10-6-1: TITLE:
The following height, yard, lot and area requirements must be observed in addition to those shown in section 10-6-3 of this chapter:
   A.   On lots fronting on two (2) nonintersecting streets, a front yard must be provided on both streets.
   B.   On corner lots there must be a front yard on both streets in accordance with setback requirements.
   C.   Where a frontage is divided among districts with different front yard requirements, the deepest front yard required shall apply to the entire frontage.
   D.   In the B districts there may be more than one commercial or industrial building on a lot provided that the required yards be provided around the group of buildings.
   E.   Where two (2) or more related multi-family, hotel, motel, or institutional buildings are permitted on a lot, the required yards must be maintained around the group of buildings and buildings that are parallel or that are within forty five degrees (45°) of being parallel must be separated by a horizontal distance that is at least equal to the height of the highest building.
   F.   Those parts of existing buildings that violate yard regulations may be repaired and remodeled, but not reconstructed or structurally altered.
   G.   In any district not requiring a front yard, a loading dock shall be set back sufficiently so that a truck backed in for loading or unloading shall not obstruct traffic on any sidewalk or street area. (Ord. 244, 6-10-2003)