   The layout of the proposed subdivision or land development shall be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan for the county, the Township Comprehensive Development Plan as periodically updated and any local level plan which may exist within the area of the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
   No land shall be subdivided or developed:
   (A)   Unless access to the land over adequate streets or roads exists or will be provided by the applicant; or
   (B)   If such land is considered by the township as unsuitable for residential use by reason of floodplain and floodway location or improper drainage, unacceptable underlying geologic structure, insufficient depth of the seasonal water table, unsuitable soil conditions, wetlands, unfavorable topographic features or the presence of any other features harmful to the health and safety of possible residents and the community as a whole.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.049  SKETCH PLAN.
   (A)   Prior to the official submission of the preliminary plan, a subdivision or land development sketch plan may be submitted by the applicant or property owner to facilitate an informal discussion with the township officials concerning the proposed subdivision or land development. This informal discussion may be extremely valuable in guiding the applicant on the proper course in the development of a subdivision or land development, thereby reducing the possibility for any costly mistakes. Submission of the sketch plan will not constitute formal filing of the plan with the township. The sketch plan need not be drawn to scale or contain precise dimensions.
   (B)   The following items are suggested for inclusion in the sketch plan presentation:
      (1)   The name of the owner;
      (2)   The general location within the township;
      (3)   The proposed name of subdivision or land development;
      (4)   Tract boundary, including all land which the applicant intends to subdivide;
      (5)   General topographical and physical features along with watercourses, streams, ponds, floodplains and wetlands;
      (6)   The names of surrounding property owners;
      (7)   The north point; approximate scale and date of original drawing;
      (8)   Streets on and adjacent to the tract;
      (9)   The proposed general street layout;
      (10)   The proposed general lot layout or development;
      (11)   The proposed use of the lots or development;
      (12)   Any other information which would be helpful in the preliminary discussion of what the applicant intends to do; and
      (13)   A statement of general availability of utilities of water and sewer and the like.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
   (A)   The preliminary plan shall be accurately drawn to a scale of one inch equals 60 feet or larger (i.e., one inch equals 20 feet, 50 feet and the like) unless otherwise approved by the Township Engineer. The preliminary plan shall be submitted on the following sheet sizes: 18 by 24 inches; 24 by 36 inches; or 36 by 42 inches. The sheets comprising a submission shall be on one common size and shall contain the information noted in division (B) below. Reduced size eight and one-half inches by 14 inches or 11 inches by 17 inches) plans shall also be submitted.
   (B)   The preliminary plan shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Notes and data:
         (a)   The name of the proposed subdivision or land development with identification as a preliminary plan and the name of the municipality in which it is located;
         (b)   The date of application for subdivision or land development approval;
         (c)   The name and address of record owner of the tract along with deed book and page (instrument) number of the deeds conveying the property to the owner;
         (d)   The name(s) and address of developer, applicant or authorized agent if different from owner;
         (e)   The name, address and seal of registered professional engineer, architect, surveyor or landscape architect responsible for the plan;
         (f)   The tax parcel number(s) of subject tracts;
         (g)   The type of sewage disposal and water supply to be utilized. If on-lot groundwater is proposed to be used, a hydrogeological analysis must be submitted for all major subdivisions and for other subdivisions and land developments at the discretion of the township. The hydrogeologic report shall include the following:
            1.   Recharge rates for the area of development that are based on published or open files information (available from the State Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey or the U.S. Geological Survey) or provided by a developer’s consulting engineer or geologist;
            2.   Proposed withdrawal rates as contained in the development plan;
            3.   Information about local and regional geology that will help local officials determine whether conditions exist that would affect groundwater recharge;
            4.   Information about existing groundwater use in the vicinity to determine potential impacts on existing wells or on the proposed development;
            5.   Potential impacts to surface waters;
            6.   Determination of a housing density consistent with recharge capacity; and
            7.   Well construction specifications that will provide for adequate and safe water storage.
         (h)   The total acreage of the subject tracts, and total number of proposed lots or units (if applicable) and total gross square footage of proposed buildings (if applicable);
         (i)   The north point, graphic scale, date of original plan along with date and description of revisions to the plan;
         (j)   The base of benchmark for elevations on the plan;
         (k)   The proposed use of property;
         (l)   The number of required parking spaces (if applicable);
         (m)   A list of utility companies in accordance with Act 172, if project involves excavation;
         (n)   A legend describing symbols used on plan;
         (o)   A location map showing the proposed subdivision or land development in relation to municipal boundaries, public roads, streams and adjoining areas;
         (p)   A signed, notarized statement by the owner certifying ownership of the property, acknowledging their intention to develop the property as depicted on the plans and authorizing recording of said plan;
         (q)   A signed statement by the owner listing land or facilities to be offered for dedication to the municipality and acknowledging that the owner will be responsible for maintenance of lands or facilities until they are completed and accepted by the municipality;
         (r)   A place for the signatures of the Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer of the Township Board of Supervisors and space to fill in date of approval;
         (s)   This following checklist box for the County 9-1-1 approval:
CENTER ON THE _____ DAY OF ____________, ______.
         (t)   A sewage facility planning module, sewage facilities planning exemption request, or request for planning waiver and non-building declaration, as applicable; and
         (u)   A project narrative shall be submitted; the narrative shall include at least the following:
            1.   Statement of the ownership of all the land included within the development;
            2.   Explanation of the purpose/use of the subdivision or land development;
            3.   Describe sewer and water methods to be used;
            4.   Description of covenants, grants of easements or other restrictions to be placed on the use of the land;
            5.   Waivers to be requested and proposed alternatives;
            6.   Statement describing stormwater management methods; and
            7.   Statement describing any facilities to be dedicated to or maintained by the township.
      (2)   Topographic mapping of the subject tract showing the following information:
         (a)   The exterior boundary line of tract;
         (b)   Ground elevations indicated by contours at intervals of two feet for land with an average natural slope of 8% or less and at five-foot intervals for land with an average natural slope greater than 8% and the location of benchmark and datum used;
         (c)   The name and deed references of all owners of immediately adjacent land;
         (d)   Existing streets on and adjacent to the tract; name; location of right-of-way; right-of-way widths; cartway widths; type of surfacing; elevation of surfacing; driveway cuts; and approximate grades;
         (e)   Existing easements, including location, width and purpose;
         (f)   Existing utilities on and adjacent to the tract, including location, type, size and invert elevation of sanitary and storm sewers, location and size of water mains and valves, fire hydrants, streetlights, gas lines, oil and similar transmission lines and power lines with utility poles, transformers and related appurtenances. If any of the foregoing are not available at the site, indicate the distance to the nearest available utility and furnish a statement of availability;
         (g)   Watercourses, floodplains, wetlands, geologic features, tree masses and other significant natural features;
         (h)   Existing human-made features, including structures, railroads, bridges and driveways; and
         (i)   Buffer areas required by this chapter or other relevant ordinance.
      (3)   If the preliminary plan is proposed to proceed to a final plan with the posting of financial security, the following shall be shown on plans:
         (a)   A statement that approval of the preliminary plans does not authorize construction of facilities or the sales of lots depicted on plans;
         (b)   The location of proposed streets, including rights-of-way, right-of-way widths, cartway widths, approximate grades and the type and elevation of surfaces, sidewalks, gutters and the like;
         (c)   A schematic design of proposed sanitary sewage system (if applicable), showing approximate location of manholes, pump stations, treatment facilities, force mains and sizes of mains. If the subdivision or land development is to be served by a sewer authority or agency, verification of the capacity to serve the proposed subdivision or land development must accompany the submission;
         (d)   If on-site sewage disposal is to be utilized, the soil types, location of soil probes and percolation test sites and a listing of the test areas, with a summary of the general suitability of each test area;
         (e)   A schematic design of proposed water distribution system (if applicable) showing approximate location of fire hydrants, pumping facilities, treatment facilities, storage tanks and sizes of mains. If the subdivision or land development is to be served by a water authority or agency, verification of the capacity to serve the proposed subdivision or land development must accompany the submission. In cases when an on-lot water supply is to be utilized, the location of areas for proposed well sites shall be identified;
         (f)   A schematic design of proposed stormwater management system, including inlets, culverts, swales, channels and detention/retention facilities;
         (g)   Proposed lot lines, lot numbers, approximate area of each lot and proposed minimum front, side and rear building setback lines;
         (h)   Areas to be reserved for parks, playgrounds or other public uses with a statement of who will eventually assume ownership of such areas;
         (i)   Proposed buildings with ground floor area, gross square footage and height of each building, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems and outdoor storage facilities, including bulk trash containers and material storage;
         (j)   Proposed parking areas with handicap stalls, loading areas, driveways and driveway location at the street line accessing a proposed street for each lot, buffer and other landscape areas and fire lanes;
         (k)   Phasing of project and tentative timetable with proposed sequence of the project (if applicable);
         (l)   Proposed easements, including location, width, purpose and information related to maintenance arrangements;
         (m)   If a preliminary plan is proposed to proceed to construction, with a final plan submitted for approval after completion of required improvements, the following shall be shown on plans:
            1.   A statement that approval of the preliminary plan authorizes construction of facilities depicted on plans, but does not authorize sales of lots or use of facilities; and
            2.   That information required by § 155.051(B)(7) and (C).
         (o)   Additional information when required by the township in the case of special conditions may include the following:
            1.   Profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades and typical cross-sections of the roadways and sidewalks;
            2.   Areas to be reserved for schools, shopping, churches, industries, multi-family dwellings or any other known public use exclusive of single-family dwellings;
            3.   A draft of protective covenants in cases where the applicant wishes to regulate land use within the subdivision or land development and otherwise regulate and protect the proposed development; and
            4.   A water and sewerage feasibility report prepared by a registered professional engineer.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.051  FINAL PLAN.
   (A)   The final plan shall be accurately drawn to a scale of one inch equals 60 feet or larger (i.e., one inch equals 20 feet, 50 feet and the like) unless otherwise approved by the Township Engineer. The final plan shall be submitted on the following sheet sizes: 18 by 24 inches; 24 by 36 inches; or 36 by 42 inches.
      (1)   The sheets comprising a submission shall be on one common size and shall contain the information noted in division (B) below. Reduced size (eight and one-half inches by 14 inches or 11 inches by 17 inches) plans shall also be submitted.
      (2)   Subsequent to final plan approval after the plans have been signed, subdivision and land development plans shall also be submitted in digital format, utilizing the Adobe Acrobat PDF file system. Digital files will be accepted in single page or multi-page format. All documents submitted in digital formal will be accepted on CD-rom using the following file-naming format. Single-page files shall contain the plan order number followed by a description of the plan type. Example: “01-Cover.pdf,” “02-Site Plan.pdf” and so forth. Multipage files are to be created in the order of the plan set. Each page within the Multipage file shall contain a bookmark that describes the plan type. Example: cover sheet, site plan and so forth. Financial security shall be posted for the submission of the signed digital plans.
   (B)   The final plan shall contain the following information:
      (1)   That information required by § 155.050(B)(1), except that plan shall be identified as a final plan, and § 155.050(B)(2);
      (2)   Boundary lines of each lot or area to be dedicated or reserved for public or community use completely dimensioned in feet and hundredth of feet and bearing with degrees, minutes and seconds, with an error of closure of not more than one foot in 2,000. All curves shall show radii, lengths of arcs, tangents and chord bearings with distances;
      (3)   The location and material of all permanent monuments and lot markers;
      (4)   Lot numbers, area and setback lines on each lot;
      (5)   All proposed easements with dimensional information and purpose;
      (6)   Space on lower edge of final plan for acknowledgment of receipt and recording of plan by the County Recorder of Deeds’ office;
      (7)   The following information regarding proposed improvements:
         (a)   Design of proposed streets, including a plan showing geometry and proposed contours, typical cross-section and profiles; details of curbing, inlets or other facilities involved in street construction;
         (b)   Design of stormwater management controls in accordance with the approval of the Township Engineer and the township stormwater management ordinance (Chapter 53);
         (c)   Design of sewage collection and treatment facilities (if applicable), including plan showing location of facilities, profiles and details and other information required by the municipal authority or utility company that will assume responsibility for the system upon completion;
         (d)   If on-lot sewage is to be utilized, show soil types, location of soil probes and percolation tests, suitable primary and replacement absorption bed areas on each lot with provisions for their protection and reservation and a summary of the general suitability of each test area. The following statement shall be placed on plan: “This is not a guaranty that a sewage permit will or will not be issued for any lot or parcel. The Municipal Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) must be contacted to conduct any further tests, as necessary, to determine permit issuance”;
         (e)   Design of water supply facilities (if applicable), including plans and details showing location sizing and installation of mains, valves, fittings, fire hydrants and other appurtenances;
         (f)   Proposed buildings with finished ground floor elevations, ground floor area, gross floor area and height listed;
         (g)   Proposed pedestrian circulation systems, including details of construction;
         (h)   Outdoor storage facilities, including bulk trash containers and material storage;
         (i)   Proposed parking areas showing parking stalls, handicap stalls, signage, loading areas, fire lanes and driveways, with dimensional information and details of pavement construction;
         (j)   Outdoor lighting showing type of fixtures and mountings;
         (k)   Landscaping plan when required by § 155.136, or when buffer plantings are required;
         (l)   Grading plans with proposed contours and spot elevations to depict accurately all changes to the topography within the site;
         (m)   Location and details of soil erosion and sedimentation controls; and
         (n)   Profile and detail of typical driveway showing materials, cross pipes, profile, elevation and connection with public street. Driveway crosspipe sizes must be provided for each lot.
   (C)   Supporting documentation: if relevant to the proposed subdivision or land development, the following documentation shall be required and submitted prior to final plan approval.
      (1)   A soil erosion and sedimentation control plan as required by Chapter 102 of the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection along with a letter from the County Conservation District approving said plan, or the appropriate NPDES permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities for sites involving more than one acre.
      (2)   Applicable permits issued by the Department of Environmental Protection for waterway obstructions, stream or wetland encroachments and community water systems.
      (3)   A sewage planning module or request for planning exemption and a letter of approval for such from the Department of Environmental Protection.
      (4)   A water quality management permit, national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit or other permits that may be required for sewage systems.
      (5)   Documents pertaining to homeowner associations, condominium declarations and/or restrictive covenants.
      (6)   Approval by the United States Postal Service and County 9-1-1 Center of street names.
      (7)   A highway occupancy permit issued by the State Department of Transportation, if the subdivision or land development proposes access to a state road, construction activities in a state road right-of-way, increased traffic to a state road right-of-way, or changes drainage to a state road right-of-way. If a permit is determined to not be necessary, then the developer’s consultant shall submit a written statement that they have contacted PennDOT and no permit is necessary.
      (8)   At the discretion of the township, a developer’s agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the township plan approval and defining delayed construction performance and maintenance bonding requirements. Preparation of this agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the township solicitor.
   (D)   Minor subdivision exclusions: the following may be omitted from plans for subdivisions meeting the definition as minor subdivisions:
      (1)   Ground elevation information as otherwise required in § 155.050(B)(2)(b). Topographic mapping on a base using USGS 7.5 minute mapping or better, may be substituted;
      (2)   Information on proposed streets as delineated in division (B)(7)(a) above; and
      (3)   Information on proposed sewage collection and treatment facilities, other than on-lot, as delineated in division (B)(7)(c) above, except when located within the future service area of a sanitary sewer system as per an approved Act 537 plan.
   (E)   Non-building subdivisions: in subdivisions where no new construction is proposed, the plan requirements specified in the following sections may be waived: § 155.050(B)(1)(g), (B)(1)(j), (B)(1)(l), (B)(1)(m), (B)(1)(q), (B)(1)(s), (B)(2)(b), (B)(2)(f), (B)(2)(g), (B)(2)(i), (B)(3), division (B)(5) above and division (B)(7) above. A request for planning waiver and non-building declaration (to sewage planning requirements) must be completed and approved by the township prior to subdivision approval.
   (F)   Side lot additions: in subdivisions where side lot additions are proposed, this acreage shall be merged into the tract to which it is being added. In these cases, the plan requirements specified to be waived in this division (E) above may be waived here as well. Also, the submission of a request for planning waiver and non-building declaration is not necessary.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
   In all land developments and subdivisions developed after the effective date of this chapter, certain improvements shall be installed in accordance with design specifications set forth herein. Whenever the township standards, in applicable zoning ordinances, building codes, road ordinances or other ordinances, resolutions or regulations require standards that exceed these minimum standards, those township standards shall apply. Whenever the standards of this chapter exceed those of the other municipal ordinances, the standards of this chapter shall apply.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
   The following general standards shall apply to all types of development; the township will study the following factors affecting the suitability of a proposed subdivision or land development.
   (A)   Land subject to flooding and land deemed by the township to be uninhabitable for other reasons shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life, property, groundwater or aggravate the flood hazard; but such land within a plan shall be set aside for such uses as will not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or as will not endanger life, property or further aggravate or increase the existing menace. Any development within a floodway shall be in accordance with the applicable DEP permit.
   (B)   Areas characterized by steep slopes (slopes greater than 15%), geologic formations, sink holes, wetlands or other such features which restrict the usability of the land shall not be subdivided or developed.
   (C)   In determining the suitability of land for subdivision, the township shall refer to applicable studies by the County Planning Commission, state and federal agencies, including the soil survey prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
   (D)   The layout or arrangement of the subdivision or land development shall conform to the County Comprehensive Plan, the Township Comprehensive Development Plan and to any regulations or maps adopted in furtherance thereof; in addition, the layout or arrangement of the subdivision or land development shall conform to any local level Comprehensive Plan or other applicable ordinances which may exist.
   (E)   Where evidence indicates that the minimum lot size requirements specified in other sections of this chapter or in any applicable zoning ordinance are not adequate to permit the installation of individual on-lot water and/or sewage disposal facilities, along with an area to be set aside for a replacement sewage absorption bed, the township shall require that the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) or the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) make such tests as are necessary to determine the adequacy of the proposed facilities in relation to the provisions of the State Sewage Facilities Act 537, 35 P.S. §§ 750.1 et seq., as amended, plus other applicable state or local regulations. The township shall review and shall make a final determination on the adequacy of the proposed facility.
   (F)   No subdivision showing reserve strips controlling the access to public ways will be approved, except where the control and disposal of the land comprising such strips are definitely placed within the jurisdiction of the township under agreement meeting the approval of the township.
   (G)   Lot lines shall, where possible, follow municipal and county boundary lines rather than cross them.
   (H)   All subdivision and land developments shall be designed and constructed in accordance with recommendations received from the Township Engineer.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.067  STREETS.
   (A)   The following general standards shall apply to all streets within a subdivision.
      (1)   The location and width of all streets shall conform to the county and local level Comprehensive Plans or to such parts thereof as may have been adopted by the county or township.
      (2)   The proposed street system shall extend existing or recorded streets with the same width or larger but in no case less than the required minimum width.
      (3)   Where, in the opinion of the Township Supervisors and/or Planning Commission, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, street stubs shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of such property. In addition, at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, at least two points of ingress and egress must be provided to the subdivision or land development. Typically, a second ingress/egress point will be required for all subdivisions of 20 lots or more.
      (4)   New minor streets shall be so designed as to discourage through traffic, but the subdivides shall give adequate consideration to provision for the extension and continuation of major arterial and collector streets into and from adjoining properties.
      (5)   Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing street of improper width or alignment, the township may require the dedication of land sufficient to widen the street or correct the alignment.
      (6)   Private streets (streets not to be offered for dedication) are discouraged. Private streets will be approved only if they meet the design standards of this chapter except pervious pavement is allowable for private streets. Private streets are prohibited in major subdivisions.
      (7)   Street pavement design shall conform with the following.
         (a)   The road construction standards contained herein are minimum standards. These standards are adequate to provide safe, durable roads for all streets within the township. In no case should a proposed design provide for less than these standards require. Designs in excess of these standards may be required when conditions warrant. Design criteria to be used shall be State Department of Transportation Design Manual, Part 2, Highway Design. Material and construction methods shall comply with the latest edition of PennDOT Specification, Publication 408, and Standards for Roadway Construction, PennDOT Publication 72.
         (b)   The township reserves the right to approve alternate designs for material type, depth and width when sound engineering analysis proves the acceptability of the alternate. In no instance shall a proposed alternate design be less than the minimum requirement contained herein.
         (c)   Roads on the state or federal system must be designed to the specifications required by the above-mentioned agencies, these standards notwithstanding.
         (d)   All pavements shall be designed for a 20-year service life.
         (e)   Where it is proposed to use a road prior to the placement of the wearing course, the base course of the road must be structurally designed to support all anticipated loads.
         (f)   Parking lanes shall be provided where required by the township. Thickness requirements for parking lanes shall be the same as the thickness requirements for the cartway.
         (g)   Temporary turnarounds meeting the dimensional requirements contained herein for a cul-de-sac shall be installed when streets are designed for future extension to adjoining properties or future extension to subsequent phases of a development. Temporary turnarounds shall be provided with easement meeting the right-of-way requirements herein for cul-de-sacs. Temporary turnarounds shall be constructed of a minimum of six inches of well compacted gravel.
         (h)   All construction materials, equipment, procedures and methods shall conform to the requirements of the State Department of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408, most recent edition, unless specifically stated otherwise in this chapter.
         (i)   Subgrade: in accordance with the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 210. The subgrade shall be approved by the township prior to placing of subbase.
         (j)   Subbase: in accordance with the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 350. The subbase shall be approved by the township prior to placement of base material.
         (k)   Bituminous concrete base course: in accordance with the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 305. The bituminous concrete base course shall be approved by the township prior to the placing of the wearing course.
         (l)   ID-2 bituminous wearing course: in accordance with the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 420. Material shall conform to the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 420.2 a, b and c. Skid resistance level shall be as required by the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 242. A tack coat shall be applied to the surface of any pavement that has been in place for more than seven days prior to placement of subsequent course.
         (m)   Plain cement concrete curb (where required): in accordance with the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 630. Curbing shall be plain cement concrete curb as shown in PennDOT Standards for Roadway Construction, Publication 72, RC-64. At the discretion of the township, low profile (mountable) curbing may be acceptable.
         (n)   Shoulders: in accordance with the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, § 653; shall be Type 3 as shown in PennDOT Standards for Roadway Construction, Publication 72, RC-25, and as specified in PennDOT Publication 408, § 653.2, except bituminous surface treatment is not required. Shoulders less than six feet in width will not be required to use full depth asphalt.
         (o)   Pavement structures shall be as follows:
Depth of Courses
Classification of Street
3.5 inches*
4.5 inches
6 inches
3.5 inches*
4.5 inches
6 inches
Local (minor)
1.5 inches
4.5 inches
6 inches
*Consists of wearing and binder courses
         (p)   Street cross slopes shall be at a rate of one-fourth inch per foot for tangent alignments and shall be sloped in accordance with the super elevation requirements of the latest edition of the PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2. Shoulder cross slopes shall be a minimum of one-half inch per foot and a maximum of three-fourths inch per foot.
         (q)   Adequate measures shall be provided to fully drain the subbase whether it be by placement of pie underdrain, pavement base drain, subgrade drain, combination storm sewer and underdrain, or outletting subbase drainage into parallel ditches. Subsurface drains to be in accordance with current PennDOT Publication 72.
      (8)   Stormwater conveyance systems shall be designed in accordance with the approval of the Township Engineer and the township stormwater management ordinance (Chapter 53). All stormwater conveyance systems within rights-of-way to be dedicated to the township shall conform with the following.
         (a)   Endwalls and inlets shall be as per the latest editions of the PennDOT Publication 408, § 605, and PennDOT Publication 72, RC-31 and RC-34. Pipe outlets shall be equipped with end treatments to prevent scour and erosion.
         (b)   Pipe culverts shall be as per the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408, §§ 601, 602 and 603. Corrugated polyethylene culvert pipe is acceptable up to and including 24-inch outside diameter. The minimum size of culvert pipes shall be 15-inch outside diameter.
      (9)   Guide rail and median barrier requirements and design shall be as per PennDOT Publication 13, Design Manual Part 2, Chapter 12. Material and construction shall be as specified in PennDOT Publication 408, § 1109, and PennDOT Publication 72, RC-50, 52, 53, 54 and 55.
      (10)   All street construction shall be inspected by the township. The contractor shall notify the township 14 days prior to the time when inspection is required. The contractor may not under any circumstances proceed with subsequent stages until authorization to proceed is given by the township.
   (B)   Width. Minimum street right-of-way and pavement widths, shall be as set forth in the following table:
Street Type
Street Width or Length
Shoulder Width
Minimum Grade
Maximum Grade
Street Type
Street Width or Length
Shoulder Width
Minimum Grade
Maximum Grade
Arterial (Major)
44 feet
10 feet
80 feet
24 feet
6 feet
60 feet
Local (Minor)
18 feet
4 feet
50 feet
Turnaround of Cul-De-Sac
Cartway (diameter)
80 feet
4 feet
Length (maximum)
800 feet
Length (minimum)
250 feet
Right-of-way (diameter)
100 feet
*Note: the Board of Supervisors reserves the option to allow the determination of right-of-way width, cartway width, shoulder width and minimum and maximum grades, of collector and arterial streets to be determined on the basis of a traffic study furnished by the applicant, and reviewed and accepted by the Township Engineer
   (C)   Alignment. Minimum street alignment standards shall conform with the horizontal curvature requirements of the Rural Design Criteria as per the Design Manual Part 2 Highway Design, Publication 13, PennDOT Bureau of Design, latest edition. Proper sight distance shall be provided with respect to both horizontal and vertical alignment in accordance with A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Chapter IX, latest edition.
   (D)   Grades. Minimum street grade standards shall conform with the vertical grade requirements of the Rural Design Criteria as per the Design Manual Part 2 Highway Design, Publication 13, PennDOT Bureau of Design, latest edition, up to a maximum grade of 10%.
   (E)   Horizontal curves. Minimum horizontal curves shall conform with the horizontal curvature requirements of the Rural Design Criteria as per the Design Manual Part 2 Highway Design, Publication 13, PennDOT Bureau of Design, latest edition.
   (F)   Vertical curves. Vertical curves shall be provided of sufficient length to provide the safe sight distance for the design speed in accordance with A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Chapter IX, latest edition.
   (G)   Intersections. The following standards shall apply to all street intersections.
      (1)   Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. No street shall intersect another at an angle less than 75 degrees or more than 105 degrees.
      (2)   No more than two streets shall intersect at the same point.
      (3)   Streets intersecting another street shall either intersect directly opposite to each other or shall be separated by at least 125 feet between centerlines measured along the centerline of the street being intersected.
      (4)   Intersections with major streets shall be located not less than 1,000 feet apart measured from centerline to centerline along the centerline of the major street.
      (5)   Street curb intersections shall be rounded by a tangential arc with a minimum radius of:
         (a)   Twenty feet for intersections involving only minor streets;
         (b)   Thirty feet for all intersections involving a collector street; and
         (c)   Forty feet for all intersections involving a major street.
      (6)   Street right-of-way lines shall be parallel to (concentric with) curb arcs at intersections.
      (7)   Clear sight triangles shall be provided at all street intersections. No buildings or obstructions are permitted in the area and such triangles shall be established from a distance of 15 feet behind the edge of pavement to the point:
         (a)   Seventy-five feet from the intersection of centerline for minor streets; and
         (b)   One hundred fifty feet from the intersection of centerline for all intersection with major streets.
      (8)   Minimum sight distance shall be provided at all street intersection in accordance with the State Code, Title 67, Chapter 441, § 8(h).
      (9)   Leveling areas shall be provided at all street intersections having not greater than three percent grades for a distance of 50 feet measured from the nearest cartway edge of the intersecting streets.
   (H)   Alleys. Alleys shall not be permitted in residential subdivisions except in cases where other methods of entrance and exit are impractical. In other types of development, where permitted, their design standards shall be determined by the township.
   (I)   Names. The subdivider may choose street names subject to the approval of the township. Proposed streets which are in alignment with others already existing and named shall be assigned the names of the existing streets. In no case shall the name of a proposed street duplicate or confuse an existing street name in the township, irrespective of the use of the suffix street, road, avenue, boulevard, driveway, place, court, lane and the like.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)
§ 155.068  BLOCKS.
   (A)   Determination. The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to the following:
      (1)   Provision of adequate sites for building of the type proposed;
      (2)   Topography;
      (3)   Requirements for safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian circulation; and
      (4)   Other site constraints.
   (B)   Width. Blocks subdivided into lots will be two lot depths in width, excepting lots along a major thoroughfare which front on an interior street or are prevented by the site topographic conditions or other inherent conditions of the property, in which case the township may approve a single tier of lots.
   (C)   Length. All blocks in a subdivision shall have a maximum length of 1,200 feet and a minimum length of 400 feet. Blocks over 600 feet in length shall require crosswalks wherever necessary to facilitate pedestrian circulation and to give access to community facilities. Such crosswalks shall have a width of not less than ten feet and a stabilized walkway of not less than five feet.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)