§ 155.113  DRAINAGE.
   Storm drainage from roofs and paved areas should be directed to infiltration devices such as roof sumps and water quality devices such as vegetative filter strips or bioretention areas and away from adjoining properties and public roads. Trees and shrubbery shall be maintained on the property of the mobile home park and on every lot within the park for absorption of water runoff and hence for flood protection. Storm drainage shall also be handled according to the requirements prescribed by the Township Engineer and/or in any township stormwater management ordinance (Chapter 53).
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.114  REFUSE STORAGE.
   Each mobile home shall provide its own garbage and refuse containers in accordance with any township regulations pertaining to garbage and other solid wastes, or the mobile home park shall provide a dumpster and private hauling service where individual mobile homes cannot be served. Dumpsters shall be placed within an enclosure or hidden with some other means satisfactory to the township.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
   Each mobile home lot shall be provided with at least a four inch diameter vertical riser pipe which connects the mobile home sewage drain outlet to the sewer line. Provision shall be made for plugging the sewer riser pipe when a mobile home does not occupy the lot. Surface drainage shall be directed away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend at least six inches above ground elevation.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.116  WATER SYSTEMS.
   Each mobile home lot shall have a water riser pipe with a minimum inside diameter of three-fourths inch which connects the mobile home water supply to the central water system. An outside hose bib shall be supplied for each mobile home.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.117  SIDEWALKS.
   All mobile home parks shall be provided with safe, convenient, all-season pedestrian walks of ID-2 bituminous concrete, Portland cement concrete, pervious concrete, or similar-type paving to a depth and width approved by the Township Engineer between individual mobile homes and streets and to all park facilities provided for the residents. Walkways serving park facilities shall have a minimum width of four feet.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.118  PARKING AREAS.
   Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each mobile home. All parking spaces for mobile home lots shall be provided with a minimum of a tar and chip surface, pervious concrete or similar type paving.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
   (A)   Access points to public streets from a mobile home park shall be located no less than 60 feet from any public street intersection. Streets within the mobile home park to be offered for municipal dedication shall be constructed to township specifications as described in §§ 155.065 through 155.076, except that one-way streets shall be allowed, provided that access by fire and other emergency vehicles is not impaired, and provided that the street plan is reviewed and accepted by the Township Engineer.
   (B)   All streets within mobile home parks, whether offered for municipal dedication or not, shall conform to the following:
      (1)   General requirements. A safe and convenient vehicular access shall be provided from abutting public streets or roads.
      (2)   Access. The entrance road connecting the park streets with a public street or road shall have a minimum cartway width of 24 feet. Wherever a street intersects a public street, a stop sign shall be installed and maintained in accordance with township regulations.
      (3)   Illumination. In accordance with the conditions to be agreed upon by the subdivides, the Township Supervisors and the appropriate public utility, streetlights are required to be installed in all subdivisions. The subdivides shall be responsible for making the necessary arrangements with the applicable agencies, and whether or not street lights are initially installed, the subdivides shall be responsible for providing utility easements for future street lighting installations.
      (4)   Paving. All streets shall be provided a minimum of a tar and chip surface which shall be durable and well-drained under normal use and weather conditions. Pervious pavement is allowable for private streets.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.120  STREET SIGNS.
   Stop and street identification signs shall be provided for all streets at every intersection in the mobile home park.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)