158.01 Exercise of Police Power
158.06 West 1st Street
158.02 Definition
158.07 Interstate 35
158.03 Unlawful Acts
158.08 Parking Prohibited on Portions of I-35
158.04 Ankeny Boulevard
158.09 Commercial Areas; Marginal Access Streets
158.05 East 1st Street
This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the City under Chapter 306A, Code of Iowa, for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and for the promotion of the general welfare.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.1)
The term “controlled access facility” means a highway or street especially designed for through traffic, and over, from or to which owners or occupants of abutting land or other persons have no right or easement or only a controlled right or easement of access, light, air or view by reason of the fact that their property abuts upon such controlled access facility or for any other reason.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.2)
158.03 (Repealed by Ord. 2063 - Sep. 21 Supp.)
There are fixed and established controlled access facilities with only a controlled right of access to Ankeny Boulevard (Primary Road U.S. 69) from the abutting properties from the south corporate limits to the north corporate limits, all in accordance with the following plans for primary road system extension improvements and projects which are on file in the office of the Clerk:
1.   F-69-4 (1) 20-77, on the west side from Station 252 + 60 to 293 + 75 and on both sides from Station 293 + 75 to 306 + 89;
2.   FN-104, on both sides from Station 306 + 90 to 347 + 72.6;
3.   FN-187, on both sides from Station 1 + 75 to Station 13 + 30;
4.   FN-69-4 (6) 21-77, on the east side from Station 13 + 30 to Station 26 + 50;
5.   FI-187, Permit Number 1-803, on both sides at Station 12 + 73 and 24 + 58;
6.   On the east side at Station 367 + .06;
7.   On the east side at Station 29 + 34.5;
8.   On both sides at Station 46 + 70.7 and temporary access at 45 + 23 subject to condition that the drive at 45 + 23 shall be abandoned at the time that the east drive at 46 + 70.7 is constructed or North Ankeny Boulevard is widened;
9.   On the west side at Station 9 + 15 per plan set #FN-69-4(55)-21-77.
There are fixed and established controlled access facilities, with only a controlled right of access, on East 1st Street from Ankeny Boulevard to (Delaware Avenue) (the east section line of Sections 13 and 24, Township 80 North, Range 24, West of the 5th P.M.), regulating access to and from the abutting properties along said street. Access to East 1st Street may be placed only at the following locations, using Ankeny Boulevard as Station 86 + 88 and increasing to the east:
1.   North Side: Stations 86 + 88 (N. Ankeny Blvd.), 88 + 30, 89 + 66, 90 + 32, 91 + 92.78 (NE Grant), 94 + 82 (NE Oak), 97 + 72 (NE Sherman), 100 + 62 (NE Crestmoor), 103 + 92 (NE Bel-Aire), 106 + 02, 110 + 49, 112 + 85, 113 + 54 (exit only), 115 + 60 (NE Trilein), 121 + 16, 123 + 53, 128 + 55, 131 + 06 (NE Hayes), 133 + 67, 136 + 16, 137 + 57, 139 + 49 (NE Delaware)
2.   South Side: Stations 86 + 88 (S. Ankeny Blvd.), 87 + 85, 88 + 45, 88 + 88, 90 + 32, 90 + 85, 92 + 46, (SE Grant), 94 + 83, 96 + 90, 99 + 18, 100 + 62 (SE Sharon), 113 + 10 (SE Trilein), 117 + 60, 119 + 59, 122 + 16, 124 + 56, 126 + 56, 128 + 56, 131 + 06, 133 + 67, 136 + 16, 137 + 62, 139 + 49 (SE Delaware).
There are fixed and established controlled access facilities, with only controlled rights of access onto West 1st Street from Ankeny Boulevard to its western terminus being allowed and regulated; access to and from the abutting properties along West 1st Street may be placed only at the following locations, using Ankeny Boulevard as Station 0+00 and increasing to the west:
1.   North Side Stations: 1 + 19, 1 + 72, 3 + 85, 6 + 17, 7 + 83, (NW School); 8 + 28, 11 + 46, 15 + 22 (Library); 23 + 16, 25 + 20 (NW Ash Drive); 28 + 33, 30 + 12 (NW Scott); 33 + 50 (NW Des Moines); 34 + 57, 35 + 30, 36 + 15, 36 + 85, 38 + 20 (NW Kline); 40 + 00, 42 + 45, 44 + 15, 48 + 72 (NW Flynn); 50 + 75, 56 + 14, 57 + 74 (NW State); 58 + 36, 59 + 35, 60 + 71, 63 + 12, 64 + 69 (NW Sharmin); 66 + 07, 67 + 79, 71 + 00, 72 + 82 (NW College); 74 + 83, 76 + 06, 77 + 30, 79 + 35 (NW Linden); and 83 + 32, 87 + 76, 90 + 76, 93 + 81, 96 + 81, 99 + 81, 102 + 98.5 and 105 + 81 (Irvinedale Drive)
2.   South Side Stations: 1 + 54, 1 + 94, 3 + 88 (SW Logan); 5 + 82, 6 + 50, 7 + 80 (SW School); 9 + 73, 9 + 98, 11 + 48 (SW Pleasant); 13 + 21, 15 + 23 (SW Walnut); 16 + 32, 16 + 96, 18 + 76 (SW Cherry); 20 + 57, 22 + 32, (SW Maple); 22 + 96, 26 + 07, 27 + 96 (SW Scott); 29 + 27, 30 + 68, 32 + 54 (SW Des Moines); 34 + 09, 34 + 39, 35 + 54, 36 + 54, 38 + 48, (SW Kline); 40 + 60, 41 + 26, 43 + 23, 43 + 59, 44 + 61, 45 + 68, 46 + 26, 47 + 30, 48 + 73 (SW Flynn); 50 + 40, 51 + 05, 51 + 75, 52 + 31, 53 + 21, 53 + 57, 54 + 84, 55 + 68, 56 + 38, 57 + 74 (SW State); 63 + 43 (SW Arlan); 66 + 61 (SW Sharmin); 67 + 73, 69 + 42, 70 + 92, 83 + 52, 85 + 52, 87 + 76, 90 + 76, 93 + 81, 96 + 81, 99 + 81, 102 + 98.5 and 105 + 81 (Irvinedale Drive).