The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of 200 feet to 1 inch or larger and shall be on a sheet with minimum measurements of 18" x 24". If the size and shape of the property is such that an 18" x 24" sheet will not accommodate the entire tract, a larger size may be used. Under no circumstances shall a preliminary plat be at a scale of smaller than 1" = 200'. The following information shall be required to the extent applicable.
(A) A vicinity map showing the relationship of the proposed residential subdivision with the surrounding areas.
(B) The location of existing property lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, transmission lines, sewers, bridges, water lines, and public utility easements.
(C) Boundaries of the tract shown with metes and bounds and acreage.
(D) Access right-of-way from a state road. Due to ingress and egress of emergency vehicles. The access right-of-way from a state road to a private road, utilized to gain entry to a subdivision, shall meet the design standards for private roads (county standard).
(E) Names of adjoining property owners and/or residential subdivisions, with deed references.
(F) Proposed streets, street names, rights-of-way, roadway widths, approximate grades, curve radii, and proposed stormwater drainage facilities.
(G) Other proposed rights-of-way or easements showing locations, widths and purposes.
(H) Proposed lot lines with metes and bounds, lot numbers, and acreage.
(I) Proposed utility layouts (sewer, water, electricity, phone, cable) showing connections to existing systems or plans for central water system or package sewage system, or designation for individual water and sewage.
(J) Proposed parks, open spaces, or any other public areas.
(K) Name of owner of record, developer, engineer, and professional surveyor.
(L) Title, date, north point, and graphic scale.
(M) If applicable, the relationship with floodway and floodplain as delineated by the county floodway boundary and flood insurance rate maps. Base flood elevation data shall be provided for each separate lot which lies within a special flood hazard area. An elevation reference mark shall also be set within each lot which lies within a special flood hazard zone per Ch. 151 Flood Damage Prevention. Such reference marks shall be transferred from FEMA flood insurance study elevation marks, or other acceptable method.
(N) Whenever land-disturbing activity that will disturb more than one acre is undertaken on a tract, the person conducting the land-disturbing activity shall install erosion and sedimentation control devices and practices that are sufficient to retain the sediment generated by the land-disturbing activity within the boundaries of the tract during construction upon and development of the tract, and shall plant or otherwise provide a permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion after completion of construction or development within a time period to be specified by rule of the Commission, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
(O) When applicable, a note to declare that individual lots have not been approved by the Appalachian Regional Health Department or other appropriate governmental authority as to suitability for the installation of wells, and/or septic/sewer systems.
(Ord. passed 3-20-96; Am. Ord. passed 4-8-02; Am. Ord. passed 12-19-22; Am. Ord. passed 8-21-23; Am. Ord. passed 2-19-24) Penalty, see § 156.99
If a developer proposes that a residential subdivision will be constructed in phases, the following procedure shall apply.
(A) A master plan showing the entire proposed residential subdivision and the phases of the development, proposed type and location of utilities, and proposed development timetable shall be submitted to the Planning Board for approval.
(B) Each phase of development shall be preceded by submission and approval of a preliminary plat as outlined in § 156.28, unless such plat submission is waived by the Planning Board. The master plan may be submitted prior to or simultaneously with the submission of the preliminary plat for the first phase of development.
(Ord. passed 3-20-96; Am. Ord. passed 12-19-22; Am. Ord. passed 8-21-23) Penalty, see § 156.99
Unless a final plat is submitted to the planning staff or Planning Board within 12 months from the date on which the preliminary plat was approved. Any actions taken by the planning staff or Planning Board on the preliminary plat shall become void and of no effect, and shall require the resubmission of the preliminary plat to the planning staff or Planning Board for reconsideration. Either the developer or an appointed representative shall be present when a plat is considered by the planning staff in order to answer staff questions and facilitate timely action by the staff. One copy of the final plat shall be submitted to the planning staff at least 15 working days before the meeting of the Planning Board at which time the plat is to be reviewed. Prior to the meeting and after planning staff review, three copies of the final plat review together with the plat fee shall be submitted to the Planning Board. Either the developer or an appointed representative shall be present at the meeting when a plat is considered by the Planning Board in order to answer Board questions and facilitate timely action by the Board.
(A) Final plat. The final plat shall constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plan which the subdivider proposes to record provided that such portion conforms to all requirements of this chapter. The final plat shall be at a scale of 200 feet to 1 inch or larger and shall be on a sheet with minimum measurements of 18" x 24" and maximum measurements of 21" x 30". Under no circumstances shall a preliminary plat be at a scale of smaller than 1" = 200'. The final plat shall show as applicable the following:
(1) A vicinity map showing the location of the residential subdivision in relation to the surrounding area.
(2) The right-of-way lines and easements of all streets and roads (with names shown), and access to a state road.
(3) Lot lines and lot numbers metes and bounds and acreage.
(4) If applicable, the relationship with floodway and flood plain as delineated by the county floodway boundary and flood insurance rate maps. Base flood elevation data shall be provided for each separate lot which lies within a special flood hazard area. An elevation reference mark shall also be set within each lot which lies within a special flood hazard area per Ch. 151 Flood Damage Prevention. Such reference marks shall be transferred from FEMA flood insurance study elevation marks, or other acceptable method. Areas inside the base flood elevation levels shall be marked “This area unsuitable for residential construction. Well and/or septic systems may be placed in this area if approved by the Appalachian Regional Health Authority or other Governmental authority for the installation of wells and/or septic/sewer systems.”
(5) Sufficient data to determine readily and be reproducible on the ground, the location, bearing, and length of every street line, lot line, boundary line, and block line whether curved or straight.
(6) Accurate location and description of all monuments, markers, and block tie lines.
(7) The names and locations of adjoining residential subdivisions and streets, and the location and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided property, including water areas, with deed references.
(8) Title, date, name, and location of residential subdivision, graphic scale, and true north point.
(9) Name of owner of record, developer, engineer, and professional surveyor.
(10) When applicable, a note to declare that individual lots have not been approved by the Appalachian Regional Health Department or other appropriate governmental authority as to suitability for the installation of wells, and/or septic/sewer systems.
(B) Reservations for easements, rights-of-way and areas to be dedicated to public uses or sites for other than residential use shall be shown on the plat with notes stating their purposes.
(C) Reference shall be made on final plat to deed book and page number of recorded restrictive covenants if any.
(D) The following certifications or their equivalent, shall be shown on the final plat as applicable:
Certificate of Approval of Recording
I hereby certify that the residential subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the residential subdivision ordinance of Ashe County, North Carolina, with the exception of such variances, if any, as are noted in the Minutes of the Planning Board and are recorded on this plat and that this plat has been approved by the Ashe County Planning Staff or Planning Board on for recording in the office of the Ashe County Register of Deeds.
Date Ashe County Planning Director
Certificate of Ownership and Dedication
I (We) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon, and that the property is within the regulatory jurisdiction of Ashe County, and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of residential subdivision with my (our) consent, and establish all lots, and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks, easements, rights-of-way, and other open spaces to public or private use as noted.
Date Owner
Certificate of Approval for Recording
Residential Subdivisions Which Do Not Come
Under the Existing Residential Subdivision
Residential Subdivisions Which Do Not Come
Under the Existing Residential Subdivision
The residential subdivision of land shown on this plat does not fall under the definition of a residential subdivision as defined in § 156.06
of the Ashe County Residential Subdivisions Ordinance for the following reason: . I(We) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon, and that the property is within the regulatory jurisdiction of Ashe County, and that I(we) hereby declare that it does not fall under the regulations of the Ashe County Residential Subdivisions Ordinance (Chapter 156
) for the reason listed above.
Date Owner
I, , the Staff Review Officer have reviewed this plat and the applicant has submitted information so that it is reasonable to assume the above information is correct.
Date Staff Review Officer
(Ord. passed 3-20-96; Am. Ord. passed 4-8-02; Am. Ord. passed 7- -07; Am. Ord. passed 3-5-12; Am. Ord. passed 12-19-22; Am. Ord. passed 8-21-23)
Upon receipt of the final plat and required plat fee as specified, the planning staff and Board shall review the plat for compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The planning staff or Planning Board, as appropriate may approve the plat in whole or in part, or may subject the plat to modifications. The planning staff shall take action within 21 days after the plat was received. The Planning Board shall take formal action within two regularly scheduled meetings after the meeting at which the plat was first received. Failure to take formal action within this time frame shall have the same effect as a recommendation that the plat be approved. Within five days after its final action, the planning staff or Planning Board shall notify the subdivider by letter of the action taken.
(Ord. passed 3-20-96; Am. Ord. passed 12-19-22; Am. Ord. passed 8-21-23)
(A) If either a preliminary or final plat is not approved by the planning staff or Planning Board, the subdivider may appeal their case to the Board of Adjustment within 30 days after such disapproval or failure to approve.
(B) During an appeal, the official who made the decision (or their successor if the official is no longer employed) must appear as witness to the appeal, pursuant to G.S. §160D-406. All enforcement actions, including fines, must be paused during an appeal (G.S. § 160D-405).
(Ord. passed 3-20-96; Am. Ord. passed 5-6-02; Am. Ord. passed 12-19-22; Am. Ord. passed 8-21-23)
A subdivider is encouraged to submit a sketch to the planning staff prior to submission of a preliminary plat if the subdivider wishes to obtain a staff opinion as to the feasibility of the development of his property.
(Ord. passed 3-20-96; Am. Ord. passed 12-19-22; Am. Ord. passed 8-21-23)