(A)   Any person or persons mentioned or named in § 111.26 of this subchapter desiring to engage in any such business as traveling photographers, street fakers, or to exhibit for pay any caravan, menagerie, circus tent show, carnival, rope or wire dancing, legerdemain, tent theaters, tent moving picture shows, ventriloquism, puppet shows, concert or wagon shows shall first apply to the Town Clerk-Treasurer for a license so to do, and shall pay to such Clerk-Treasurer for the use of such town a fee as follows.
For each separate show constituting such carnival, rope and wire dancing where two exhibitions are given
$5 per day
$5 per day
Circus tent show
$10 per day
Concert or wagon shows where two or less exhibitions are given
$5 per day
Exhibition of a caravan
$5 per day
For one tent and for each additional or side show
$10 per day
Legerdemain shows where two exhibitions or less are given
$5 per day
$25 per day
Puppet shows where two exhibitions or less are given
$5 per day
Street faker
$10 per day
Tent stock companies
$5 per day
$25 per week
Tent theaters or tent moving picture shows
$25 per day
Traveling or stationary troupes for two exhibitions per day or less
$5 per day
Traveling photographer
$5 per day
Ventriloquism where two exhibitions or less are given
$5 per day
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a license accordingly, which license shall specify the number of days the said applicant shall have applied to do business in said incorporated town.
(1996 Code, § 51.02) (Ord. C378, passed 8-10-1925) Penalty, see § 111.99