All meetings of the Council shall be open to the public promptly at the time set forth in § 2-1.101 of this article for the holding of regular meetings. The members of the Council, the City Clerk, the City Attorney, the City Engineer, and the City Manager shall take their regular stations in the Council Chamber. Members of the Council in actual attendance shall be recorded present, regardless of their answer or failure to answer the roll call.
('66 Code, § 2-1.102) (Ord. 273-A, passed 1-9-50)
(A) Quorum. A quorum shall be three or more Council members, except as provided otherwise by state law, but fewer may adjourn from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(B) Conflicts of interest. If a conflict of interest exists, the Council member shall declare this fact before the item is taken under consideration, and the member shall step down from the dais and either assume a seat in the audience or leave the chamber. Such members shall not attempt to influence the decision of the remainder of the Council.
(C) Tie votes. The vote of a majority of the total membership of the Council shall be necessary to adopt any ordinance, resolution, or motion. Any question on which the vote is tied shall result in the matter being tabled. The Mayor or any member of the Council may request that another vote be taken or that the item be continued to a future meeting.
('66 Code, § 2-1.104) (Ord. 507-C-S, passed 1-7-82)
(A) When a question is before the Council, no motion shall be entertained except:
(1) To adjourn;
(2) To fix the hour of adjournment;
(3) To table;
(4) For the previous question;
(5) To postpone to a certain day;
(6) To refer;
(7) To amend;
(8) To substitute; or
(9) To postpone indefinitely.
(B) Such motions shall have precedence in the descending order indicated. Any such motion, except a motion to adjourn, amend, or substitute, shall be put to a vote without debate.
('66 Code, § 2-1.105) (Ord. 507-C-S, passed 1-7-82)