(a)    Trip Generation Report.
      (1)    Report Required. A trip generation report shall be prepared and submitted by the applicant for:
         A.    Application for major subdivision preliminary plat.
         B.    Application for major site plan.
      (2)    Required Content. The trip generation report shall be a letter or brief report which contains, at a minimum, the following information:
         A    The name and address of the preparer of the estimates, and a brief statement of the qualifications of the preparer shall be included.
         B.    An estimate of the number of average trip ends for the current generator(s) on the site at the peak hour(s) of the generator(s) and the peak hour of the adjacent roadway.
         C.    An estimate of the number of average trip ends for the proposed generator(s) on the site at the peak hour(s) of the generator(s) and the peak hour of the adjacent roadway.
         D.    An estimate of the increase (or decrease) in trip ends between the Existing, Opening Day, and Design Year (20 years from Opening Day) developments. The Design Year analyses shall include full build-out conditions.
         E.    An estimate of the trip ends of any periodic or seasonal activity near or on the site.
         E.    The source(s) of the estimate(s) (e.g ., the most recent version of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, on-site counts, or other reliable source). If alternate sources for trip end estimates are used they must be approved by the Director of Engineering, Utilities, and Inspection prior to beginning the study.
         F.    A plan for vehicular access to and from the site which minimizes congestion and safety impacts and promotes efficient movement of vehicles.
   (b)    Traffic Impact Study.
      (1)    Requirements: A traffic impact study shall be prepared and submitted by the applicant for:
         A    Any change of use or site development which will generate an average of one hundred (100) or more trip ends at either the peak hour of the generator or at the peak hour of the adjacent roadway; or will generate over 750 trips in an average day.
         B.    For all site development projects and subdivision plats that do not generate one hundred (100) or more trip ends in the peak hour, a trip generation report and a turn lane warrant analysis shall be required, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The turn lane analysis shall be in conformance with the most current editions of the ODOT State Highway Access Management Manual and the ODOT Location and Design Manual.
         C.    Any amendment of the zoning map;
         D.    Any major subdivision plat.
         E.    Any site development or subdivision plat involving a major road as listed in Section 1109.04 (b)(1).
         F.    Any site development or subdivision plat which the Director of Engineering, Utilities, and Inspection determines may impact the level of service standards as provided in Section 1116.06.
         G.    The City may also require a traffic impact study, if in the opinion of the City Engineer the proposed access is in an area with a safety condition or within a congested traffic area even if the total number of trip ends during the peak hour is fewer than one hundred (100).
         H.    If construction has not started within three years of the approval of a traffic impact study, a re-evaluation is required to ensure that the traffic data is still accurate and the proposed modifications are still appropriate.
      (2)    Required Content. The traffic impact study shall be a report which contains, at a minimum, the following information:
         A    Title page, executive summary, table of contents, lists of figures and tables.
         B.    Description of the proposed site and approved traffic study area boundaries, existing and proposed land uses, existing and proposed uses in the vicinity of the site, conditions of existing and proposed roads, access points, and intersections in the vicinity of the site.
         C.    Project trip generation and peak hour volumes.
         D.    Trip distribution.
         E.    Trip assignment.
         F.    Existing peak hour traffic volumes (data shall be less than three years old); supplementary off-peak and/or weekend peak hour counts may be required depending on the nature of the development.
         G.    Projected traffic volumes.
         H.    Capacity and level of service analysis.
         I.    Traffic signals.
         J.    Offsite impacts directly related to the proposed development.
         K.    Recommendations.
         L.    Other information as required by the Director of Public Services or the Planning Commission.
   (c)    Signal Warrant Studies. Where creation of an intersection for a site development or subdivision necessitates the installation of a traffic signal, a Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis conforming with the requirements of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices shall be prepared by the applicant.
(Ord. 2022-081. Passed 5-23-22.)