There are fixed and established controlled access facilities, with only a controlled right of access, on East 1st Street from Ankeny Boulevard to (Delaware Avenue) (the east section line of Sections 13 and 24, Township 80 North, Range 24, West of the 5th P.M.), regulating access to and from the abutting properties along said street. Access to East 1st Street may be placed only at the following locations, using Ankeny Boulevard as Station 86 + 88 and increasing to the east:
1.   North Side: Stations 86 + 88 (N. Ankeny Blvd.), 88 + 30, 89 + 66, 90 + 32, 91 + 92.78 (NE Grant), 94 + 82 (NE Oak), 97 + 72 (NE Sherman), 100 + 62 (NE Crestmoor), 103 + 92 (NE Bel-Aire), 106 + 02, 110 + 49, 112 + 85, 113 + 54 (exit only), 115 + 60 (NE Trilein), 121 + 16, 123 + 53, 128 + 55, 131 + 06 (NE Hayes), 133 + 67, 136 + 16, 137 + 57, 139 + 49 (NE Delaware)
2.   South Side: Stations 86 + 88 (S. Ankeny Blvd.), 87 + 85, 88 + 45, 88 + 88, 90 + 32, 90 + 85, 92 + 46, (SE Grant), 94 + 83, 96 + 90, 99 + 18, 100 + 62 (SE Sharon), 113 + 10 (SE Trilein), 117 + 60, 119 + 59, 122 + 16, 124 + 56, 126 + 56, 128 + 56, 131 + 06, 133 + 67, 136 + 16, 137 + 62, 139 + 49 (SE Delaware).
There are fixed and established controlled access facilities, with only controlled rights of access onto West 1st Street from Ankeny Boulevard to its western terminus being allowed and regulated; access to and from the abutting properties along West 1st Street may be placed only at the following locations, using Ankeny Boulevard as Station 0+00 and increasing to the west:
1.   North Side Stations: 1 + 19, 1 + 72, 3 + 85, 6 + 17, 7 + 83, (NW School); 8 + 28, 11 + 46, 15 + 22 (Library); 23 + 16, 25 + 20 (NW Ash Drive); 28 + 33, 30 + 12 (NW Scott); 33 + 50 (NW Des Moines); 34 + 57, 35 + 30, 36 + 15, 36 + 85, 38 + 20 (NW Kline); 40 + 00, 42 + 45, 44 + 15, 48 + 72 (NW Flynn); 50 + 75, 56 + 14, 57 + 74 (NW State); 58 + 36, 59 + 35, 60 + 71, 63 + 12, 64 + 69 (NW Sharmin); 66 + 07, 67 + 79, 71 + 00, 72 + 82 (NW College); 74 + 83, 76 + 06, 77 + 30, 79 + 35 (NW Linden); and 83 + 32, 87 + 76, 90 + 76, 93 + 81, 96 + 81, 99 + 81, 102 + 98.5 and 105 + 81 (Irvinedale Drive)
2.   South Side Stations: 1 + 54, 1 + 94, 3 + 88 (SW Logan); 5 + 82, 6 + 50, 7 + 80 (SW School); 9 + 73, 9 + 98, 11 + 48 (SW Pleasant); 13 + 21, 15 + 23 (SW Walnut); 16 + 32, 16 + 96, 18 + 76 (SW Cherry); 20 + 57, 22 + 32, (SW Maple); 22 + 96, 26 + 07, 27 + 96 (SW Scott); 29 + 27, 30 + 68, 32 + 54 (SW Des Moines); 34 + 09, 34 + 39, 35 + 54, 36 + 54, 38 + 48, (SW Kline); 40 + 60, 41 + 26, 43 + 23, 43 + 59, 44 + 61, 45 + 68, 46 + 26, 47 + 30, 48 + 73 (SW Flynn); 50 + 40, 51 + 05, 51 + 75, 52 + 31, 53 + 21, 53 + 57, 54 + 84, 55 + 68, 56 + 38, 57 + 74 (SW State); 63 + 43 (SW Arlan); 66 + 61 (SW Sharmin); 67 + 73, 69 + 42, 70 + 92, 83 + 52, 85 + 52, 87 + 76, 90 + 76, 93 + 81, 96 + 81, 99 + 81, 102 + 98.5 and 105 + 81 (Irvinedale Drive).
158.07 INTERSTATE 35.
There are fixed and established controlled access facilities on the primary road system extension improvement, Project No. I-35-4(6) 88 Primary Road No. I-35, within the City, described as follows: I-35 from SCL (Sta. 259+02) to NCL (Sta. 285+57).
Parking of any nature is prohibited on I-35 from SCL (Sta. 259+02) to NCL (Sta. 285+57), on ramps and connections of the interchange, and on East 1st Street from Northeast Twenty-second Street easterly 2,050 feet to Sta. 1282+50.
1.   Access to controlled access streets from commercially zoned property shall be limited to 300-foot intervals. The Council may require that such property be served with marginal access streets, if necessary, to provide access to abutting properties or, in lieu thereof, may require the party requesting such access provide easements adequate to insure access to adjoining properties.
2.   Marginal access streets are minor streets which are parallel to and adjacent to arterial streets and highways, and which provide access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
3.   Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the Council, upon application by the party seeking such access and upon a showing that compliance with the requirements of this section is either impossible or impractical, may waive all or part of said requirements.