(A)   Authorization and applicability. It shall be unlawful to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or change the structure, land and/or use of any property within the city without first obtaining the required building permit, administrative use permit, and/or conditional use permit from the Development Services Department.
   (B)   Building permits. The City of Apache Junction Building Official and the city's adopted building codes establish the requirements and procedures for building permits.
   (C)   Administrative use permits. An Administrative Use Permit ("AUP") may be approved by the Zoning Administrator following review of the application and a finding that the use and/or structure complies with specific standards specified for such use and/or structure in the Zoning Code. Uses and/or structures requiring approval of an AUP, along with permit approval criteria, are identified in Tables 5-1 and 5-3 (see Vol. II, §§ 1-5-1 and 1-5-3).
   (D)   Conditional use permits. Conditional uses are those uses that are generally compatible with the land uses permitted by right in a zoning district, but which require individual Planning and Zoning Commission review and Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") approval of their location, design, operation and configuration along with the imposition of conditions in order to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location. Uses requiring a CUP are identified in Tables 5-1 and 5-3 (see Vol. II, §§ 1-5-1 and 1-5-3). The CUP application and process requirements are as follows:
      (1)   CUP application. An application for a CUP shall be filed with the Development Services Department in accordance with the "City of Apache Junction Conditional Use Permit Application Checklist" available at the Development Services Department.
      (2)   CUP public hearing and notice. The Commission shall hold a public hearing on any proposed CUP or CUP amendment, and provide the following notice. The failure of any person or entity to receive notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the actions of the Commission or Council.
         (a)   Newspaper publication. Notice of the time, date and place of the hearing, including a general description of the matter to be considered and a general description of the area affected, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation that is published or circulated in the community. The publication notice shall be at least 15 calendar days before the hearing, and shall be published as required by A.R.S. § 9-462.04, as amended.
         (b)   Property posting. The notice of public hearing shall be posted by the applicant in accordance with the instructions provided in the application form.
         (c)   Mailing notice. The city shall notice by first class mail each real property owner, as shown on the last assessment of the property, within 300 feet of the property subject to the CUP proposal.
      (3)   Findings. A CUP may be granted upon a finding by the Commission that the use covered by the permit, the manner of its conduct, and any structure involved will not be detrimental to persons residing or working in the area, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. The burden of proof for satisfying the aforementioned requirements shall rest with the applicant. In arriving at the above determination, the Commission shall consider but not be limited to the following factors:
         (a)   Adequacy of roadways, off-street parking, public facilities and services to accommodate the proposed use;
         (b)   Negative impacts arising from the emission of odor, dust, gas, noise, lighting, vibration, smoke, heat or glare;
         (c)   Contribution to the deterioration of the neighborhood or the negative impact on neighborhood property values;
         (d)   Compatibility with surrounding uses and structures;
         (e)   Conformance with the General Plan and city policies;
         (f)   Screening and buffering of uses; and
         (g)   Unique nature of the property, use and/or development's physical characteristics.
      (4)   CUP modification of dimensional zoning standards. When a proposed development exhibits unique characteristics related to land, topography, architectural style, scale, historical interest or other distinguishing feature that necessitates a measure of regulatory relief, CUP modification of certain dimensional zoning standards may be approved by the Commission in accordance with the findings described above in Vol. II, § 1-16-12(D)(3). The following dimensional zoning standards may be subject to this type of modification:
         (a)   Accessory dwelling units. Accessory dwelling unit size and height standards required in Vol. II, § 1-6-19 of this Chapter may be modified.
         (b)   Accessory structures. Accessory structure size, height, design and setback standards required in Vol. II, § 1-6-5 may be modified.
         (c)   Landscaping. Landscaping size, type, amount and location standards required in Vol. II, Article 1-8 may be modified.
         (d)   Signs. Sign size, type, amount and location standards required in Vol. II, Article 1-11 may be modified.
      (5)   Expiration. CUPs granted by the Commission shall be void if the use is not commenced within 12 months of the approval date or within the time stipulated by the Commission.
      (6)   Revocation. An approved CUP may be revoked by the Commission following public hearing and a finding that there has been material noncompliance with any condition prescribed in the permit and/or the use generates a demonstrated public safety, health or welfare concern.
      (7)   Appeal and City Council review. The approval or denial of a CUP by the Commission shall be final unless, within 20 calendar days from the date of the Commission's decision, the applicant or any persons aggrieved by the decision appeals the decision to the Council. The appeal shall be in writing, filed with the Development Services Department, and shall indicate how the Commission was in error. The appeal shall be accompanied by a fee equal to 50% of the original filing fee. The appeal shall require a Council public hearing and notification provided in the same manner as required for the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. The Council, at its public hearing, shall uphold, modify or overrule the decision of the Commission. The decision of the Council shall be final.
(Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)