General Rules of the Road
73.001 Stopping for approaching train
73.002 Preferential right-of-way; stop and yield signs
73.003 Right-of-way
73.004 Moving a stopped, standing or parked vehicle; yield right-of-way
73.005 Operation of vehicles upon the approach of emergency vehicles
73.006 Funeral processions
73.007 Driving on right half of roadway required
73.008 Vehicles proceeding in opposite direction; passing
73.009 Backing a vehicle; limitations
73.010 Driving on sidewalk prohibited
73.011 Careless driving
73.012 Reckless, willful reckless driving prohibited
73.013 Coasting downgrade
73.014 Driving on shoulders of highway
73.015 Bicycles
Overtaking and Passing
73.030 Vehicles proceeding in same direction
73.031 Upon the right; when permitted
73.032 On the left; precautions required
73.033 Passing or driving to the left of center of the roadway
73.034 No passing zones; exception
Turning Movements and Restrictions
73.045 “U” turns
73.046 Required position and method of turning
73.047 Turning or moving right or left upon a roadway; required, prohibited signals
73.048 Signals given by hand and arm; signal lights required
73.049 Hand and arm signals
Speed Limits
73.060 Generally
73.061 Speed detecting devices; prima facie evidence
73.062 Racing on streets or highways prohibited
73.063 Radar devices
School Zones
73.075 Designation
73.076 Overtaking and passing