposed concrete color shall take glare and light spillover into account.
   Subd. 3. Repair and maintenance services.
      A. No displays or storage of merchandise, parts or refuse may be located closer than 20 feet from any public right-of-way;
      B. A dense urban screen must be installed and maintained along all side and rear property lines abutting a residential or mixed use district;
      C. All areas for outdoor storage of automobiles or light vehicles shall be screened from adjacent properties by a dense urban screen regardless of the use on the adjacent property.
   Subd. 4. Self-storage facilities. The use shall be designed so that doors to individual storage units do not face any abutting street frontage. Hours of public access to storage units abutting a residential zone shall be restricted to the period from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
   Subd. 5. Brewery/distillery uses.
      A. No outdoor storage is permitted;
      B. Access and loading areas facing any street, adjacent residential use or residential zoning district, shall have the doors closed at all times, except during movement of raw material, other supplies and finished products into and out of the building;
      C. A facility at the proposed site will not have an adverse impact on the character of the neighborhood. The following criteria may be used to evaluate proposed sites: the effect on traffic movements in the area; the general nature, character, age, and condition of the adjacent development; the proximity to residential areas, regardless of zoning; or any other criteria the city may deem pertinent;
      D. All brewing/distilling and storage activities shall be located within a completely enclosed building;
      E. The facility shall comply with all applicable fire, building, health and sanitation codes, and zoning regulations;
      F. The facility shall comply with all applicable licensing and operational requirements of the state, county, and local authorities;
      G. Breweries/distilleries may include a retail or tour facilities; or a taproom or cocktail room as allowed by state statutes and rules; as an accessory use;
      H. Service trucks for the purpose of loading and unloading materials, equipment and product shall be restricted to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Sundays and national holidays;
      I. Service trucks for the purpose of loading and unloading materials, equipment and product shall be restricted to 30 feet in total length.
   Subd. 6. Junkyards.
      A. Junk and salvage service operations and facilities shall comply with all state and local requirements;
      B. No junk or salvage service facilities shall be permitted in a designated shoreland or flood plain zone nor in an identified wetland; and
      C. There shall be no burning of materials.
   Subd. 7. Community gardens.
      A. Exterior storage structures, such as compost bins, water tanks or other containers, shall be limited to no more than two per lot;
      B. Exterior storage structures shall be controlled for odors and pests and shall be screened from view by adjacent properties and any public right-of-way with a fence at least as tall as the container, or with shrubs, trees, and/or perennials planted so that at maturity they will provide at least 75% opacity to the height of the container. If not visible from a public right-of-way or adjacent property, this screening is not required.
      C. Accessory structures.
         1. If a primary structure is present, accessory structures shall follow requirements for accessory structures within § 11.031 Subd. 1.; and
         2. If no primary structure is present:
            a. No more than two structures per lot;
            b. structures shall be allowed no closer than 20 feet from the front property line, three feet from any side property line, and five feet from the rear property line; and
            c. No accessory structure shall exceed 20 feet in height.
      D. Fences must adhere to restrictions of this chapter;
      E. No sale of produce or other goods is allowed;
      F. Events such as weddings, parties and other activities normally associated with an event center, religious assembly, or other use that typically holds large events, are not allowed unless permitted within the zoning district;
      G. For outdoor growing operations, mechanized equipment similar in scale to that designed for household use shall be permitted. Use of larger mechanized farm equipment is generally prohibited; provided, however, that during the initial preparation of the land, heavy equipment may be used; and
      H. All tools and equipment shall be stored in an enclosed, secured structure.
   Subd. 8. Accessory structure, permanent. All accessory structures including those not requiring a building permit (under the size of 200 square feet or as amended in the state's Building Code) shall meet the following standards:
      A. Meet all zoning district setbacks for accessory structures; and
      B. Shall not be placed in any required front yard for the zoning district it is in.
   Subd. 9. Accessory structure, temporary. All temporary structures as shall meet the following standards:
      A. No temporary structure shall be placed within the required front yard (setback) of any zoning district.
      B. Temporary structures must meet all setback requirements for the zoning district in which they are located.
   Subd. 10. Portable storage containers. All portable storage containers shall meet the following standards:
      A. Shall be allowed for no more than 30 days for the purpose of loading or unloading, truck sales, or similar short-term uses with no more than four 30-day periods within a one-year time frame;
      B. Location of the container shall be placed in the rear yard or on paved or graveled driveway if in the front or side yard of a property; and
      C. Exception to these requirements: Where they are explicitly allowed uses and for temporary parking during the loading or unloading of merchandise.
   Subd. 11. Drive-in/drive-thru. Drive-ins and drive-thrus may be allowed as an accessory use to restaurants allowed as a principal use, and drive-thrus may be allowed as an accessory use to retail stores allowed as a principal use.
   Subd. 12. Drive-thru use standards.
      A. Drive-thru lanes for restaurants shall allow for stacking space for at least five cars;
      B. Drive-thru lanes for retail stores shall allow for stacking space for at least three cars;
      C. The speaker box and drive-thru window location:
         1. Speaker boxes and drive-thru windows shall not be located within 50 feet of any property line containing a residential structure;
         2. Drive-thru with speaker boxes and drive-thru windows within 125 feet of any property line containing a residential structure shall not open before 7:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. during the weekday, or before 8:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. on the weekend.
         3. Drive-thru with speaker boxes and drive-thru windows 125 feet or greater from any property line containing a residential structure may be open 24 hours a day;
      D. Glare from cars in the drive-thru lane and stacking space shall be shielded from adjacent residential properties thru the use of screening, fencing, or a combination thereof;
      E. Restaurants are limited to two drive-thru lanes and two speaker boxes.
   Subd. 13. Home occupations. Where allowed in the zoning district, home occupations shall meet the following minimum standards.
      A. The business shall be located within the principal dwelling structure or an accessory structure of the property of the business owner.
      B. The maximum amount of space devoted to the business shall not exceed 25% of the gross floor area of the residence.
      C. No stock-in-trade shall be displayed so as to be visible from any street.
      D. The occupation is to be conducted solely by members of the household residing on the premises; except that, one non-family member may be employed.
      E. No outside storage or materials, equipment or display of merchandise shall be allowed.
      F. Conducting the home occupation shall not require substantial interior or exterior alterations of the dwelling.
      G. Only signs allowed within the property's zoning district shall be allowed.
      H. The home occupation shall comply with all county, state and federal regulations.
   Subd. 14. Commercial parking, garages and lots use standards. Primary use parking lots shall be screened from adjacent structures and uses. Such screening shall consist of a continuous, view-obscuring fence, wall or compact evergreen hedge along all property lot lines which are adjacent to residential structures and uses, which shall be broken only for egress and access driveways and walkways. Such berm, fence, wall or hedge shall be not less than four feet nor more than six feet in height;
      A. Primary use parking lots, regardless of the number of parking spaces provided, must set aside at least 15% of the interior parking area for landscaping islands;
      B. If the primary use parking lot abuts an improved public alley, driveway access must be provided to the alley; and
      C. Primary use parking lots must be designed to be a similar lot size as other lots in the neighborhood, and shall not alter the essential character of the neighborhood.
(Ord. 699, passed 1-18-22)