1. In the event the Council determines the necessity of constructing a major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility, and determines that the utilization of a connection fee is the most equitable manner in which to recover the City’s costs associated therewith, the Council shall cause a “Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Adoption of an Ordinance to Establish a Benefited District and a Connection Fee” to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City as hereinafter provided. In addition to indicating the date, time and place of the public hearing, the notice shall:
A. Identify by general description the proposed benefited district to be served by the major sanitary sewer facility or facilities, or major water main facility or facilities; and
B. Set forth the proposed schedule of connection fees to be paid by property owners within the benefited district who connect to said facilities, expressed in dollars per acre of land area served or such other method as the City shall determine to be equitable for the benefited district.
2. The notice shall also state that the proposed connection fee ordinance is on file, along with a plat of the area to be served, and both are available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. The notice shall be published not more than 45 days and not less than 20 days prior to the scheduled date of the public hearing, and shall be mailed to each property owner within the benefited district as shown by the records of the County Assessor.
3. At the public hearing, the owners of property within the proposed benefited district shall be heard and may offer comments or objections as to:
A. The calculation of the area benefited by the proposed major sanitary sewer facilities or major water main facilities; and
B. The proposed connection fee.
4. Upon concluding the hearing, the City Council shall rule upon the objections presented during the hearing and may consider the adoption of the proposed connection fee ordinance. Upon consideration of the proposed connection fee ordinance, the Council may:
A. Adopt the ordinance as proposed;
B. Delete elements or portions of the proposed major sanitary sewer facilities and major water main facilities and the properties served thereby from the benefited district proposed; or
C. Amend the ordinance to revise the connection fee.
1. The owners of parcels of less than one acre in size located within the benefited district may connect such parcels to the sanitary sewer facility or water main facility upon approval of their application for connection, payment of the minimum connection fee, or the fee for one acre if the connection fee is a per-acre fee for the parcel, and construction, at the owner’s expense, of appropriate connection structures, as determined necessary by the City.
2. The owners of residences on parcels in excess of one acre in size located within the benefited district may connect such residences to the major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility upon approval of their application for connection and division of said parcel into a residence parcel and a remainder parcel, payment of the connection fee for the residence parcel and construction, at the owner’s expense, of appropriate connection structures, as determined necessary by the City. The connection fee for the remainder parcel shall be payable at such time as the remainder parcel shall be connected to the major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility. For purposes of this section, a parcel may be divided once. For purposes of this section, division of the property into a residence parcel and a remainder parcel may be accomplished by submitting a drawing showing a graphical depiction of the two parcels including dimensions accurate to within a distance of one foot, a legal description of the entire parcel and a legal description of the residence parcel with such accuracy as to allow the City to determine a reasonable description of the remainder parcel. For purposes of this section, the division of property does not require a subdivision of the property or a plat of survey.
3. No connection shall be made for the purpose of providing water or sewer service to any property except direct connections to serve property included within the benefited district.
4. Sanitary sewer service or water service can be provided to parcels and facilities owned by a political subdivision of the State of Iowa, in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in this section for parcels less than one acre in size, described in subsection 1, above.
5. All other property located within the benefited district shall be eligible for connection to the sanitary sewer facility or water main facility upon approval of an application for connection by the owner thereof, as hereafter provided, and payment of the connection fee for such property, provided such property has been appropriately subdivided for development, and, where applicable, all sanitary sewer improvements and/or water main improvements necessary to serve said property have been constructed, at the owner’s expense, and accepted by the City.
6. The owner of any parcel making a connection to water main or sanitary sewer facilities, as authorized and permitted herein, shall be solely responsible for the cost of making such connection. Such connection shall be designed and installed in complete accordance with all applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations.
1. All owners of those properties within the benefited district whose properties are eligible for connection and who propose to connect such properties directly or indirectly to the sanitary sewer facility or water main facility shall make application to the City for such connection. No connection shall be made to a major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility until such application has been approved and until the required connection fee has been paid.
2. The submittal of construction plans to the City for sanitary sewer improvements and/or water main improvements on property being subdivided for development shall constitute an application to the City for purposes of this section.
3. In addition to the application for connection and the required connection fee, the owner of the parcel to be serviced by the connection that is not within the corporate limits at that time shall file with the City an Application for Annexation, said application to be in a form as provided by the City and subsequently acted upon by the City Council.
4. In the event any property owner connects his or her property within a benefited district to a major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility without having made application therefor or without having received approval thereof, or without having paid the required connection fee established by a connection fee ordinance, the City shall be entitled to disconnect such private sewer connection or private water connection until such time as the property owner has made and received approval of the application, and/or has paid the required connection fee.
1. The sewer connection fee or water connection fee shall be due and payable at the time application is made to the City for connection to the major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility. The sewer connection fee and/or water connection fee required by this section shall be paid before the City will approve the final plan of property subject to the connection fee.
2. The sewer connection fee or water connection fee shall be in an amount equal to the maximum acre area of contiguous property, or fraction thereof, within the benefited district under common ownership which can be lawfully served through such proposed connection, multiplied by the per acre connection fee or such other fee basis as determined for the benefited district established in the connection fee ordinance for that benefited district. The connection fee may be a graduated connection fee, with annual interest adjustments, such that property owners who connect in later years pay interest on the connection fee for their property.
3. The sewer connection fees or water connection fees required by this chapter shall be due and payable to the City.
4. The sewer connection fees and/or water connection fees required by this chapter are in addition to, and not in lieu of, fees required in Sections 90.06 and 96.02 of this Code of Ordinances.
5. Any person violating the provisions of this chapter by connecting to a major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility without having complied with the provisions of this chapter shall be punished as provided in Section 1.14.
The following water connection districts have been established and all connection requirements provided in this chapter shall apply.
1. Crosswinds Water Connection District 1.
A. Crosswinds Water Connection District 1 means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
Beginning at the SE corner of Section 7, Township 79 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 7-79-23); thence west along the south line of Section 7-79-23 to the east ROW line of Interstate Highway 35; thence northerly along the east ROW line of Interstate Highway 35 to the north line of Section 6, Township 79 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 6-79-23); thence east along the north line of Section 6-79-23 to the centerline of SE Four Mile Drive; thence south along the centerline of SE Four Mile Drive to the NE corner of Section 7-79-23; thence south along the east line of Section 7-79-23 to the point of beginning.
and: EX S 1065.15F- W 757F S OF RR LESS RD SW 1/4 SEC 5-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-05-300-001
and: EX W 60F RD- BEG 1040.15F N OF SW COR THN E 1155F THN N TO PT 330F S OF N LN THN W TO PT 1584F W OF E LN THN N TO S LN RR THN SWLY ALNG RR TO PT 757F E OF W LN & 1064.5F N OF S LN THN W 757F TO W LN THN S 25F TO POB SW 1/4 SEC 5-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-05-300-002
and: PARCEL D S1039.5F W1155F SW 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS 2.94A RD SEC 5-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-05-300-008
and: 1 SQUARE A NW COR NW 1/4 NW 1/4 LESS .458A RD SEC 8-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-08-100-001
and: EX 1 SQUARE A NW COR & PARCEL F BK 8529 PG 964 BEG 884.67F E OF NW COR THN E 435F S 545F W 435F N 545F TO POB & BEG 1314.2F N OF W 1/4 COR OF SEC THN N 258F ALNG W LN E 100F S 258F W 100F TO POB- NW 1/4 NW 1/4 LESS 2.24A RD SEC 8-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-08-100-009
and: PARCEL F N 545F E 435F NW 1/4 NW 1/4 LESS .44A RD SEC 8-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-08-100-008
B. The owner of any parcel included within the Crosswinds Water Connection District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the Crosswinds Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $1,800.00 per acre, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater.
2. Delaware Avenue. No person shall be allowed to connect onto the existing SE Delaware Avenue water main outside the City limits of the City, except under the following conditions:
A. Only residential dwellings constructed and occupied in 1980 shall be allowed to hook onto said water line and the water provided to said premises through said line shall be used solely for residential purposes.
B. In the event that any person who owns premises which qualify under the preceding subsection desires to connect to the SE Delaware Avenue water main, such person must first file an application with the City, requesting such service. Such application shall be accompanied by payment of a hook-on fee in the amount of $2,500.00.
C. All of the water lines required to connect the existing building to the City water system as well as the water meter shall be installed in accordance with City rules and regulations governing such installation and at the sole cost of the applicant.
3. Eastside Rural Water Connection District 1.
A. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Eastside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I” means the water main installed along SE Oralabor Road (County NE 78
Avenue), NE 29
Street, NE Berwick Drive and SE Magazine Road (County NE 86
Avenue) within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 1.
(2) “Eastside Rural Water Connection District 1” means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
Beginning at a point on the south line of Section 30, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 30-80-23) that is 907.2 feet east of the South ¼ Corner of said Section 30; thence northerly 355.09 feet; thence westerly 153.05 feet to the SE Corner of Metro North II Plat 2, thence northerly 285.21 feet along the east line of Lot 5 Metro North II Plat 2; thence northerly 457.52 feet along the east line of Lot 4 Metro North II Plat 2; thence northerly 264.45 feet along the east line of Lot 3 Metro North II Plat 2 to a point on the north line of the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 30-80-23; to the NW Corner of the SE¼ SE¼ Section 30-80-23; thence east along the north line of the west 30 acres of the SE¼ SE¼ Section 30-80-23 to the SW Corner of the east 30 acres of the NE¼ SE¼ Section 30-80-23; thence north along the west line of the east 30 acres of the NE¼ SE¼ Section 30-80-23 to the NW Corner of the north 10 acres of the east 30 acres of the NE¼ SE¼ Section 30-80-23; thence west along the south line of the SE¼ NE¼ Section 30-80-23 to the SW Corner of the SE¼ NE¼ Section 30-80-23; thence north along the west line of the SE¼ NE¼ Section 30-80-23 to the SE Corner of Lot 6 Mallorys Park, an Official Plat; thence west along the south line of Lots 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 Mallorys Park to the SW Corner of Lot 1 Mallorys Park; thence north along the west line of Lot 1 Mallorys Park to the NW Corner of Lot 1 Mallorys Park;
thence north 33 feet to the south line of Section 19, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 19-80-23); thence west along the south line of Section 19-80-23 to the SW Corner of the SE¼ Section 19-80-23; thence north along the west line of the SE¼ Section 19-80-23 to the SE Corner of the north 3 acres of the east 8 acres NE¼ SW Fractional ¼ Section 19-80-23; thence west along the south line of the north 3 acres of the east 8 acres NE¼ SW Fractional ¼ Section 19-80-23 to the SW Corner of said north 3 acres of the east 8 acres NE¼ SW Fractional ¼ Section 19-80-23; thence north along the west line of the north 3 acres of the east 8 acres NE¼ SW Fractional ¼ Section 19-80-23 to the NW Corner of said north 3 acres of the east 8 acres NE¼ SW Fractional ¼ Section 19-80-23; thence east along the north line of the north 3 acres of the east 8 acres NE¼ SW Fractional ¼ Section 19-80-23 to the NW Corner of the SE¼ Section 19-80-23; thence east along the north line of the SE¼ Section 19-80-23 to the NE Corner of the W½ SE¼ Section 19-80-23; thence south along the east line of the W½ SE¼ Section 19-80-23 to the NW Corner of the SE¼ SE¼. Section 19-80-23; thence east along the north line of the SE¼ SE¼ Section 19-80-23 to the NE Corner of the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 19-80-23; thence south along the east line of Section 19-80-23 to the NW Corner of the South 26 acres of the SW¼ SW¼ Section 20, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 20-80-23);
thence east along the north line of the South 26 acres of the SW¼ SW¼ Section 20-80-23 to the NE Corner of the South 26 acres of the SW¼ SW¼ Section 20-80-23; thence south along the east line of the South 26 acres of the SW¼ SW¼ Section 20-80-23 to the SE Corner of the SW¼ SW¼ Section 20, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 20-80-23);
thence south along the east line of the NW¼ NW¼ Section 29-80-23 to the SE Corner of the NW¼ NW¼ Section 29-80-23; thence east along the north line of the SE¼ NW¼ Section 29-80-23 to the NW Corner of SW¼ NE¼ Section 29-80-23; thence east along the north line of the SW¼ NE¼ Section 29-80-23 to the NE Corner of the SW¼ NE¼ Section 29-80-23; thence south along the east line of the SW¼ NE¼ Section 29-80-23 to the SE Corner of the SW¼ NE¼ Section 29-80-23; thence south along the east line of Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7, J.A.D. Farms Plat 1, an Official Plat, and continuing south to the SE Corner of the SW¼ SE¼ Section 29-80-23; thence south along the east line of Lots 3 and 2, Four Mile Woods Plat 2, an Official Plat, to the SE Corner of Lot 2, Four Mile Woods Plat 2; thence west along the south line of Lots 2 and 1, Four Mile Woods Plat 2, to the SW Corner of Lot 1, Four Mile Woods Plat 2;
thence west along the south line of the N½ NW¼ Section 32, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 32-80-23) to the SE Corner of Lot 7, Oakland Timber Estates, an Official Plat, and continuing west along the south line of said Lot 7, to the SW Corner of said Lot 7; and continuing west along the south line of the N½ NW¼ Section 32-80-23 to the SW Corner of the N½NW¼ Section 32-80-23, and continuing west along the south line of N½NE¼ Section 31, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 31-80-23) to the SE Corner of Lot 5 Metro North Air Park, an Official Plat; thence north along the east line of Lots 5, 4 and 3, Metro North Air Park, an Official Plat, to the south line of Section 30-80-23; thence east along the south line of Section 30-80-23 to the point of beginning.
B. The owner of any parcel included within the Eastside Rural Water District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the Eastside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the Eastside Rural Water District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the Eastside Rural Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the Eastside Rural Water Main as necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in three components: cost per platted lot, cost per frontage foot on the Eastside Rural Water Main, and cost per square foot within the subdivision. The fees for each component are as follows and the total fee will be the sum of the components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Cost per platted lot $ 1,275.00
Cost per frontage foot $ 3.60
Cost per square foot $ 0.003
D. In the event any parcel within the Eastside Rural Water District 1 is developed for urban residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the Eastside Rural water main or extensions of mains connected to the Eastside Rural Water Main as necessary their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, prior to final plat approval by the City, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The connection fee for urban residential development is $1,800.00 per acre within the plat boundary.
E. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the Eastside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the Eastside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the Eastside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I defined hereunder as the Eastside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I except as provided for hereunder.
4. Northside Rural Water Connection District 1.
A. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Northside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I” means the water main installed along NE Delaware Avenue (County NE 22
Street), NE 54
Street (County NE 118
Avenue), and NW Ash Drive (County NE 6
Street) within the Northside Rural Water Connection District 1.
(2) “Northside Rural Water Connection District 1” means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
Beginning at a point on the west ROW line of NW Ash Drive that is 556.97 feet north of the NE Corner of Ashland Meadows Plat 2, an Official Plat; thence west 816.2 feet to a point; thence south 496.96 feet to a point; thence east 185 feet to a point; thence south 60 feet to a point on the north line of Lot 20 Ashland Meadows Plat 5, an Official Plat; thence west along the north line of Lot 20 Ashland Meadows Plat 5 to the NW Corner of Lot 20 Ashland Meadows Plat 5; thence west along the north line of Lots 7, 6, 5 and 4 of Ashland Meadows Plat 6, an Official Plat, to the SE Corner of the W½ NW¼ of Section 11, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 11-80-24); thence north along the cast line of the W½ NW¼ Section 11-80-24 to the NE Corner of the W½ NW¼ Section 11-80-24;
thence east alone the south line of Section 2, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 2-80-24) to the SW Corner of the east 35 acres of the SE¼ SW¼ Section 2-80-24; thence north along the west line of the east 35 acres of the SE¼ SW¼ Section 2-80-24 to the NW Corner of the east 35 acres of the SE¼ SW¼ Section 2-80-24; thence west along the south line of the N½ SW¼ Section 2-80-24 to the SW Corner of the N½ SW¼ Section 2-80-24; thence north along the west line of the N½ SW¼ Section 2-80-24 to the NW Corner of the N½ SW¼ Section 2-80-24; thence east along the north line of the N½ SW¼ Section 2-80-24 to the SW Corner of the SE¼ NW Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24; thence north along the west line of the SE¼ NW Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24 to the NW Corner of the SE¼ NW Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24; thence west along the south line of the N½ NW Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24 to the SW Corner of the N½ NW Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24;
thence south along the east line of the E½ NE Fractional ¼ of Section 3, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 3-80-24) to the SE Corner of the E½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 3-80-24; thence west along the south line of the NE Fractional ¼ Section 3-80-24 to the SW Corner of the W½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 3-80-24; thence north along the west line of the W½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 3-80-24 to the NW Corner of the W½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 3-80-24;
thence north along the west line of the W½ SE¼ of Section 34, Township 81 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 34-81-24) to the NW Corner of the W½ SE¼ Section 34-81-24; thence east along the north line of the SE ¼ Section 34-81-24 to the NE corner of the SE¼ Section 34-81-24;
thence east along the north line of the S½ of Section 35, Township 81 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 35-81-24) to the NE Corner of the S½ Section 35-81-24;
thence south along the west line of the Section 36, Township 81 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P. M. (Section 36-81-24) to the SW Corner of the NW¼ SW¼ and the west 6 acres of Section 36-81-24; thence cast along the south line of the NW¼ SW¼ and the west 6 acres of the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24 to the SE Corner of the NW¼ SW¼ and the west 6 acres of the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24; thence north along the east line of the NW¼ SW¼ and the west 6 acres of the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24 to the NE Corner of the NW¼ SW¼ and the west 6 acres of the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24; thence east along the north line of the east 68 acres of the E½ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24 to the NE Corner of the east 68 acres of the E½ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24; thence south along the east line of the east 68 acres of the E½ SW¼ of Section 36-81-24 to the SW Corner of the N½ SE¼ of Section 36-81-24; thence east along the south line of the N½ SE¼ of Section 36-81-24 to the SE Corner of the N½ SE¼ of Section 36-81- 24;
thence south along the west line of Section 31, Township 81 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P. M. (Section 31-81-23) to the SW Corner of the S¾ SW Fractional ¼ of Section 31-81-23; thence cast along the south line of the S¾ SW Fractional ¼ of Section 31-81-23 to the west ROW line of Interstate Highway 35; thence south along the west ROW line of Interstate Highway 35 to a point on the south line of Section 31-81-23;
thence continuing south along the west ROW line of Interstate Highway 35 to a point on the south line of the NW Fractional ¼ of Section 6, Township 80 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 6-80-23); thence west along the south line of the NW Fractional ¼ Section 6-80-23 to the SW Corner of the NW Fractional ¼ Section 6-80-23;
thence north along the cast line of Section 1, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 1-80-24) to a point located 1641.57 feet south of the NE Corner of the NE Fractional ¼ of Section 1-80-24; thence westerly 1102.40 feet along the centerline of the Iowa Electric Power and Light electric transmission line easement to a point on the north line of the Creekside PUD, an official Planned Unit Development; thence westerly 800.54 feet along the easement centerline to a point on the north line of the Creekside PUD; thence westerly 205.80 feet along the easement centerline to the NW Corner of the Creekside PUD, thence southeasterly 47.35 feet to a point of the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 100.29 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 157.26 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 52.47 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 50.00 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 95.29 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southwesterly 44.13 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence northwesterly 88.91 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southwesterly 67.10 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 56.80 feet to a point on the east line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 50.00 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southwesterly 44.98 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence northwesterly 110.25 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 25.54 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 70.60 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southwesterly 37.47 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southerly 68.88 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence northwesterly 137.36 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD; thence southwesterly 45.01 feet to a point on the west line of the Creekside PUD;
thence northerly 119.73 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace PUD, an official Planned Unit Development; thence northwesterly 19.87 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace PUD; thence northwesterly 25.90 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace PUD; thence southwesterly 99.18 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace PUD; thence southwesterly 110.00 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace PUD; thence southwesterly 65.00 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace PUD; thence northwesterly 235.00 feet to a point on the east line of the Avondale Trace IPUD; thence northwesterly 334.94 feet to the northeasterly Corner of the Avondale Trace PUD; thence westerly 2025.00 feet along the north line of the Avondale Trace to the NW Corner of the Avondale Trace PUD;
thence continuing along said line westerly 60 feet to the east line of Section 2, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 2-80-24); thence north along the east line of Section 2-80-24 to the NE Corner of the N 562.5 feet of the S 1125 feet of the E 1960 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ of Section 2-80-24; thence west 1960 feet along the north line of the N 562.5 feet of the S 1125 feet of the E 1960 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ of Section 2-80-24 to the NW Corner of the N 562.5 feet of the S 1125 feet of the E 1960 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ of Section 2-80-24; thence south 562.5 feet along the west line of the N 562.5 feet of the S 1125 feet of the E 1960 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ of Section 2-80-24 to the SW Corner of the N 562.5 feet of the S 1125 feet of the E 1960 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ of Section 2-80-24; thence south 562.5 feet along the west line of the E1960 feet of the S 562.5 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24 to the SW Corner of the E 1960 feet of the S 562.5 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24; thence east 1960 feet along the south line of the E 1960 feet of the S 562.5 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24 to the SE Corner of the E 1960 feet of the S 562.5 feet of the N½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24; thence south along the east line of Section 2-80-24 to the SE Corner of the S½ NE Fractional ¼ Section 2-80-24; thence south along the east line of Section 2-80-24 to the NE Corner of the E 1597.2 feet of the S 600 feet of the N½ SE¼ Section 2-80-24; thence west 1597.2 feet along the north line of the E 1597.2 feet of the S 600 feet of the N½ SE¼ Section 2-80-24 to the NW Corner of the E 1597.2 feet of the S 600 feet of the N½ SE¼ Section 2-80- 24; thence south 600 feet along the west line of the E 1597.2 feet of the S 600 feet of the N½ SE¼ Section 2-80-24 to the SW Corner of the E 1597.2 feet of the S 600 feet of the N½ SE¼ Section 2-80-24; thence east 427.2 feet along the south line of the E 1597.2 feet of the S 600 feet of the N½ SE¼ Section 2-80-24 to a point; thence southeasterly 375.88 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 418.42 feet to a point; thence easterly 345.00 feet to a point on the east line of the S½ SE¼ Section 2-80-24; thence south 970.45 feet along the east line of Section 2-80-24 to the SE Corner of Section 2-80-24;
thence south along the east line of the N 140 acres of the NE¼ of Section 11, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 11-8,0-24) to the SE Corner of the N 140 acres of the NE¼ of Section 11-80-24; thence west along the south line of the N 140 acres of the NE¼ of Section 11-80-24 to the SW Corner of the N 140 acres of the NE¼ of Section 11-80-24; thence continuing west to a point on the west ROW line of NW Ash Drive; thence north along the west ROW line of NW Ash Drive to the Point of Beginning.
B. The owner of any parcel included within the Northside Rural Water District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the Northside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I shall make application therefor to the City, and at the time of making application, shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the Northside Rural Water District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the Northside Rural Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the Northside Rural Water Main as necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the Northside Rural Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision. The costs for each component are as follows and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Cost per frontage foot $ 60.00
Cost per acre $ 1,400.00
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the Northside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the Northside Rural Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the Northside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the Northside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I defined hereunder as the Northside Rural Water Main Extension Phase I except as provided for hereunder.
5. Northwest 18th Street Water Connection District 1.
A. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “NW 18
Street Water Main Phase 1” means the water main installed along NW 18
Street between the abandoned Railroad ROW and NW State Street.
(2) “NW 18
Street Water Connection District 1” means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
Beginning at a point being the SE Corner of Section 10, Township 80 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M. (Section 10-80-24) thence north along the east line Section 10-80-24 to the NE Corner of the SE¼ Section 10-80-24; thence west along the north line of the SE¼ Section 10-80-24 to NW Corner of the SE¼ Section 10-80-24; thence south along the west line of the SE¼ Section 10-80-24 to the NE Corner of the S½ SW¼ and the south 3 acres of the N½ SW¼ Section 10-80-24; thence west along the north line of the S½ SW¼ and the south 3 acres of the N½ SW¼ Section 10-80-24 to a point on the east ROW line of NW Irvinedale Road; thence south along the east ROW line of NW Irvinedale Road to a point on the north ROW line of the abandoned Union Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly along the north ROW line of the abandoned Union Pacific Railroad to a point on the south line of Section 10-80-24; thence east along the south section line of Section 10-80-24 to the point of beginning.
B. The owner of any parcel included within the NW 18th Street Water Connection District 1 to make a residential service connection to the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I shall make application therefor to the City, and at the time of making application, shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the NW 18th Street Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I or extensions of mains connected to the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I as necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I, or cost per acre within the subdivision. The costs for each component are as follows and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Cost per frontage foot $ 65.00
Cost per platted acre $ 1,000.00
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the NW 18th Street Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the NW 18th Street Water Main Phase I except as provided for hereunder.
6. Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1.
A. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main” means the water main installed along Northwest Weigel Drive between north of Northwest 5
Street and Northwest 18
(2) “Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1” means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
-EX BEG NE CORNER W½ NW¼ SEC 16 THN S 1570.96F W 40.01F N 1496.1F NWLY 39.53F W 1249.4F N 50F E 1314.69F TO POB ROAD & ROAD EASM- & -EX E 433F S 1089F- W½ NW¼ SEC 16-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-16-100-007)
E 433F S 1089F W½ NW¼ LESS 1A RD SEC 16-80-24 (GEOPARCEL #8024-16-100-008)
B. No connection shall be made to the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to any property except direct connections to serve property included within the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1 and then, only on the conditions set forth in subsection C below.
C. The right to make connections to the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main from parcels included within the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1 shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) No connection shall be permitted other than a direct connection to serve a residential structure located on an established parcel within the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1, except as provided in paragraph D below.
(2) The owner of any parcel included within the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main shall make application therefor to the City and, at the time of making application, shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
(3) The owner of any parcel within the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1 making a connection to the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main, as authorized and permitted hereunder, shall be solely responsible for the cost of making such connection, all as provided for in Section 90.12. Such connection shall be designed and installed in complete accordance with all applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations.
D. In the event any parcel within the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial, or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows, and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Connection Fee (per acre) | Connection Fee (per front foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2008 | $2,104.00 | $59.50 |
January 1, 2009 | $2,188.20 | $61.90 |
January 1, 2010 | $2,272.40 | $64.30 |
January 1, 2011 | $2,356.60 | $66.70 |
January 1, 2012 | $2,440.80 | $69.10 |
January 1, 2013 | $2,525.00 | $71.50 |
January 1, 2014 | $2,609.20 | $73.90 |
January 1, 2015 | $2,693.40 | $76.30 |
January 1, 2016 | $2,777.60 | $78.70 |
January 1, 2017 and thereafter | $2,861.80 | $81.10 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
E. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main defined hereunder as the Northwest Weigel Drive Water Main except as provided for hereunder.
7. Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2.
A. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2” means the water main installed along Northwest 18
Street between Northwest Irvinedale Drive and Northwest Weigel Drive.
(2) “Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2” means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
PARCEL A BK 11144 PG 750 CORR AFF BK 11555 PG 364 BEG SE COR THN W1976.35F N 50F NELY 39.27F N 25F NWLY 176.54F W 138.07F N 156.65F NE 185.85F NE 225.54F N 1069.69F TO S ROW LN ABND UP RR SE 1965.1F TO E LN OF SEC S 1178.94F TO POB SE¼ LESS 1.28A RD EAS & 2.44A RD SEC 9-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-09-400-008)
-EX S 60F W 356.48F- & -EX PARCEL A BK 11144 PG 750 CORR AFF BK 11555 PG 364 BEG SE COR THN W 1976.35F N 50F NELY 39.27F N 25F NWLY 176.54F W 138.07F N 156.65F NE 185.85F NE 225.54F N 1069.69F TO S ROW LN ABND UP RR SE 1965.1F TO E LN OF SEC S 1178.94F TO POB-SE¼ LYG S OF ABND UP RR ROW LESS RD SEC 9-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-09-400-006)
-EX S 50F RD- BEG 405F W OF SE COR THN W 249F N 488.1F E 249F S 487.74F TO POB S½ SW¼ SEC 9-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-09-300-012)
-EX S 50F W 658F & S 60F E 405.52F- & -EX BEG 405F W OF SE COR THN W 249F N 488.1F E 249F S 487.74F TO POB- & -EX BEG 50F N OF SW CORNER SE¼ SW¼ SEC 9 THN 1270.34F TO NW CORNER SE¼ SW¼ E 40F S 1245.29F SE 39.37F W 65.1F TO POB LESS EXISTING ROAD EASM- SE¼ SW¼ LESS RD SEC 9-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-09-300-014)
-EX N 50F W 1000F & N 70F E 312.52F- NE¼ NW¼ LESS RD SEC 16-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-16-100-003)
-EX N 70F & HIDDEN CREEK PLT 3- NW¼ NE¼ SEC 16-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-16-201-002)
-EX BEG NW COR THN E 429.21F S 33F W 211.95F WLY ALNG CRV 282.83F THN N 68.02F TO POB- & -EX PARCEL Q BK 10493 PG 562 & HIDDEN CREEK PLTS 2 & 3- NE¼ NE¼ SEC 16-80-24 (GEOPARCEL 8024-16-226-018)
-EX BEG NE COR TUN W 522.74F S 33F E 428.47F SELY ALNG CRV 94.78F TO E LN THN N 43.47F TO POB- PARCEL Q BK 10493 PG 562 NE¼ NE¼ SEC 16-80-24 (GEOPARCEL # 8024-16-226-017)
B. No connection shall be made to the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 for the purpose of providing water service to any property except direct connections to serve property included within the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2, and then, only on the conditions set forth in subsection C below.
C. The right to make connections to the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 from parcels included within the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2 shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) No connection shall be permitted other than a direct connection to serve a residential structure located on an established parcel within the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2 except as provided in subsection D below.
(2) The owner of any parcel included within the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2 desiring to make a residential service connection to the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 shall make application therefor to the City and, at the time of making application, shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fee set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
(3) The owner of any parcel within the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2 making a connection to the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2, as authorized and permitted hereunder, shall be solely responsible for the cost of making such connection, all as provided for in Section 90.12. Such connection shall be designed and installed in complete accordance with all applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations.
D. In the event any parcel within the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial, or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 or extensions of mains connected to the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Connection Fee (per acre) | Connection Fee (per front foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2008 | $1,305.00 | $30.00 |
January 1, 2009 | $1,357.20 | $31.20 |
January 1, 2010 | $1,409.40 | $32.40 |
January 1, 2011 | $1,461.60 | $33.60 |
January 1, 2012 | $1,513.80 | $34.80 |
January 1, 2013 | $1,566.00 | $36.00 |
January 1, 2014 | $1,618.20 | $37.20 |
January 1, 2015 | $1,670.40 | $38.40 |
January 1, 2016 | $1,722.60 | $39.60 |
January 1, 2017 and thereafter | $1,774.80 | $40.80 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
E. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the Northwest 18
Street Water Connection District 2. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 defined hereunder as the Northwest 18
Street Water Main Phase 2 except as provided for hereunder.
8. Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2.
A. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2” means the water main installed along SE Creekview Drive, E. First Street, NE Frisk Drive, and NE 18
Street (NE 102
(2) “Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2” means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
-EX BEG SW COR THN N 767.2F E 70F S 195F W10F S578.44F W60.32F TO POB- W 200F S 334.4F SW FRL 1/4 LESS RD SEC 7-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-07-300-004)
and: E 160F W 360F S 770F LESS 1.60 A RD SEC 7-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-07-300-005)
and: BEG 360F E SW COR THN N 285F E 150F S 185F W 20F S 100F W 130F TO BEG SW FRL 1/4 SW FRL 1/4 LESS RD SEC 7-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-07-300-006)
and: -EX PARCEL D BEG 2200.87F E & 85F S OF NW COR THN E 120.22F SELY 541.55F SW 32.74F W 260.51F N 552.5F TO POB- NE 1/4 NW FRL 1/4 LYG NLY OF CREEKVIEW GOLF PLT 1 & E OF SE CREEKVIEW DR LESS RD SEC 19-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-19-128-001)
and: -EX BEG 1961.8F E & 75F N OF SW COR SEC 18 THN W 289.3F NW162.3F N91.2F SELY 223.5F E270.5F S40F TO POB- W 650F SE 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS .75A RD SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-376-001)
and: -EX W 650F- SE 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS 2.203 A RD SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-377-001)
and: S 418.85F W520F OUTLOT X GREENWOOD ACRES PLT NO 6 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-452-002)
and: N 75A MEAS ON LN PAR TO N LN NE 1/4 LESS RD SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-200-007)
and: E 1/2 NW 1/4 LYG E OF NE FRISK DR & -EX N 75A PAR TO N LN & DEER CREEK ESTATES PLAT 1- N 1950.35F NE 1/4 SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-200-009)
and: -EX N 1950.35- LYG E OF DEER CREEK ESTATES PLAT 1 NE 1/4 SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-200-011)
and: -EX DEER CREEK ESTATES PLAT 1- BEG 2199F N OF S 1/4 COR THN E 300F SE 190.5F NELY 889.3F ELY 1471.3F TO E LN N 269.35F W2636F S 437.75F TO POB SE 1/4 SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-426-012)
and: PARCEL C BEG CNT OF SEC THN N 695.45F E 329.3F S 694.65F TO S LN W 329.5F TO POB W1/2 W1/2 SW1/4 NE1/4 LESS .667A RD SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-200-005)
and: -EX N 1950.35 & PARCEL C BOOK 10528 PAGE 961 BEG CNT OF SEC THN N 695.45F E 329.3F S 694.65F TO S LN W 329.5F TO POB- LYG N & W OF DEER CREEK ESTATES PLT 1 NE 1/4 SEC 18-80-23 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-200-010)
and: LOT 26 DEER CREEK ESTATES PLAT 1 (GEOPARCEL # 8023-18-401-014)
B. No connection shall be made to the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 for the purpose of providing water service to any property except direct connections to serve property included within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2 and then, only on the conditions set forth in subsection C below.
C. The right to make connections to the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 from parcels included within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2 shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) No connection shall be permitted other than a direct connection to serve a residential structure located on an established parcel within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2, except as provided in subsection D below.
(2) The owner of any parcel included within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2 desiring to make a residential service connection to the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 shall make application therefor to the City and, at the time of making application, shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fee set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
(3) The owner of any parcel within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2 making a connection to the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2, as authorized and permitted hereunder, shall be solely responsible for the cost of making such connection, all as provided for in Section 90.12. Such connection shall be designed and installed in complete accordance with all applicable City ordinances, rules and regulations.
D. In the event any parcel within the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 or extensions of mains connected to the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to city approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Connection Fee (per acre) | Connection Fee (per front foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2008 | $3,440.00 | $88.50 |
January 1, 2009 | $3,577.60 | $92.04 |
January 1, 2010 | $3,630.80 | $93.36 |
January 1, 2011 | $3,684.00 | $94.68 |
January 1, 2012 | $3,737.20 | $96.00 |
January 1, 2013 | $3,790.40 | $97.32 |
January 1, 2014 | $3,843.60 | $98.64 |
January 1, 2015 | $3,896.80 | $99.96 |
January 1, 2016 | $3,950.00 | $101.28 |
January 1, 2017 and thereafter | $4,003.20 | $102.60 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
E. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the Eastside Rural Water Connection District 2. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the water main defined hereunder as the Eastside Rural Water Main Phase 2 except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. 1618 – Oct. 08 Supp.)
9. SE Four Mile Drive Water Connection District 1.
A. SE Four Mile Drive Water Connection District 1 means and includes only the following described real estate:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
S 285F N 498.54F E 315F & -EX PARCEL D BK 7272 PG 963 & PARCEL E BK 7272 PG 964 & BEG 540.15F W OF SE COR OF SEC THN W 249.25F N 1021.02F E 249.9F S 1021.07F TO POB- PARCEL C BK 7277 PG 908 & PARCEL O BK 10289 PG 392 BEG 1534.44F S & 315F W OF E ¼ COR OF SEC THN S86.76F W236.29F N86.76F E 237.25F TO POB SE ¼ LESS RD SEC 31-80-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-31-400-031
and: PARCEL D BEG 631.9F N OF SE COR THN W 255F N 170.8F E 255F S 170.8F TO POB SE ¼ LESS .26A RD EAS SEC 31-80-23 GEOPARCEL 3 8023-31-400-007
and: -EX BEG 521.19F S & 145.67F W OF NE COR THN SW 169.24F N 119.83F E 118.33F TO POB- N 538F S 800.03F E 264F NE ¼ SE ¼ LESS .741A RD EAS SEC 31-80-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-31-400-021
and: W 60A S ½ NW ¼ LESS 1.82A RD SEC 32-80-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-32-151-001
and: -EX S 235F N 1156F E400F W 460F- & -EX BEG 1156F S OF NW COR THN E 460F N 51F E 388.84F NE97.51F E158F S453.16F W1074.58F N 330.3F TO POB- N45A W½ SW¼ & W 275F N1650F E ½ SW ¼ LESS RD SEC 32-90-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-32-300-001
and: S 235F N 1156F E 400F W 460F N 45A W ½ SW ¼ SEC 32-80-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-32-300-002
and: BEG 1156F S OF NW COR THN E 460F N51F E388.84F NE 97.51F E158F S453.16F W1074.58F N330.3F TO POB SW ¼ LESS RD SEC 32-80-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-32-300-003
and: S 35A W ½ SW ¼ & S ½ NW ¼ SE ¼ SW ¼ LESS RD EASM SEC 32-80-23 GEOPARCEL # 8023-32-300-004
and: BEG 77.01F S OF NE COR THN W 46.29F SE 150.87F SE 53.76F N 181.09F TO POB N ½ NE FRL ¼ SEC 6-79-23; AND –EX BEG NE COR THN S 784.61F W TO E ROW LN NE 29TH ST NLY ALG ROW TO N LN E TO POB- N ½ NE FRL ¼ LYG E OF NE 29TH ST SEC 6-79-23; AND –EX RD EAS- & -EX BEG 258.1F S OF NW COR THN SE 227.37F S 119.99F W TO W LN N TO POB- N 780F NW FRL ¼ NW FRL ¼ & -EX 10A NE COR & S 20.65A E 35.65A- N 780F NE FRL ¼ NW FRL ¼ SEC 5-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-05-101-004
BEG 258.1F S OF NE COR THN NW 53.76F SELY 284.1F E TO E LN N TO POB NE FRL ¼ SEC 6-79-23; AND BEG 258.1F S OF NW COR THN SE 227.37F S 119.99F W TO W LN N TO POB N ½ NW FRL ¼ SEC 5-79-23 GEOPARCEL # 7923-05-101-001
B. The owner of any parcel included within the SE Four Mile Drive Water Connection District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the SE Four Mile Drive Water Main shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fee set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the SE Four Mile Drive Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay a connection fee in the amount of $1,800.00 per acre, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 1657 – Jul. 10 Supp.)
10. Crosswinds Business Park Water Main Connection District 1.
A. Crosswinds Business Park Water Main Connection District 1 means and includes only portions of the following described real estate shown on the Crosswinds Business Park Neighborhood Plan #1 dated January 13, 2012:
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)
N 1/2 NE 1/4 LYING W OF SE CROSSWINDS DR LESS RD SEC 7-79-23 (Geoparcel 7923-07-200-006); and
-EX E 478.5F- N 1/2 NE 1/4 LYING E OF SE CROSSWINDS DR LESS RD SUBJ TO DRAIN EAS SEC 7-79-23 (Geoparcel 7923-07-200-007); and
S & W OF LN COM E 1/4 COR SEC 7 THN S 171.2F S 247.89F TO BEG THN W 60F TO EXISTING W RD ROW LN N 25.89F NW 70.6F WLY 7.42F ALNG CRV W 571.89F NW 285.63F W 427.09F WLY 121.83F ALNG CRV SW 61.24F SLY 19.46F ALNG CRV SE 10F SW 81.04F NLY 32.77F ALNG CRV NW 64.1F WLY 19.04F ALNG CRV WLY 9.81F ALNG CRV NW 80.5F ELY 31.24F ALNG CRV NE 64.35F NLY 17.66F ALNG CRV NW 1298.41F NLY 263.87F ALNG CRV TO N LN SW 1/4 NE 1/4 BNG NE 1/4 LESS RD SEC 7-79-23 (Geoparcel 7923-07-400-004); and
N & E OF A LN COM E 1/4 COR SEC 7 THN S 171.2F TO BEG THN W 60F TO EXISTING W RD ROW LN SW 65.78F SWLY 91.26F ALNG CRV WLY 1216.29F SWLY 103.8F ALNG CRV SWLY 7.44F ALNG CRV NW 67.92F NWLY 92.33F ALNG CRV NW 1220.48F NELY 250.75F ALNG CRV TO N LN SW 1/4 NE 1/4 BNG NE 1/4 LESS RD SEC 7-79-23 (Geoparcel 7923-07-200-008); and
B. The owner of any parcel included within the Crosswinds Business Park Water Main Connection District 1 shall pay a water connection fee in the amount of $1,139 per acre to the City at the time of site plan approval. Such fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.05, subsection 1.
(Ord. 1755 – Apr. 13 Supp.)
11. NW 36th Street Water Connection District 1.
A. NW 36th Street Water Connection District 1 means and includes only the following described real estate and as shown on an exhibit on file in the office of the Director of Public Works:
-EX W 471.5F N 287.4F ON E LN & N 294.4F S 894.4F ON W LN- S 1/2 SW 1/4 LESS RD SEC 3-80-24 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-03-300-004; and
PARCEL A BOOK 14618 PAGE 637 E 1/2 SE 1/4 LESS .67A RD SEC 3-80-24 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-03-400-010; and
PARCEL H BK 11793 PG 908 BEG 60.02F N OF SW COR THN N 400.13F E 582.18F S 400.13F W 582.18F TO POB SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SEC 2-80-24 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-02-300-013; and
PARCEL G BK 11793 PG 908 BEG 460.15F N OF SW COR THN N 860.9F E 742.61F S 1260.69F TO N ROW LN OF NW 36TH ST W 160.28F N 400.13F W 582.18F TO POB SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SEC 2-80-24 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-02-300-012; and
-EX COM NE COR SEC 10-80-24 THN W 806.80F ON N LN NE 1/4 NE 1/4 THN S 33F TO POB THN S 27F TO PT ON S ROW LN NW 36TH ST W 14.99F N 27F E 14.66F TO POB- PARCEL B BK 13005 PG 608 BEG 806.8F W OF NE COR THN S 60F E 736.06F TO W ROW LN NW STATE ST SE 14.06F S 685.32F W 447.61F NW 443.08F N 438.31F E14.27F TO POB NE 1/4 NE 1/4 LESS .011A RD EAS SEC 10-80-24 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-10-226-004; and
-EX COM N 1/4 COR SEC 10 S 33F TO POB THN E 195.23F ALNG S ROW LN NW 36TH ST THN S 27F W 195.58F N 27F TO POB- & -EX N 33F RD EAS & BEG CNT SEC THN N 1734.47F NE 291.63F TO SW COR FIELDSTREAM PLAT 1 SELY ALNG CRV 1140.93F SELY ALNG CRV 712.91F E 575.18F NELY ALNG CRV 39.23F TO W ROW LN S 59.85F S 1322.12F TO S LN NE 1/4W1264.37F W 1324.49F TO POB & FIELDSTREAM PLAT 1-W 1/2 NE 1/4 SEC 10-80-24 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-10-201-004
B. The owner of any parcel included within the NW 36th Street Water Connection District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the NW 36th Street Water Main shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such connection fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the NW 36th Street Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the NW 36th Street Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the NW 36th Street Water Main as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the NW 36th Street Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows, and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Water Connection Fee (per acre) | Water Connection Fee (per frontage foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2015 | $1,232.60 | $50.07 |
January 1, 2016 | $1,281.90 | $52.07 |
January 1, 2017 | $1,331.20 | $54.07 |
January 1, 2018 | $1,380.50 | $56.07 |
January 1, 2019 | $1,429.80 | $58.07 |
January 1, 2020 | $1,479.10 | $60.07 |
January 1, 2021 | $1,528.40 | $62.07 |
January 1, 2022 | $1,577.70 | $64.07 |
January 1, 2023 | $1,627.00 | $66.07 |
January 1, 2024 and thereafter | $1,676.30 | $68.07 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the NW 36th Street Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the NW 36th Street Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the NW 36th Street Water Main is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the NW 36th Street Water Main defined hereunder as the NW 36th Street Water Main, except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. 1839 - Apr. 15 Supp.)
12. NE 36th Street Water Connection District 1.
A. NE 36th Street Water Connection District 1 means and includes only the following described real estate and as shown on an exhibit on file in the office of the Director of Public Works:
-EX ALBAUGH ESTS- & -EX BEG SW COR LT 1 ALBAUGH ESTS THN N 67.49F NW 511.31F N 719.48F NW 872.89F N 740F NW 117.15F TO E ROW LN I-35 THN S 300.64F SW 124.64F S 249.13F SE 205.34F SW 414.51F SE 52.73F S 60.86F SW 61.83F S 599.94F S 298.48F E 692.92F TO POB- & -EX BEG 1828.03F N & 336.53F E OF S 1/4 COR THN N 165.06F NE 377.78F S 201.12F SW 354.43F TO POB- SE 1/4 LESS 12.2 A INTST 35 ROW & RD SEC 6-80-23 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-03-300-004; and
PRT PARCEL A W 347.43F N 280F E 100A NE 1/4 LESS .263A RD SEC 7-80-23 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-07-200-008; and
W 60A NE 1/4 LYG ELY & SLY OF I-35 ROW SEC 7-80-23 GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-07-200-012
B. The owner of any parcel included within the NE 36th Street Water Connection District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the NE 36th Street Water Main shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such connection fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the NE 36th Street Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the NE 36th Street Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the NE 36th Street Water Main as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the NE 36th Street Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows, and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Water Connection Fee (per acre) | Water Connection Fee (per frontage foot) |
Effective Date | Water Connection Fee (per acre) | Water Connection Fee (per frontage foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2015 | $691.66 | $55.11 |
January 1, 2016 | $719.32 | $57.31 |
January 1, 2017 | $746.99 | $59.51 |
January 1, 2018 | $774.66 | $61.72 |
January 1, 2019 | $802.32 | $63.92 |
January 1, 2020 | $829.99 | $66.13 |
January 1, 2021 | $857.66 | $68.33 |
January 1, 2022 | $885.32 | $70.54 |
January 1, 2023 | $912.99 | $72.74 |
January 1, 2024 and thereafter | $940.65 | $74.94 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the NE 36th Street Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the NE 36th Street Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the NE 36th Street Water Main is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the NE 36th Street Water Main defined hereunder as the NE 36th Street Water Main, except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. 1851 – Jul. 15 Supp.)
13. East 1st Street Rural Water Connection District 1.
A. East 1st Street Rural Water Connection District 1 means and includes only the following described real estate and as shown on an exhibit on file in the office of the Director of Public Works:
- EX W 700F N 175F- BEG SW COR THN N 2146.9F E 1522F S 443F W 1015.6F S 411.6F W 208.7F S1302.1F W320.4F TO POB SW 1/4 LESS RD SEC 17-80-23
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-17-300-005; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-17-300-005; and
N 1/2 N 1/2 NW 1/4 LESS 2.5A RD SEC 20-80-23
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-20-100-001; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-20-100-001; and
N 380.21F E 1320F N 1/2 NE 1/4 LESS 1.52A RD SEC 19-80-23
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-19-200-001; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-19-200-001; and
-EX N 380.21F E 1320F & PARCEL I BK 8245 PG 716 BEG 796.15F E OF NW COR THN S 414.06F E 258.94F N 414F W 273.11F TO POB- N 1/2 NE 1/4 E OF FRISK DR LESS RD SEC 19-80-23
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-19-200-009; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-19-200-009; and
PARCEL I BK 8245 BK 716 BEG 796.15F E OF NW COR THN S 414.06F E 258.94F N 414F W 273.11F TO POB NE 1/4 LESS .331A RD SEC 19-80-23
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-19-200-010
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8023-19-200-010
B. The owner of any parcel included within the East 1st Street Rural Water Connection District 1 desiring to make a residential service connection to the East 1st Street Rural Water Main shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such connection fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the East 1st Street Rural Water Connection District 1 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the East 1st Street Rural Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the East 1st Street Rural Water Main as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the East 1st Street Rural Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows, and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Water Connection Fee (per acre) | Water Connection Fee (per frontage foot) |
Effective Date | Water Connection Fee (per acre) | Water Connection Fee (per frontage foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2017 | $4,257.80 | $104.10 |
January 1, 2018 | $4,404.69 | $107.69 |
January 1, 2019 | $4,551.58 | $111.28 |
January 1, 2020 | $4,698.48 | $114.87 |
January 1, 2021 | $4,845.37 | $118.46 |
January 1, 2022 | $4,992.27 | $122.05 |
January 1, 2023 | $5,139.16 | $125.64 |
January 1, 2024 | $5,286.05 | $129.23 |
January 1, 2025 | $5,432.95 | $132.83 |
January 1, 2026 and thereafter | $5,579.84 | $136.42 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the East 1st Street Rural Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the East 1st Street Rural Water Connection District 1. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the East 1st Street Rural Water Main is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the East 1st Street Rural Water Main defined hereunder as the East 1st Street Rural Water Main, except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. 1899 - Feb. 17 Supp.)
14. NW 18th Street Water Connection District 3.
A. NW 18th Street Water Connection District 3 means and includes only the following described real estate and as shown on an exhibit on file in the office of the Director of Public Works:
-EX E 33F & S33F RD EAS- & -EX BEG SW COR SEC 9 THN N 50F E 1249.9F NELY 39.02F N 1245.74F E 40F TO NE COR SW 1/4 SW 1/4 S 1320.34F W 1314.69F TO POB- SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-013; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-013; and
-EX BEG SE COR SEC THN W 248.05F N 23.65F NELY ALNG CRV 29.24F NELY ALNG CRV 219.43F E 1.05F S 50F TO POB- PARCEL 2019-236 BK 17573 PG 282 BEG SE COR SEC 8 THN W 248F N 352F W 410F W 106.5F NW 254.01F N 1039.1F E 934F S 268F S 1325.92F TO POB LESS 0.23A RD E 1/2 SE 1/4 SEC 8-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-013; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-013; and
-PARCEL A BK 10865 PG 248 BEG 248F W OF SE COR THN W410F N352F E410F S 352F TO POB SE 1/4 SE ¼ LESS .31A RD SEC 8-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-010; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-010; and
-S 1/2 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SE 1/4 -EX PARCEL 2019-236 BK 17573 PG 282- & -EX PARCEL A BK 10865 PG 248- & -EX BEG SW COR SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SEC 8 THN N 50F E 439.83F SELY ALNG CRV 215.72F S 31.43F W 654.51F TO POB- SEC 8-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-014; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-014; and
-SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SEC 8-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-005
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-08-400-005
B. The owner of any parcel included within the NW 18th Street Water Connection District 3 desiring to make a residential service connection to the NW 18th Street Water Main shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such connection fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the NW 18th Street Water Connection District 3 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the NW 18th Street Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the NW 18th Street Water Main as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the NW 18th Street Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows, and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Effective Date | Water Connection Fee (per acre) | Water Connection Fee (per frontage foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2021 | $2,636.26 | $93.23 |
January 1, 2022 | $2,653.13 | $93.83 |
January 1, 2023 | $2,670.00 | $94.43 |
January 1, 2024 | $2,686.87 | $95.03 |
January 1, 2025 | $2,703.74 | $95.63 |
January 1, 2026 | $2,720.61 | $96.23 |
January 1, 2027 | $2,737.48 | $96.83 |
January 1, 2028 | $2,754.35 | $97.43 |
January 1, 2029 | $2,771.22 | $98.03 |
January 1, 2030 and thereafter | $2,788.09 | $98.63 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the NW 18th Street Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the NW 18th Street Water Connection District 3. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the NW 18th Street Water Main is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the NW 18th Street Water Main defined hereunder as the NW 18th Street Water Main, except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. 2068 - Oct. 21 Supp.)
15. NW Weigel Drive Water Connection District 2.
A. NW Weigel Drive Water Connection District 2 means and includes only the following described real estate and as shown on an exhibit on file in the office of the Director of Public Works:
-S 250 F W 120 F NE 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS .19 A RD SEC 9-80-24 & S 250F E 80F W 200F NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBERS 8024-09-300-007 & 8024-09-300-008; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBERS 8024-09-300-007 & 8024-09-300-008; and
-EX S 250F W 200F- S 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS .31A RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-006; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-006; and
-N 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 S OF UP RR LESS .5A RD EAS SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-005; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-005; and
-E 1/2 NW 1/4 LYG SW OF RY LESS RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-004; and
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-004; and
-E 1/2 NW 1/4 LYG NE OF RY LESS RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-005
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-005
-EX S 629.52F N 1458.35F E 278.32F- W 1/2 NW ¼ LYG NE OF RY LESS RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-001
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-001
-W 1/2 NW 1/4 LYG SW OF RY LESS RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-003
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-003
-EX S 272.25F N 1106.36F W 160F E193F- NW 1/4 SW 1/4 LESS RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-001
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-001
-S 272.25F N 1106.36F W 160F E 193F NW 1/4 SW ¼ SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-002
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-300-002
-EX E 33F RD EAS- S 629.52F N 1458.35F E 278.32F W 1/2 NW 1/4 SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-002
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-100-002
-W 1/2 SW 1/4 -EX N 719 FT- LESS 2.5 A RD SEC 4-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-04-300-002
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-04-300-002
-S 36.50 A E 1/2 SW 1/4 LESS 2 A RD SEC 4-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-04-300-005
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-04-300-005
-NW 1/4 NE 1/4 LESS .99A RD SEC 9-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-200-001
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-200-001
-EX S 379.5F- NE 1/4 NE 1/4 LESS 2.04A RD SEC 09-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-200-003
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-09-200-003
-S 1/2 SE 1/4 LESS RD SEC 4-80-24
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-04-400-002
GEOPARCEL NUMBER 8024-04-400-002
B. The owner of any parcel included within the NW Weigel Drive Water Connection District 2 desiring to make a residential service connection to the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main shall pay a connection fee in the amount of $3,000.00 to the City. Such connection fee is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
C. In the event any parcel within the NW Weigel Drive Water Connection District 2 is developed for industrial or commercial use, or is subdivided for industrial, commercial or residential use and additional structures are permitted thereon, the owner or developer of the parcel shall be required to pay the fees for the right to make connections to the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main or extensions of mains connected to the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main as is necessary for their development. The fee will be paid prior to the connection, in the case of service connections to industrial or commercial buildings, or prior to City approval of construction contracts for a water main extension to serve a subdivision. The fees are determined in two components: cost per frontage foot on the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main, or cost per acre within the subdivision plat. The cost for each component is as follows, and the total connection fee will be the least of the two components, or $3,000.00, whichever is greater:
Water Connection Fee | ||
Effective Date | (per acre) | (per frontage foot) |
Prior to and through December 31, 2022 | $2,975.18 | $85.57 |
January 1, 2023 | $3,055.21 | $91.48 |
January 1, 2024 | $3,135.24 | $97.39 |
January 1, 2025 | $3,215.27 | $103.30 |
January 1, 2026 | $3,295.30 | $109.21 |
January 1, 2027 | $3,375.33 | $115.12 |
January 1, 2028 | $3,455.36 | $121.03 |
January 1, 2029 | $3,535.39 | $126.94 |
January 1, 2030 | $3,615.42 | $132.85 |
January 1, 2031 and thereafter | $3,695.45 | $138.76 |
Such connection fee is in addition to the fees set forth in Section 94.04, subsections 1 through 4.
D. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude future further extensions, by the City or upon approval of the City, of the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main for the purpose of providing water service to property other than established parcels included in the NW Weigel Drive Water Connection District 2. It is the intent of this section that, whether or not the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main is hereafter further extended, no direct service connections shall be made to that portion of the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main defined hereunder as the NW 36th Street and NW Weigel Drive Water Main, except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. 2122 - Nov. 22 Supp.)