Subtitle 1. Definitions; General Provisions
15-4-101. Definitions.
15-4-102. Administration and enforcement.
15-4-103. Compliance with title required.
15-4-104. Modifications.
Subtitle 2. Property Maintenance Code
15-4-201. Adoption.
Subtitle 3. Refuse and Sewage Disposal Systems
15-4-301. Refuse – vacant lots; roads; shopping centers; storage.
15-4-302. Refuse and trash.
15-4-303. Sewage disposal systems.
Subtitle 4. Abatement and Demolition
15-4-401. Emergency abatement of health or safety hazards.
15-4-402. Abatement of nuisances.
15-4-403. Repair orders; court-ordered demolition – Health Department.
15-4-404. Seasonal waiver for exterior violations on affected properties.
Subtitle 5. Nuisance Properties
15-4-501. Definitions.
15-4-502. Declaration of nuisance property.
15-4-503. Required safeguarding.
15-4-504. Monitoring property; abatement actions.
15-4-505. Release of nuisance property designation.