Subtitle 1.
Odenton Town Center Districts
18-9-101. Scope.
18-9-102. Historic Village Mix Block.
18-9-103. Uses.
18-9-104. Bulk regulations.
18-9-105. Conditional uses.
18-9-106. Mix of uses.
18-9-107. Parking.
18-9-108. Signage.
Subtitle 2. OS/OS-C – Open Space Districts and Conservation Overlay
18-9-201. Scope.
18-9-202. Permitted, conditional, and special exception uses.
18-9-203. OS District bulk regulations.
18-9-204. OS-C – Open Space Conservation Overlay.
Subtitle 3. TC – Town Center Districts
18-9-301. Scope.
18-9-302. Permitted and special exception uses.
18-9-303. Bulk regulations.
Subtitle 4. SB – Small Business Districts
18-9-401. Scope.
18-9-402. Permitted, conditional, and special exception uses.
18-9-403. Bulk regulations.