§ 155.049  SKETCH PLAN.
   (A)   Prior to the official submission of the preliminary plan, a subdivision or land development sketch plan may be submitted by the applicant or property owner to facilitate an informal discussion with the township officials concerning the proposed subdivision or land development. This informal discussion may be extremely valuable in guiding the applicant on the proper course in the development of a subdivision or land development, thereby reducing the possibility for any costly mistakes. Submission of the sketch plan will not constitute formal filing of the plan with the township. The sketch plan need not be drawn to scale or contain precise dimensions.
   (B)   The following items are suggested for inclusion in the sketch plan presentation:
      (1)   The name of the owner;
      (2)   The general location within the township;
      (3)   The proposed name of subdivision or land development;
      (4)   Tract boundary, including all land which the applicant intends to subdivide;
      (5)   General topographical and physical features along with watercourses, streams, ponds, floodplains and wetlands;
      (6)   The names of surrounding property owners;
      (7)   The north point; approximate scale and date of original drawing;
      (8)   Streets on and adjacent to the tract;
      (9)   The proposed general street layout;
      (10)   The proposed general lot layout or development;
      (11)   The proposed use of the lots or development;
      (12)   Any other information which would be helpful in the preliminary discussion of what the applicant intends to do; and
      (13)   A statement of general availability of utilities of water and sewer and the like.
(Ord. 2-2011, passed 10-6-2011)