10-1-2: PURPOSE:
The chapters, sections, and use districts created by this title are adopted for the purpose, among others, of:
Promoting the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare;
Helping to achieve greater efficiency and economy of land development by promoting the grouping of those activities which have similar needs and are compatible;
Encouraging such distribution of population, land use, and land development that will facilitate adequate and economic provisions of transportation, communication, water supply, drainage, sanitation, education, recreation, and other public requirements;
Lessening or avoiding congestions in the public streets and highways;
Protecting against fire, explosion, noxious fumes, and other hazards in the interest of the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare;
Helping to prevent hazards to people and damage to property from the accumulation of runoff storm water;
Helping to ensure that all residential, commercial, and manufacturing structures, as well as other types of structures, will be accessible to firefighting and other emergency equipment;
Prohibiting the formation or expansion of nonconforming uses of land, buildings, and structures adversely affecting the character and value of desirable development in each district;
Promoting the development of residential neighborhoods which are free of noise, dust, fumes, and heavy traffic volumes in which each dwelling unit is assured of light, air, and open spaces;
Helping to prevent land development activities which lead to roadside blight and to minimize the effects of nuisance producing activities;
Conserving the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the village;
Defining and limiting the powers and duties of the administrative officer and bodies as provided herein;
Preserving the architectural features and general architectural character of the village as stated in the Chipman design study and accompanying manual. (Ord. 244, 6-10-2003)