(A) When a question is before the Council, no motion shall be entertained except:
(1) To adjourn;
(2) To fix the hour of adjournment;
(3) To table;
(4) For the previous question;
(5) To postpone to a certain day;
(6) To refer;
(7) To amend;
(8) To substitute; or
(9) To postpone indefinitely.
(B) Such motions shall have precedence in the descending order indicated. Any such motion, except a motion to adjourn, amend, or substitute, shall be put to a vote without debate.
('66 Code, § 2-1.105) (Ord. 507-C-S, passed 1-7-82)
The rules and procedures set forth in this article shall be applicable to all city boards and commissions, except that the quorum for each such body shall be a majority of the membership of such body.
('66 Code, § 2-1.109) (Ord. 507-C-S, passed 1-7-82)
Boards and Commissions policies and procedures, see §§ 2-5.301 et seq.
Each member of the Council shall receive as salary the sum of money as prescribed in Cal. Gov’t Code § 36516 for cities of more than 75,000 in population and up to and including 150,000 in population, which salary shall be payable from and after the operative date of this article at the same time and in the same manner as salaries are paid to other officers and employees of the city.
('66 Code, § 2-1.203) (Ord. 587-C-S, passed 9-27-84; Am. Ord. 651-C-S, passed 11-13-86; Am. Ord. 2171-C-S, passed 9-10-19)