(A)   All animals found to be at large, stray, or being a public nuisance may be taken by the police or humane officer and impounded.
   (B)   If any dangerous, ferocious, or vicious animal is found at large and cannot be safely taken up and impounded, the animal may be tranquilized, slain, or humanely euthanized to prevent undue suffering, by a police officer or his or her designee, or humane officer.
   (C)   Impounded dogs and cats not wearing town tags (license) must be kept for no fewer than two days before being adopted out or humanely euthanized.
   (D)   If dogs and cats wearing town tags (licenses) are impounded by the Animal Control Agency, an attempt shall be made by the Humane Officer to return said animal to the owner, as indicated on the records of the Animal Control Agency, as soon as is practical after the time of the impoundment. If said attempt to return said animal is impossible or without success, the Animal Control Agency shall send a written notice to the owner at the address indicated in the records of the Animal Control Agency, that said agency has in its possession said animal and that unless said animal is claimed by the owner within 14 days from the date of said impoundment said animal may be placed for adoption, or humanely euthanized. This process shall be followed for the first offense only. On second and subsequent violation, the impounded dog or cat wearing town tags (licenses) shall be kept for no fewer than five days to permit their owners to claim them. After the fifth day of said second or subsequent violation, such dogs or cats may be placed for adoption or humanely euthanized if their owners have not claimed them and paid the required fees.
   (E)   All other impounded animals (except dogs and cats specifically covered herein) shall be under the authority of the humane officer. The animals shall be held at least one day, after which time the animal shelter shall have the authority to take whatever action is necessary with regard to adoption or euthanasia of such animals.
   (F)   An owner reclaiming an impounded animal shall pay to the Animal Control Agency its then-current redemption fee plus total daily boarding fee for redemption of the animal.
   (G)   No unlicensed dog or cat shall be released from an animal shelter without a license being issued in accordance with this chapter, except a dog or cat less than six months old. However, because proof of current, effective rabies vaccination is required before the license is issued, if such shelter does not have licensed veterinary services on site to administer such required rabies vaccination, the dog or cat may be released upon presentation of a veterinarian’s charges for such vaccination, and must be vaccinated within 48 hours after such release, and the owner shall supply proof of same to said Animal Control Agency within 72 hours after the release, at which time the license tag shall be issued. Failure of the animal owner to obtain such vaccination after such release shall constitute a breach of the release agreement and entitle the Animal Control Agency to regain possession of the animal.
    (H)   (1)   An animal owner redeeming an impounded animal belonging to him or her shall pay to the town or its agent a redemption fee of $10 on the occasion that an animal belonging to that owner is impounded, before such animal is released to such owner by the Animal Control Agency. Such redemption fee shall increase by an additional $25 per impoundment for each subsequent time within a three-month period that the same or any other animal belonging to the same owner may be impounded.
      (2)   The Animal Control Agency shall collect all such licensing and redemption fees for the town and shall account to the town and pay over to the Clerk-Treasurer such amounts of such fees as required by the animal control contract between the town and the Animal Control Agency then in effect.
   (I)   The Animal Control Agency shall have authority to take whatever action is reasonably necessary, including humane euthanization, to deal with a sick or injured animal, for the welfare of the animal and for the safety of humane officers and the public.
   (J)   In the event that an animal is retained at the impounding facility because its owner has been in violation of this chapter, the person redeeming the animal by paying the redemption fee shall also be subject to paying for veterinary bills incurred, for routine vaccinations for the animal(s) if necessary, veterinary services, boarding fees, all pertinent expenses, and all applicable permit and/or licensing fees reasonably necessary and incurred for the benefit of the animal.
   (K)   Any animal impounded in an animal control facility, if not reclaimed by its owner as provided for herein, shall thereby become the property of the Animal Control Agency and, if not adopted out, must be humanely euthanized.
(1996 Code, § 71.19) (Ord. 2002-4, passed 5-1-2002) Penalty, see § 90.999