(a)   Qualified Preparer; Complete Application Required. Site development plans shall be prepared by persons professionally qualified to do such work and shall be certified by a qualified professional registered for such work by the State of Ohio, except that site plans for signs, fences, parking lot and loading facility additions, and minor structural additions or alterations may be prepared by persons other than those stated above. The Planning Commission or City Staff shall not be required to review or take action upon plans which are not sufficient to clearly and completely document compliance with these Regulations.
   (b)   Application Contents. Every site plan application shall include the following information, except those items which the Planning and Zoning Director determines unnecessary for review of the particular site plan.
      (1)   Application - Preliminary Site Plan.
         A.   A completed site plan application form.
         B.   A fee as required by Section 1101.09 .
         C.   Name of the development; name, address, and phone number of the owner, of the owner’s representative, of the builder, and of the preparer of the site plan.
         D.   Location map, numeric and graphic scales, north arrow, date of preparation.
         E.   Property lines; dimensions of proposed lot lines, areas of lots, easements, and encroachments on the property; name of subdivision and lot numbers; permanent parcel numbers; location of all minimum setback lines required by the Zoning Code; boundaries of the development and of each phase thereof. The site plan is to include also a survey of the subject lot or parcel. Survey information shall include the bearing and length of all property lines, all record or proposed easements and, survey monuments found or set.
         F.   Locations of existing buildings on the subject site and on abutting properties if within fifty (50) feet of the property; proposed building locations, dimensions, floor area, locations of entrances and exits, height and number of stories, and proposed floor elevations. Locations, dimensions, and descriptions or illustrations of all other structures and improvements including fences and signs. Locations, acreage, and floor areas of proposed uses. Where applicable, the number, type, and proposed floor areas of dwelling units. All existing planimetric information is to be located and shown, i.e., pavements, drives, walks, parking areas, buildings, fences, ponds, poles etc. The site plan shall indicate all existing curbs, walks, water service connector boxes, water line valve hydrants and manholes located in the street right-of-way adjacent to the lot. Paving material type is to be noted.
         G.   A summary table of acres devoted to residential and non-residential uses, including area dedicated for public and private roads.
         H.   Locations, names, and dimensions of proposed and existing roads and easements, the intended purpose, terms and conditions of use, and enforcement thereof.
         I.   Existing topography, proposed topography, and proposed finished grades,
            1.   All topographical survey data shall be done to the datum of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the City of Aurora survey monumentation system. A description of the “source” bench mark is to be shown. A suitable “site” bench mark (TBM) is to be established on or near the subject lot and shown on the plan.
            2.   Existing site topography is to be shown for the subject lot and is to extend a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet onto the adjoining properties. Contours at a maximum two (2) foot contour interval. In addition, “spot” elevations are to be established (interpolated) at the corners of the proposed building and at the near face of buildings on the adjoining properties. All existing drainage courses and swales are to be shown. Elevations are to be established on: the sidewalks, gutter and street center line at maximum intervals of fifty feet along their length fronting the property; all other hard surface areas; and, the first floor of adjoining buildings.
            3.   Finished site topography is to be shown for the subject lot. Finished site topography is to be superimposed over existing site topography by indicating proposed contours. Additional “spot” elevations are to be shown to establish positive drainage control. Arrows are to be added to indicate the direction of slope of finished grade. All proposed drainage ditches or swales are to be shown, including finished grade elevations at the center line and top of slope. All proposed planimetric information is to be shown, i.e., buildings, building additions, parking areas, drive aprons, fences, etc. Buildings and/or additions are to be dimensioned.
            4.   Minor site development plans for one-, two-, and three- family dwellings shall also show the existing topography of the lot and land adjacent thereto as indicated, buildings adjacent thereto, proposed finish yard elevations at points indicated, proposed finish floor elevations, proposed basement floor elevation, proposed drainage swales, driveway, driveway catch basin, walks, building storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water line, electric service line, telephone service line, rear yard basin, when required, and any other utilities. If the lot is in a development or subdivision, this plan shall be in addition to the subdivision grading plan and the existing elevations shown shall be those elevations as existing at the time of application for building permit. The final lot grading shall be in general conformance with the surrounding lots and subdivision grading plan. An elevation at the building setback line shall show the front elevations of the house in relation to the proposed grading of the adjacent lots and their houses either existing or under construction. In addition to the elevations shown, the plan shall also show the existing and proposed contours at one foot intervals. For large size lots, the existing elevations and contours need not be shown more than 10 feet beyond construction limits and the required sheet size of the plan may be larger.
         J.   Existing drainage patterns and preliminary storm water management plan, including the planned layout of open and enclosed drainage structures and surface drainage.
         K.   Existing water and sanitary sewer facilities and preliminary water and sanitary sewer plans, including the planned locations of all structures. The size and location of all existing utility mains (i.e., sanitary, storm, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc.) and appurtenances (i.e., culverts, cath basins, manholes, hydrants, headwalls, miscellaneous draining piping, etc.) is to be shown. Elevations are to be established on: the rim and invert of all manholes; the invert of all drainage piping; and catch basin rims.
         L.   Vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns and facilities, that is, the planned routes of vehicles and pedestrians onto, through, and out of the site, including any safety considerations. Proposed location, layout, dimensions, and area for all parking facilities, loading, drives, walkways, curbs, and curb cuts. Surface types of all paved areas. Number of parking spaces provided and the number of spaces required by the Zoning Code.
         M.   Locations and plans for recreation and open space areas.
         N.   Location and extent of any wetland, wetland setback area, riparian area, riparian setback area as required by Chapter 1157 of the Zoning Code.
         O.   Preliminary tree preservation/removal plan. See Chapter 1115.
         P.   Preliminary landscape plan indicating the planned layout of all landscape areas, buffers, and related construction.
      (2)   Application - Final Site Plan. In addition to all information required for a preliminary site plan, the following:
         A.   Name of the development; name, address, and phone number of the owner, of the owner’s representative, and of the preparer of the site plan.
         B.   Storm water calculations and detailed design plans, including a storm water pollution prevention plan as required by Chapter 1113 , Grading, Storm Water Management, and Erosion/Sediment Control.
         C.   Detailed design plans for water and sanitary sewer facilities. All sanitary sewer house connections shall be indicated on the site plans as follows:
            1.   From the curb connection to the front of the dwelling or to the individual waste water system, if approved, shall be shown.
            2.   If a central collection system (street sanitary sewer ) is to be used, the elevation of the invert of the nearest manhole and the estimated invert elevation of the curb connection invert shall be shown. If an individual waste water system approved by the County Board of Health is to be used, the elevations and sizes of the septic tank tops, bottoms, inlets and outlets shall be shown, including splitter box inlets and outlets, distribution boxes inlets and outlets, inspection ports and all pipe lines, including materials and sizes of evaporation transpiration trench and filters or, details of, other approved system shall be shown in detail.
            3.   The site plan shall show the location of the test tee, two feet minimum in the front yard from the street right of way and the invert elevation at the front of the building, which shall be below the building footing.
            4.   The grade of the house connection shall be a minimum of one percent (1%).
         D.   Locations of existing and proposed refuse disposal facilities, including evidence of the sufficiency of such facilities to contain the anticipated volumes and types of waste, and plans for screening such facilities from view of surrounding properties.
         E.   Landscape plan including: botanic names, common names, location, quantity, diameter, and height at installation of all proposed landscape plants; location of existing trees and shrubs which will be preserved; types and locations of proposed groundcovers and mulches (including color); dimensions, materials, colors, and appearance of fences, walls, ornamental lighting and other landscape and screening features (including location and contours of proposed berming at one-foot intervals). Plans and information as required to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of Chapter 1115 Landscaping
         F.   Elevation drawings or renderings, with scale clearly shown, of all sides of proposed structures, identifying:
            1.   Locations of all wall openings, including windows and doors;
            2.   Locations and dimensions of all fixtures, equipment, poles, including locations of utility service installations, electrical and phone meters or service boxes, including those which are roof-mounted, wall-mounted. or otherwise located on the site;
            3.   Height of roof surfaces and all roof-mounted structures, i.e., architectural elements and details.
         G.   A lighting plan which locates and describes all exterior lighting of buildings, signs, parking, walks and other areas of the plan. The lighting plan shall include a diagram of the light levels, measured in foot candles, which will be generated by lighting fixtures.
         H.   A traffic study as required by Chapter 1116 .
         I.   Such other relevant data as the Planning Commission, Planning and Zoning Director, or the Director of Engineering, Utilities, and Inspection may require to determine the compliance of the proposed site development with the ordinances of the City.
            (Ord. 2004-013. Passed 3-22-04.)