102.01 Definitions
102.09 Rejection of Waste Loads
102.02 License
102.10 Treatment Fees for Hauled Wastes
102.03 Issuance of License; Payment of Bond Requirements
102.11 Enforcement
102.04 Standards for Vehicles and Equipment
102.12 Notice of Violation; Administrative Penalties; Corrective Action Order
102.05 Disposal
102.13 Penalties
102.06 Identification of Source
102.14 Denial, Suspension and Revocation of License
102.07 Mixing Wastes
102.15 Alternative Relief
102.08 Standards of Disposal at WRF
The definitions found in Section 100.01 and 101.02 of this Code of Ordinances apply to the provisions of this chapter; provided however, the following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
1.   "Vehicle" means a commercial device equipped with a tank and used to remove or transport waste.
2.   "Waste" means human excreta, water, scum, sludge, septage, FOG, food waste or grease solids, and non-hazardous industrial wastewaters and solids removed from public and private wastewater disposal systems, holding tanks, impervious vaults, portable or chemical toilets, or from devices used to trap grease resulting from food preparation. "Waste" also means liquid wastes resulting from spill clean-up.
(Ord. 1959 - Feb. 19 Supp.)
102.02 LICENSE.
No waste hauler shall remove waste from within the corporate limits of the City or dispose of waste, whether from a source inside or outside the corporate limits, into the POTW without first obtaining a waste hauler license from the WRA, with the following exceptions:
1.   WRA participating communities that operate vehicles to remove waste from municipal sewer systems.
2.   Waste haulers hired by WRA participating communities to remove waste from municipal sewer systems and which bring no other wastes to the WRF.
3.   Waste haulers utilized by industrial users issued a wastewater discharge permit by the WRA.
4.   Waste haulers granted temporary authorization by the WRA Director in order to deal with an emergency.
The waste hauler's license shall be issued by the WRA Director upon written application that shall consist of the following minimum requirements:
1.   Inspection. The WRA Director, upon application, shall inspect the trucks, hoses, valves, and associated equipment of the applicant for a waste hauler’s license and determine if said applicant meets the minimum qualifications for complying with the conditions of this chapter.
2.   License Fee and Bond. An application shall require the payment of a fee of $60.00 for each vehicle used by the applicant and the posting of a bond with reasonable surety in a penal sum which shall cover no less than two months of average or estimated treatment fees at the WRF for the faithful compliance with this chapter, including prompt payment of treatment costs, surcharges, fees, and fines. Bond amounts shall be up to $100,000.00 but not less than $20,000.00 and structured as follows as required by the WRA director:
Total Monthly Treatment Fees
Surety Bond Amount
< $10,000
$10,001 - $20,000
$20,001 - $40,000
> $40,001
WRA participating communities that contract with waste haulers in order to clean and rehabilitate storm and sanitary sewers owned by the community or that own and operate waste hauling vehicles may provide proof of self-insurance or provide a letter guaranteeing payment of up to $20,000.00 in lieu of providing a surety bond.
3.   Renewal. A waste hauler license shall expire on June 30 next after its issuance. The renewal application must be made in the same manner as the initial application and must be received by the Director 30 days prior to expiration. Failure to apply 30 days prior to expiration may result in an interruption in the license and the privileges of such license.
4.   Transferability. Waste hauler licenses are not transferable.
(Ord. 2120 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
As to all vehicles and equipment used by a waste hauler, the licensee shall:
1.   Prevent waste and wastewater from leaking, spilling, or discharging onto roads or rights-of-way.
2.   Ensure proper construction and repair of the equipment to allow cleaning.
3.   Maintain vehicles and equipment in an essentially rust-free and sanitary condition and appearance.
4.   Display the business name as it appears on the waste hauler license in three-inch or larger letters on the left and right sides of the vehicle.
102.05 DISPOSAL.
Waste haulers shall dispose of hauled wastes permitted herein according to rules for land application as found in Chapter 65, Chapter 69, and Chapter 121 of the Iowa Administrative Code or at a location designated by the WRA Director. Hours of operation at the WRF disposal station shall be set by the WRA Director. Special arrangements between the waste hauler and the WRA Director shall be allowed to permit response to emergency conditions. Waste haulers shall maintain the designated disposal location in a clean and orderly condition to avoid noxious odors and unsanitary conditions.
1.   Waste haulers must document the nature and origin of wastes collected and the site and method of disposal for wastes that are removed from any locations or are delivered to the WRF. Such information shall be provided on a manifest form provided by the WRA and shall also include:
   A.   The name and address of the waste generator(s);
   B.   The type of waste collected;
   C.   Any other information consistent with identification and tracking of wastes.
The WRA director or his or her designee shall have the right to verify all information required by this section, including the right to measure, sample and analyze any waste regulated by this division.
2.   The waste hauler or waste generator shall obtain approval from the WRA director or his or her designee prior to loading wastes originating from an industrial/commercial source unless prior approval is on record with the WRA. A hauled waste profile form prescribed by the WRA must be completed by the waste generator and submitted to the WRA director or his or her designee for consideration for waste load disposal at the WRF. Such profile form shall include information regarding the waste generator's name, address, phone number, authorized representative, waste description and product information, anticipated volume and frequency of disposals, waste transporter information, process waste characteristics including pollutant concentrations, declarations, certifications, and signature of authorized official.
(Ord. 2120 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
1.   For the purposes of this chapter, wastes from residential and nonresidential sources shall not be mixed. Wastes from an industrial/commercial source shall not be mixed with wastes of any type from another location. Portable toilet and food service establishment grease trap wastes may be mixed with similar wastes from different locations. Residential wastes from several sources may be mixed as long as each source is identified.
2.   Any tanks used for hauling waste to the WRF or equipment that comes in contact with waste shall not be used for hauling hazardous wastes or hazardous substances, as defined in Iowa Code Section 567.1 et seq., Chapter 131 of the Iowa Administrative Code and in 40 CFR 261, or other wastes which may be detrimental to the POTW, the receiving waters, or the health of WRF employees, private contractors, or the public.
(Ord. 2120 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
1.   Under this division, disposal of wastes at the WRF shall be carried out in accordance with pretreatment standards and requirements established by Federal, State, County and City governments including categorical standards developed for the waste generator's industrial category. The WRA director may reject wastes from waste haulers who do not comply with this section or with any other applicable section of this division. Waste haulers shall not deliver wastes to the WRF, or to any other disposal location approved by the WRA director which are:
   A.   Prohibited by Section 100.08 or exceed the limits found in subsection 100.09(3)(D) and Sections 100.10 and 100.11 of this Code of Ordinances.
   B.   Hazardous wastes or hazardous substances as defined in 40 CFR Part 261 or 567 IAC, Chapter 131.
   C.   Originate from mineral oil unless first treated to remove the oil and grease.
   D.   Not completely identified or are from industrial/commercial sources that are not approved by the WRA director as required in Section 102.06.
   E.   Mixed in a manner prohibited in Section 102.07.
   F.   Wastes other than residential from outside the WRA, except through requests to the WRA director.
2.   All disposal transactions at the WRF shall consist of waste haulers scaling in and scaling out on the WRF scales system. Prior to discharging any contents from their vehicle, a waste hauler shall:
   A.   Collect onsite at the WRF a sufficient sample of the waste material onboard.
   B.   Test and record the pH and immediately report any results that do not meet disposal limits as listed in Section 100.08.
   C.   Document on the WRF manifest all contents of the waste load including waste type, source information, and any other information consistent with identification and tracking of wastes as required in Section 102.06.
   D.   Request and obtain approval from WRF Operations to begin unloading at the WRF digesters.
(Ord. 2120 - Sep. 22 Supp.)