§ 15-4-302. Refuse and trash.
   (a)   Prohibition. An owner or occupant of any premises may not permit the accumulation of refuse or other waste on the premises if the accumulation may create a health, accident, or safety hazard or is accumulated in a manner that may cause or permit any part of the refuse or other waste to be carried or deposited by the elements onto any other property.
   (b)   Refuse containers. The owners and occupants of any premises are jointly and severally responsible for providing a sufficient number of containers for storage of refuse and other waste matter to prevent overflow between times of collection and for maintaining the premises in accordance with the standards of this section.
   (c)   Maintenance of trash receptacles. The owners and occupants of shopping centers and commercial establishments shall install and maintain trash receptacles on the pedestrian walkway areas of the shopping centers and commercial establishments. The trash receptacles shall be provided in adequate number and shall be clearly designated as trash receptacles.
   (d)   Storage of useable materials. Stored useable materials on any premises shall be stacked or piled in an orderly manner that leaves at least a 12-inch space between the material and the ground level. No stored materials shall be stacked or piled against an exterior wall.
(Bill No. 68-06)
§ 15-4-303. Sewage disposal systems.
   (a)   Installation and operation. Each sewage disposal system shall be installed in accordance with the County Private Sewage Disposal and Well Code as set forth in Title 2, Subtitle 5, Part 2 of this article and shall be capable of performing the function for which it is designed.
   (b)   Maintenance. Each sewage disposal system shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary, and functional condition, free from obstructions, leaks, and defects, so as to avoid creating a public health nuisance.
   (c)   Design capacity. Each sewage disposal system shall be maintained based on the original design and no property shall be improved in excess of the septic system capacity.
(Bill No. 68-06)
§ 15-4-401. Emergency abatement of health or safety hazards.
   The Health Officer may take cognizance of any condition on property that poses or may reasonably be expected to pose a clear and present health or safety hazard; order the person responsible for creating, maintaining, or permitting an actual or potential health or safety hazard to take immediate action to abate the problem; and take direct action to abate the problem if the responsible person cannot be contacted or cannot or will not take immediate action to abate the problem.
(Bill No. 68-06)