6-4-6: RECORD:
   A.   When the local law enforcement agency does not know the identity of the registered owner or other legally entitled person, it will cause the vehicle registration records of the state to be searched and direct communication to the secretary of state for the purpose of obtaining the required ownership information.
   B.   The local law enforcement agency will cause the stolen vehicle files of the state police to be searched and direct communication to the state police for stolen or wanted information on the vehicle. When the state police files are searched with negative results, the information contained in the national crime information center (NCIC) files will be searched by the state police. The information determined from these record searches will be used by the local law enforcement agency in sending a notification by certified mail to the owner or legally entitled person advising where the vehicle is held, requesting a disposition be made, and setting forth public sale information.
   C.   When the registered owner or other person legally entitled to the possession of a vehicle impounded pursuant to this chapter cannot be identified from the registration files of this state or from the registration files of a foreign state, if applicable, the local law enforcement agency shall notify the state police for the purpose of identifying the vehicle's owner or other person legally entitled to the possession of the vehicle. The information obtained by the state police will be immediately forwarded to the law enforcement agency having custody of the vehicle for notification of the owner. (Ord. 310, 11-11-2008)