.010   Site Development and Design Standards–General. Site development standards are intended to provide for the continued orderly development of each development area, to assure adequate levels of light, air and density of development, to maintain and enhance the locally recognized values of community appearance, to promote the functional compatibility of uses and the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, all of which are found to be necessary for the preservation of the community health, safety and general welfare.
   .020   Building Site Requirements. The size and shape of the site proposed for the use shall be adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner consistent with the stated purpose and intent of the development area within which it is proposed to be developed.
      .0201   Adequate provision shall be made for the safe and orderly circulation of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic between the proposed site and all streets and highways, and between coordinated facilities, access-ways or parking areas on adjacent sites.
      .0202   The proposed development shall not limit or adversely affect the growth and development potential of adjoining lands or the general area in which it is proposed to be located.
      .0203   Adequate provisions shall be made for loading and unloading of supplies and materials, and collection of refuse in a manner that is screened from view and does not obstruct required parking and access-ways or impact adjacent land uses.
   .030   Site Development and Design Standards. Site development and design standards for each Development Area are shown in Tables 122-E through 122-M. Special provisions are referenced in the "Special Provisions" column.
   .040   Modifications of Site Development and Design Standards. The minimum lot width, minimum floor area ratio, maximum structural height, minimum structural and landscape setbacks, minimum dwelling unit floor area and minimum requirements for recreational-leisure areas may be modified in order to achieve a good project design, privacy, livability, and compatibility with surrounding uses, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit.
      .0401   Application. The application for a conditional use permit shall be accompanied by information required by the application form.
      .0402   Findings. The Planning Commission shall make the following findings in conjunction with approval of a conditional use permit to modify site development and design standards:
         (1)   New buildings or structures related to the project are compatible with the scale, mass, bulk, and orientation of existing buildings in the surrounding area, provided the existing buildings conform with the provisions of this title;
         (2)   Vehicular and pedestrian access are adequate;
         (3)   The project is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable design standards of this chapter;
         (4)   The size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area;
         (5)   The granting of the conditional use permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
         (6)   Floor Area Ratio. An increase in the maximum floor area ratio is subject to the following additional finding: the proposed use of the structure(s) shall not create a greater impact to infrastructure than impacts anticipated by the maximum permitted floor area ratio, as analyzed by Environmental Impact Report No. 350 prepared for the Beach Boulevard Specific Plan, unless such impacts are duly analyzed and mitigated pursuant to subsequent environmental review. Such impacts shall be determined through a sewer and traffic impact analysis to be submitted to the City Engineer. Additional infrastructure studies may be required as determined by the Planning and Building Director.
         (7)   Structural Height. Structures and projections above the height limit are subject to the following additional finding: the proposed increase in structural height shall not create significant impacts onto surrounding properties related to glare, shadow, noise and privacy. Such impacts shall be assessed and determined through studies to be submitted to the Planning and Building Department. Additional studies may be required to analyze other impacts as determined by the Planning and Building Director.
Table 122-E-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-E-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Dwelling Units per Acre
Minimum Lot Area
2,400 square feet per dwelling unit
Minimum Lot Width
70 feet
Lot widths less than 70 feet minimum may be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Maximum Site Coverage
Residential and accessory structures: 45%
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum site coverage calculation
Minimum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard: 15 feet
Orange Avenue, Lincoln Avenue: 10 feet
Other public roads: 10 feet
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 30 feet
Rear abutting interior property line: 15 feet
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet
Side abutting interior property line: 10 feet
Driveways: 10 feet
Between buildings: 15 feet
Other public roads: 10 feet
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Required setbacks shall be landscaped as set forth in Chapter 18.46 and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
The front setback may include solid fencing between 3 feet and 5 feet in height
A patio cover or canopy may encroach into the required setback between buildings.
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach into a required setback along an interior property line not more than four (4) inches for each one (1) foot of the width of the interior setback, and may encroach into a required street setback not more than thirty (30) inches.
Fixed awnings may encroach into a required setback along an interior property line no more than three (3) feet.
Open, unenclosed balconies may encroach into a required street setback not more than three (3) feet.
Private patios for ground-floor residential units may encroach not more than eight (8) feet abutting a public street, into a required setback along an interior property line or a setback between buildings, but not into required landscape setbacks.
Covered or uncovered porches or landings that do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building, and that include an open railing not more than thirty-six (36) inches in height, may encroach into any required setback not more than five (5) feet.
Decorative guard railings for safety protection around hazardous areas may encroach into any required setback.
The placement of outdoor recreational facilities may encroach into required setbacks between buildings on the same building site.
Trees, shrubs, flowers or plants shall be permitted in any required setback.
Fences and walls that comply with Section 18.46.110 of Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening) may encroach into required setbacks.
For properties developed with existing ground-floor private patio areas, a maximum ten (10) foot high patio cover may be permitted over the existing permitted patio area.
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
40 feet
3 stories
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
All accessory structures, including but not limited to, garden and storage sheds and recreation structures, shall not exceed a height of one story or 15 feet, whichever is less
Minimum Floor Area
Studio units: 550 square feet
One-bedroom units: 750 square feet
Two-bedroom units: 950 square feet
Three-bedroom units: 1,150 square feet
Four-bedroom units: 1,350 square feet
Studio units shall not exceed 20% of the total number of units
Senior Citizen's Housing is subject to Chapter 18.50
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas
350 square feet per dwelling unit
Minimum Dimensions
Private areas: 7 feet
Common areas: 20 feet
Pedestrian walkway width: 4 feet
Courtyard internal to a project, or enclosed on at least three sides: 40 feet
Recreational-leisure areas may be provided by private areas, common areas, or a combination of both
All common recreational-leisure areas shall be conveniently located and readily accessible from all dwelling units located on the building site and shall be integrated with, and contiguous to, other common areas on the building site
The common recreational-leisure area may be composed of active or passive facilities, and may incorporate any required setback areas other than street setback areas and required landscape setbacks, but shall not include or incorporate any driveways or parking areas, trash pickup or storage areas or utility areas
All residential common areas shall be improved as either active or passive facilities, with landscaping or hardscape elements designed to serve the residents of the project
All common areas shall be developed and professionally maintained in accordance with approved landscape and irrigation plans
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Table 122-E-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
New development projects are required to provide convenient pedestrian access to and from public sidewalks from either individual units or a common pedestrian walkway
If adjacent to a single-family zone, the third floor shall be stepped back a minimum of 10 feet
Residential units shall front or side onto Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue and Orange Avenue
Garages and parking areas shall not front onto Beach Boulevard Lincoln Avenue and Orange Avenue
Street frontage devoted to driveways and vehicular access shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible
Consolidated driveways are encouraged along Beach Boulevard
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style with materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details designed to complement and integrate with the building architecture
Projecting features, such as balconies, porches, bays, and dormer windows are encouraged to create distinction between units and to provide "eyes" on the street
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
Residential windows should face away from loading areas, docks and trash storage areas The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least three inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Table 122-F-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-F-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Dwelling Units per Acre
Minimum Lot Area
1,200 square feet per dwelling unit
Minimum Lot Width
150 feet
Lot widths less than 150 feet minimum may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Maximum Site Coverage
Residential and accessory structures: 55%
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum site coverage calculation
Minimum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard, Orange Avenue, Lincoln Avenue: 10 feet
Other public roads: 10 feet
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 30 feet
Rear abutting interior property line: 15 feet
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet
Side abutting interior property line: 10 feet
Driveways: 10 feet
Between buildings: 15 feet
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Required setbacks shall be landscaped as set forth in Chapter 18.46 shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
The front setback may include solid fencing between 3 feet and 5 feet in height
A patio cover or canopy may encroach into the required setback between buildings.
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach into a required setback along an interior property line not more than four (4) inches for each one (1) foot of the width of the interior setback, and may encroach into a required street setback not more than thirty (30) inches.
Fixed awnings may encroach into a required setback along an interior property line no more than three (3) feet.
Open, unenclosed balconies may encroach into a required street setback not more than three (3) feet.
Private patios for ground-floor residential units may encroach not more than eight (8) feet abutting a public street, into a required setback along an interior property line or a setback between buildings, but not into required landscape setbacks.
Covered or uncovered porches or landings that do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building, and that include an open railing not more than thirty-six (36) inches in height, may encroach into any required setback not more than five (5) feet.
Decorative guard railings for safety protection around hazardous areas may encroach into any required setback.
The placement of outdoor recreational facilities may encroach into required setbacks between buildings on the same building site.
Trees, shrubs, flowers or plants shall be permitted in any required setback.
Fences and walls that comply with Section 18.46.110 of Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening) may encroach into required setbacks.
For properties developed with existing ground-floor private patio areas, a maximum ten (10) foot high patio cover may be permitted over the existing permitted patio area.
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
40 feet
3 stories
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040.Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum Floor Area
Studio units: 550 square feet
One-bedroom units: 750 square feet
Two-bedroom units: 950 square feet
Three-bedroom units: 1,150 square feet
Four-bedroom units: 1,350 square feet
Studio units shall not exceed 20% of the total number of units
Senior Citizen's Housing is subject to Chapter 18.50
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas
200 square feet per dwelling unit
Minimum Dimensions
Private areas:7 feet
Common areas: 20 feet
Pedestrian walkway width: 4 feet
Courtyard internal to a project, or enclosed on at least three sides: 40 feet
Open space and outdoor recreational-leisure areas may be provided by private areas, common areas, or a combination of both
All common recreational-leisure areas shall be conveniently located and readily accessible from all dwelling units located on the building site and shall be integrated with, and contiguous to, other common areas on the building site
The common recreational-leisure area may be composed of active or passive facilities, and may incorporate any required setback areas other than street setback areas and required landscape setbacks, but shall not include or incorporate any driveways or parking areas, trash pickup or storage areas or utility areas
All residential common areas shall be improved as either active or passive facilities, with landscaping or hardscape elements designed to serve the residents of the project
All common areas shall be developed and professionally maintained in accordance with approved landscape and irrigation plans
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum Requirements for Storage Areas
100 cubic feet of general storage area per dwelling unit
May be provided adjacent to private recreational leisure areas, within garages, or in close proximity to the unit
Table 122-F-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
If adjacent to a single-family residential zone, windows, balconies or similar openings shall be oriented so as not to have a direct line-of-sight into adjacent units or onto private patios or backyards adjoining the property line
There shall be convenient pedestrian access to and from Beach Boulevard from either individual units or a common pedestrian walkway
Residential units shall front or side onto Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, or Orange Avenue
Ground floor residential fronting or siding onto an arterial roadway shall be elevated at least 21 inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk
Garages and parking areas shall not front onto Beach Boulevard; Street frontage devoted to driveways and vehicular access shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible, consolidated driveways are encouraged along Beach Boulevard
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style with materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details designed to complement and integrate with the building architecture
Projecting features, such as balconies, porches, bays, and dormer windows are encouraged to create distinction between units and to provide "eyes" on the street
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
Residential windows should face away from loading areas, docks and trash storage areas
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least three inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Table 122-G-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-G-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Dwelling Units per Acre
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Applies only to non-residential uses
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum floor area ratio coverage calculation
Increases in FAR may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum/Maximum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, Orange Avenue, Ball Road: 10 feet minimum; 25 feet maximum for 60% of the linear width of the front of the site
Other public roads: 10 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 30 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line: 15 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line: 10 feet minimum
Driveways: 10 feet minimum
Between buildings: 15 feet minimum
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Outdoor dining located in the front or side of the building must be designed with either a low fence or wall, at least 40-inches high, when fronting a street; Outdoor dining located within a courtyard must also include a low fence or wall if fronting a street
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040
Landscape Requirements within Setback Areas
Abutting public rights-of-way, internal roads and alleys:
•   For ground-floor commercial or live/work units, up to 80 percent of the setback area may be paved
•   For ground-floor residential, the area between residential patios and the sidewalk/walkway shall be fully landscaped
Required setbacks abutting interior property lines and setbacks between buildings shall be landscaped with trees, other plantings, and walkways, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Landscape and screening requirements of Chapter 18.46 shall apply
Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
Private patios for ground floor residential units may encroach not more than eight (8) feet abutting a public street.
Walkway connections to building entrances
Vehicular and bike access ways
Public art displays, fountains, planters, outdoor seating areas, decorative trash receptacles, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering areas
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach no more than 36 inches
Awnings, canopies and arcades
Balconies may encroach no more than 3 feet
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
40 feet
3 stories
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum Ground Floor Height
12 feet
Ground floor heights of more than 12 feet are encouraged
Minimum Floor Area
Studio units: 550 square feet
One-bedroom units: 700 square feet
Two-bedroom units: 825 square feet
Three-bedroom units: 1,000 square feet
Four-bedroom units or more: 1,200 square feet
Applies only to residential uses
Senior Citizen's Housing is subject to Chapter 18.50
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas – Residential
200 square feet per dwelling unit
Minimum Dimensions
Private areas: 7 feet
Common areas: 20 feet
Pedestrian walkway width: 4 feet
Courtyard internal to a project, or enclosed on at least three sides: 40 feet
Open space and outdoor recreational-leisure areas may be provided by private areas, common areas, or a combination of both
All common recreational-leisure areas shall be conveniently located and readily accessible from all dwelling units located on the building site and shall be integrated with, and contiguous to, other common areas on the building site
The common recreational-leisure area may be composed of active or passive facilities, and may incorporate any required setback areas other than street setback areas and required landscape setbacks, but shall not include or incorporate any driveways or parking areas, trash pickup or storage areas or utility areas
All residential common areas shall be improved as either active or passive facilities, with landscaping or hardscape elements designed to serve the residents of the project
All common areas shall be developed and professionally maintained in accordance with approved landscape and irrigation plans
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas – Non-residential
Projects 1-2 acres in size: 500 square feet
Projects great than 2 acres in size: 2,000 square feet
Applies to publicly accessible and usable outdoor space
Public plazas, urban pocket parks, outdoor dining, promenades, public art, and other outdoor public amenities shall be designed to activate ground floor uses, engage residents and visitors
Open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall be appropriately landscaped and provide adequate shade through the placement of trees or other shade devices including umbrellas, awnings, trellises, and canopies that are integrated into the building or over the open space
Furniture, fixtures, flooring and materials used in open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall complement the architectural style of the project
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum Requirements for Storage Areas
100 cubic feet of general storage area per dwelling unit
May be provided adjacent to private recreational leisure areas, within garages, or in close proximity to the unit
Table 122-G-2
Design Standard
Table 122-G-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
If adjacent to a single-family residential zone, windows, balconies or similar openings shall be oriented so as not to have a direct line-of-sight into adjacent units or onto private patios or backyards adjoining the property line
There shall be convenient pedestrian access to and from Beach Boulevard from either individual units or a common pedestrian walkway
Residential units shall front or side onto Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, or Orange Avenue
Ground floor residential fronting or siding onto an arterial roadway shall be elevated at least 21 inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk
Garages and parking areas shall not front onto Beach Boulevard; Street frontage devoted to driveways and vehicular access shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible, consolidated driveways are encouraged along Beach Boulevard
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style with materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details designed to complement and integrate with the building architecture
Projecting features, such as balconies, porches, bays, and dormer windows are encouraged to create distinction between units and to provide "eyes" on the street
All first floor exterior doors shall be hinged for mixed use or commercial only uses; Sliding glass doors are permitted only above the first floor, and on rear or interior side yard elevation not visible from public rights-of-way
Street Façades
Street wall façades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. Building façades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations. The façade detailing of mixed-use buildings shall visually differentiate ground-floor uses from upper-story uses; The base shall visibly anchor the building to the ground, with a treatment of higher quality materials; The top of the façade shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, domes, and other forms of multifaceted building tops. The façade detailing of commercial, retail, or live/work entries shall be differentiated from residential entries.
Frontage Design
Ground floor residential entry stoops, patios, or communal entries shall be elevated at least 21 inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk
Canopies, awnings, signs, balconies and other architectural projections shall clear 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and may encroach into the sidewalk up to a maximum of 6 feet, adjusted for parkway trees and street lighting
Buildings shall be designed to front onto Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, Orange Avenue or Ball Road with primary ground-floor common entries or individual dwelling unit entries oriented to the street, not to the interior or to a parking lot
Where sites include multiple buildings behind the street front buildings, ground-floor entries may be oriented to internal roads or pedestrian greenways
For ground floor retail space, the ground floor elevation exposed to the street shall include a maximum 18-inch recess, measured from the face of the building, within which a commercial tenant may customize storefront design
Main building entrances shall be easily identifiable and distinguishable from other ground floor entries; Such main building entrances shall include at least one of the following:
   •   Marked by a taller mass above the entrance, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface
   •   Located in the center of the façade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition
   •   Accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures
   •   Marked or accented by a change in the roofline or change in the roof type
   •   If a corner building, it shall provide prominent corner entrances as noted below for retail or other activity-generating uses
   •   Primary entries shall have direct access from the sidewalk
Corner Treatments
Buildings shall have a major presence at the corners of arterial intersections to enhance the pedestrian experience, and create character and appropriate massing along the roadway; This includes corner cut-offs, corner entrances, and special architectural elements such as:
   •   Diagonal or curved walls at the corner
   •   Tower elements that is visually distinct from the rest of the building massing
   •   Corner plazas or gathering areas
   •   Lobby canopies, overhangs, or other architectural covering over building entries
   •   2-story entrance height and 20-foot entrance widths
   •   Public art installations
   •   Decorative landscaping or landmark elements such as a row of columnar trees
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
Residential windows should face away from loading areas, docks and trash storage areas
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least three inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Rooftop Equipment
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets, or architectural projection, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level
Table 122-H-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-H-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Dwelling Units per Acre
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Applies only to non-residential uses
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum floor area ratio coverage calculation
Increases in FAR are permitted subject to Section 18.122.060 .040
Minimum Lot Area
2 acres
Minimum/Maximum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, Orange Avenue: 10 feet minimum; 25 feet maximum for 60% of the linear width of the front of the site
Other public roads: 10 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 30 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line: 15 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 30 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line: 10 feet minimum
Driveways: 10 feet minimum
Between buildings: 15 feet minimum
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040
Outdoor dining located in the front or side of the building must be designed with either a low fence or wall, at least 40-inches high, when fronting a street; Outdoor dining located within a courtyard must also include a low fence or wall if fronting a street
For building over three stories, the fourth floor and above shall be stepped back as follows:
   •   Minimum of a 10 feet from the required rear setback when adjacent to single-family residential
   •   Minimum of 10 feet from the required front setback
Landscape Requirements within Setback Areas
Abutting public rights-of-way, internal roads and alleys:
   •   For ground-floor commercial or live/work units, up to 80 percent of the setback area may be paved
   •   For ground-floor residential, the area between residential patios and the sidewalk/walkway shall be fully landscaped
Required setbacks abutting interior property lines and setbacks between buildings shall be landscaped with trees, other plantings, and walkways, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Landscape and screening requirements of Chapter 18.46 shall apply
Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
Private patios for ground floor residential units may encroach not more than eight (8) feet abutting a street.
Walkway connections to building entrances
Vehicular and bike access ways
Public art displays, fountains, planters, outdoor seating areas, decorative trash receptacles, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering areas
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach no more than 36 inches
Awnings, canopies and arcades
Balconies may encroach no more than 3 feet
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
55 feet
4 stories
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum Ground Floor Height
12 feet
Ground floor heights of more than 12 feet are encouraged
One-story buildings as part of a multi-story development are permitted for a restaurant or other specialty use
Minimum Floor Area
Studio units: 550 square feet
One-bedroom units: 650 square feet
Two-bedroom units: 825 square feet
Three-bedroom units or more: 1,000 square feet
Applies only to residential uses
Senior Citizen's Housing is subject to Chapter 18.50  
Mix of Uses
Sites less than 2.5 acres in size: Stand-alone residential and non-residential projects are permitted
Sites 2.5 acres or greater in size: A mix of residential and non-residential uses shall be provided
The mix of uses can be either vertical or horizontal
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas – Residential
200 square feet per dwelling unit
Minimum Dimensions
Private areas: 7 feet
Common areas: 20 feet
Pedestrian walkway width: 4 feet
Courtyard internal to a project, or enclosed on at least three sides: 40 feet
Open space and outdoor recreational-leisure areas may be provided by private areas, common areas, or a combination of both
All common recreational-leisure areas shall be conveniently located and readily accessible from all dwelling units located on the building site and shall be integrated with, and contiguous to, other common areas on the building site
The common recreational-leisure area may be composed of active or passive facilities, and may incorporate any required setback areas other than street setback areas and required landscape setbacks, but shall not include or incorporate any driveways or parking areas, trash pickup or storage areas or utility areas
All residential common areas shall be improved as either active or passive facilities, with landscaping or hardscape elements designed to serve the residents of the project
All common areas shall be developed and professionally maintained in accordance with approved landscape and irrigation plans
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas – Non-residential
Projects 2 acres or less in size: 500 square feet
Projects great than 2 acres in size: 2,500 square feet, plus 500 square feet for every additional 2 acres
Common area minimum dimension: 20 feet
Applies to publicly accessible and usable outdoor space
Outdoor dining areas, plazas, corner gateways or other publicly accessible and usable outdoor space may satisfy this requirement
Public plazas, urban pocket parks, outdoor dining, promenades, public art, and other outdoor public amenities shall be designed to activate ground floor uses, engage residents and visitors
Open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall be appropriately landscaped and provide adequate shade through the placement of trees or other shade devices including umbrellas, awnings, trellises, and canopies that are integrated into the building or over the open space
Furniture, fixtures, flooring and materials used in open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall complement the architectural style of the project
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection 18.122.060 .040.
Minimum Requirements for Storage Areas
100 cubic feet of general storage area per dwelling unit
May be provided adjacent to private recreational leisure areas, within garages, or in close proximity to the unit
Table 122-H-2
Design Standard
Table 122-H-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
If adjacent to a single-family residential zone, windows, balconies or similar openings shall be oriented so as not to have a direct line-of-sight into adjacent units or onto private patios or backyards adjoining the property line
There shall be convenient pedestrian access to and from Beach Boulevard from either individual units or a common pedestrian walkway
Residential units shall front or side onto Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue, or Orange Avenue
Ground floor residential fronting or siding onto an arterial roadway shall be elevated at least 21 inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk
Garages and parking areas shall not front onto Beach Boulevard; Street frontage devoted to driveways and vehicular access shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible, consolidated driveways are encouraged along Beach Boulevard
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style with materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details designed to complement and integrate with the building architecture
Projecting features, such as balconies, porches, bays, and dormer windows are encouraged to create distinction between units and to provide "eyes" on the street
All first floor exterior doors shall be hinged; Sliding glass doors are permitted only above the first floor, and on rear or interior side yard elevation not visible from public rights-of-way
Street wall façades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. Building façades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations. The façade detailing of mixed-use buildings shall visually differentiate ground-floor uses from upper-story uses; The base shall visibly anchor the building to the ground, with a treatment of higher quality materials; The top of the façade shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, domes, and other forms of multifaceted building tops. The façade detailing of commercial, retail, or live/work entries shall be differentiated from residential entries.
Frontage Design
Ground floor residential entry stoops, patios, or communal entries shall be elevated at least 21 inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk
Canopies, awnings, signs, balconies and other architectural projections shall clear 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and may encroach into the sidewalk up to a maximum of 6 feet, adjusted for parkway trees and street lighting
Buildings shall be designed to front onto Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue or Orange Avenue with primary ground-floor common entries or individual dwelling unit entries oriented to the street, not to the interior or to a parking lot
Where sites include multiple buildings behind the street front buildings, ground-floor entries may be oriented to internal roads or pedestrian greenways
For ground floor retail space, the ground floor elevation exposed to the street shall include a maximum 18-inch recess, measured from the face of the building, within which a commercial tenant may customize storefront design
Main building entrances shall be easily identifiable and distinguishable from other ground floor entries; Such main building entrances shall include at least one of the following:
   •   Marked by a taller mass above the entrance, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface
   •   Located in the center of the façade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition
   •   Accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures
   •   Marked or accented by a change in the roofline or change in the roof type
   •   If a corner building, it shall provide prominent corner entrances as noted below for retail or other activity-generating uses
   •   Primary entries shall have direct access from the sidewalk
Corner Treatments
Buildings shall have a major presence at the corners of arterial intersections to enhance the pedestrian experience, and create character and appropriate massing along the roadway; This includes corner cut-offs, corner entrances, and special architectural elements such as:
   •   Diagonal or curved walls at the corner
   •   Tower elements that is visually distinct from the rest of the building massing
   •   Corner plazas or gathering areas
   •   Lobby canopies, overhangs, or other architectural covering over building entries
   •   2-story entrance height and 20-foot entrance widths
   •   Public art installations
   •   Decorative landscaping or landmark elements such as a row of columnar trees
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
Residential windows should face away from loading areas, docks and trash storage areas
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least three inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Rooftop Equipment
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets, or architectural projection, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level
Table 122-I-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-I-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum floor area ratio coverage calculation
Increases in FAR are permitted subject to Section
Minimum Lot Area
1 acre per project site
Minimum/Maximum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard, Ball Road: 10 feet minimum; 20 feet maximum for 25% of the linear width of the front of the site
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Internal street, driveway, drive aisle or alley: 5 feet minimum with 16 feet minimum for 50% of all buildings
Between buildings: 0 feet minimum
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Greater setbacks for entry plazas, courtyards or outdoor dining patios may be permitted
Outdoor dining located in the front or side of the building must be designed with either a low fence or wall, at least 40-inches high, when fronting a street; Outdoor dining located within a courtyard must also include a low fence or wall if fronting a street
Internal sidewalks and walkways shall include pedestrian amenities such as outdoor dining, seating areas, public art, landscaping and safety bollards
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Landscape Requirements within Setback Areas
Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way, internal streets, driveways, drive aisles and alleys shall be improved with landscaping and/or hardscaping in accordance with Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Landscaping shall be layered in varying heights to provide interest along street frontages
Required setbacks abutting interior property lines and setbacks between buildings shall be landscaped with trees, other plantings, and walkways, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Landscape and screening requirements of Chapter 18.46 shall apply
Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
Walkway connections to building entrances
Vehicular and bike access ways
Public art displays, fountains, planters, outdoor seating areas, decorative trash receptacles, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering areas
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach no more than 36 inches
Awnings, canopies and arcades
Fences and walls that comply with Section 18.46.110 may encroach into any required street landscape and structural setback
Signage in accordance with Chapter 18.44
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
45 feet
If adjacent to single-family residential: 28 feet within 30 feet of the property line shared with single-family residential properties
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Minimum Ground Floor Height
12 feet
Ground floor heights of more than 12 feet are encouraged
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas
Projects 2 acres or less in size: 500 square feet
Projects greater than 2 acres in size: 2,500 square feet, plus 500 square feet for every additional 2 acres
Common area minimum dimension: 20 feet
Applies to publicly accessible and usable outdoor space
Yard setbacks may be included in satisfying this requirement if integrated with the design of the open space area
Outdoor dining areas, plazas, corner gateways or other publicly accessible and usable outdoor space may be included to satisfy this requirement
Public plazas, urban pocket parks, outdoor dining, promenades, public art, and other outdoor public amenities shall be designed to activate ground floor uses and engage visitors
Open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall be appropriately landscaped and provide adequate shade through the placement of trees or other shade devices including umbrellas, awnings, trellises, and canopies that are integrated into the building or over the open space
Furniture, fixtures, flooring and materials used in open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall complement the architectural style of the project
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection
Table 122-I-2
Design Standard
Table 122-I-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
Sites with multiple buildings shall be clustered to the extent possible with shared outdoor spaces and with direct pedestrian access between uses, and from parking areas and the street
Loading and unloading areas and collection of refuse shall be located to the rear of the building, screened from view, and shall not obstruct required parking and access ways
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style; materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details must be consistent with that style
Street wall façades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. Building façades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations. The façade detailing of buildings with multiple floors shall visually differentiate ground-floor uses from upper-story uses; The base shall visibly anchor the building to the ground, with a treatment of higher quality materials; The top of the façade shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, domes, and other forms of multifaceted building tops. 
Frontage Design
Canopies, awnings, signs, balconies and other architectural projections shall clear 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and may encroach into the sidewalk up to a maximum of 6 feet, adjusted for parkway trees and street lighting
For ground floor retail space, the ground floor elevation exposed to the street shall include a maximum 18-inch recess, measured from the face of the building, within which a commercial tenant may customize storefront design
Main building entrances shall be easily identifiable and distinguishable from other ground floor entries; Such main building entrances shall include at least one of the following:
   •   Marked by a taller mass above the entrance, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface
   •   Located in the center of the façade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition
   •   Accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures
   •   Marked or accented by a change in the roofline or change in the roof type
   •   If a corner building, it shall provide prominent corner entrances as noted below for retail or other activity-generating uses
Corner Treatments
Buildings shall have a major presence at the corners of arterial intersections to enhance the pedestrian experience, and create character and appropriate massing along the roadway; This includes corner cut-offs, corner entrances, and special architectural elements such as:.Diagonal or curved walls at the corner
   •   Tower elements that is visually distinct from the rest of the building massing
   •   Corner plazas or gathering areas
   •   Lobby canopies, overhangs, or other architectural covering over building entries
   •   2-story entrance height and 20-foot entrance widths
   •   Public art installations
   •   Decorative landscaping or landmark elements such as a row of columnar trees
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building   
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
Residential windows should face away from loading areas, docks and trash storage areas
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least 3 inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Rooftop Equipment
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets, or architectural projection, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level
Table 122-J-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-J-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum floor area ratio coverage calculation
Increases in FAR are permitted subject to Section
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum/Maximum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard, Lincoln Avenue: 10 feet minimum; 20 feet maximum for 60% of the linear width of the front of the site
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Internal street, driveway, drive aisle or alley: 5 feet minimum with 16 feet minimum for 50% of all buildings
Between buildings: 0 feet minimum
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Greater setbacks for entry plazas, courtyards or outdoor dining patios may be permitted
Outdoor dining located in the front or side of the building must be designed with either a low fence or wall, at least 40-inches high, when fronting a street; Outdoor dining located within a courtyard must also include a low fence or wall if fronting a street
Internal sidewalks and walkways shall include pedestrian amenities such as outdoor dining, seating areas, public art, landscaping and safety bollards
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Landscape Requirements within Setback Areas
Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way, internal streets, driveways, drive aisles and alleys shall be improved with landscaping and/or hardscaping in accordance with Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Landscaping shall be layered in varying heights to provide interest along street frontages
Required setbacks abutting interior property lines and setbacks between buildings shall be landscaped with trees, other plantings, and walkways, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Landscape and screening requirements of Chapter 18.46 shall apply
Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
Walkway connections to building entrances
Vehicular and bike access ways
Public art displays, fountains, planters, outdoor seating areas, decorative trash receptacles, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering areas
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach no more than 36 inches
Awnings, canopies and arcades
Fences and walls that comply with Section 18.46.110 may encroach into any required street landscape and structural setback
Signage in accordance with Chapter 18.44
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
45 feet
If adjacent to single-family residential: 28 feet within 30 feet of the property line shared with single-family residential properties
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Minimum Ground Floor Height
12 feet
Ground floor heights of more than 12 feet are encouraged
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas
Projects 2 acres or less in size: 500 square feet
Projects great than 2 acres in size: 2,500 square feet, plus 500 square feet for every additional 2 acres
Common area minimum dimension: 20 feet
Applies to publicly accessible and usable outdoor space
Yard setbacks may be included in satisfying this requirement if integrated with the design of the open space area
Outdoor dining areas, plazas, corner gateways or other publicly accessible and usable outdoor space may be included to satisfy this requirement
Public plazas, urban pocket parks, outdoor dining, promenades, public art, and other outdoor public amenities shall be designed to activate ground floor uses and engage visitors
Open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall be appropriately landscaped and provide adequate shade through the placement of trees or other shade devices including umbrellas, awnings, trellises, and canopies that are integrated into the building or over the open space
Furniture, fixtures, flooring and materials used in open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall complement the architectural style of the project
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection
Table 122-J-2
Design Standard
Table 122-J-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
Sites with multiple buildings shall be clustered to the extent possible with shared outdoor spaces and with direct pedestrian access between uses, and from parking areas and the street
Loading and unloading areas and collection of refuse shall be located to the rear of the building, screened from view, and shall not obstruct required parking and access ways
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style; materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details must be consistent with that style
Street wall façades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. Building façades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations. The façade detailing of buildings with multiple floors shall visually differentiate ground-floor uses from upper-story uses; The base shall visibly anchor the building to the ground, with a treatment of higher quality materials; The top of the façade shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, domes, and other forms of multifaceted building tops.
Frontage Design
Canopies, awnings, signs, balconies and other architectural projections shall clear 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and may encroach into the sidewalk up to a maximum of 6 feet, adjusted for parkway trees and street lighting
For ground floor retail space, the ground floor elevation exposed to the street shall include a maximum 18-inch recess, measured from the face of the building, within which a commercial tenant may customize storefront design
Main building entrances shall be easily identifiable and distinguishable from other ground floor entries; Such main building entrances shall include at least one of the following:
   •   Marked by a taller mass above the entrance, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface
   •   Located in the center of the façade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition
   •   Accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures
   •   Marked or accented by a change in the roofline or change in the roof type
   •   If a corner building, it shall provide prominent corner entrances as noted below for retail or other activity-generating uses
Corner Treatments
Buildings shall have a major presence at the corners of arterial intersections to enhance the pedestrian experience, and create character and appropriate massing along the roadway; This includes corner cut-offs, corner entrances, and special architectural elements such as:
   •   Diagonal or curved walls at the corner
   •   Tower elements that is visually distinct from the rest of the building massing
   •   Corner plazas or gathering areas
   •   Lobby canopies, overhangs, or other architectural covering over building entries
   •   2-story entrance height and 20-foot entrance widths
   •   Public art installations
   •   Decorative landscaping or landmark elements such as a row of columnar trees
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
Residential windows should face away from loading areas, docks and trash storage areas
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least 3 inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Rooftop Equipment
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets, or architectural projection, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level
Table 122-K-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-K-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum floor area ratio coverage calculation
Increases in FAR are permitted subject to Section
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum/Maximum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard: 10 feet minimum; 20 feet maximum for 60% of the linear width of the front of the site
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 30 feet minimum
Rear abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 15 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Internal street, driveway, drive aisle or alley: 10 feet minimum
Between buildings: 0 feet minimum
Does not apply to expansions
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Landscape Requirements within Setback Areas
Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way, internal streets, driveways, drive aisles and alleys shall be improved with landscaping and/or hardscaping in accordance with Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Landscaping shall be layered in varying heights to provide interest along street frontages
Required setbacks abutting interior property lines and setbacks between buildings shall be landscaped with trees, other plantings, and walkways, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Landscape and screening requirements of Chapter 18.46 shall apply
Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
Walkway connections to building entrances
Vehicular and bike access ways
Public art displays, fountains, planters, outdoor seating areas, decorative trash receptacles, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering areas
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach no more than 36 inches
Awnings, canopies and arcades
Fences and walls that comply with Section 18.46.110 may encroach into any required street landscape and structural setback
Signage in accordance with Chapter 18.44
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
40 feet
3 stories
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Minimum Ground Floor Height
12 feet
Ground floor heights of more than 12 feet are encouraged
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas
Common area minimum dimension: 20 feet
Applies to publicly accessible and usable outdoor space
Yard setbacks may be included in satisfying this requirement if integrated with the design of the open space area
Outdoor dining areas, plazas, corner gateways or other publicly accessible and usable outdoor space may be included to satisfy this requirement
Public plazas, urban pocket parks, outdoor dining, promenades, public art, and other outdoor public amenities shall be designed to activate ground floor uses and engage visitors
Open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall be appropriately landscaped and provide adequate shade through the placement of trees or other shade devices including umbrellas, awnings, trellises, and canopies that are integrated into the building or over the open space
Furniture, fixtures, flooring and materials used in open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall complement the architectural style of the project
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection
Table 122-K-2
Design Standard
Table 122-K-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
Sites with multiple buildings shall be clustered to the extent possible with shared outdoor spaces and with direct pedestrian access between uses, and from parking areas and the street
Loading and unloading areas and collection of refuse shall be located to the rear of the building, screened from view, and shall not obstruct required parking and access ways
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style; materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details must be consistent with that style
Street wall façades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. Building façades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations. The façade detailing of buildings with multiple floors shall visually differentiate ground-floor uses from upper-story uses; The base shall visibly anchor the building to the ground, with a treatment of higher quality materials; The top of the façade shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, domes, and other forms of multifaceted building tops.
Frontage Design
Canopies, awnings, signs, balconies and other architectural projections shall clear 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and may encroach into the sidewalk up to a maximum of 6 feet, adjusted for parkway trees and street lighting
Main building entrances shall be easily identifiable and distinguishable from other ground floor entries; Such main building entrances shall include at least one of the following:
   •   Marked by a taller mass above the entrance, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface
   •   Located in the center of the façade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition
   •   Accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures
   •   Marked or accented by a change in the roofline or change in the roof type
   •   If a corner building, it shall provide prominent corner entrances as noted below for retail or other activity-generating uses
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least 3 inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Rooftop Equipment
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets, or architectural projection, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level
Table 122-L-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Table 122-L-1
Development Standards
Special Provisions
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
All accessory buildings and structures, except common recreational leisure area buildings, shall be included in the maximum floor area ratio coverage calculation
Increases in FAR are permitted subject to Section
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum/Maximum Structural and Landscape Setbacks
Beach Boulevard, Orange Avenue: 10 feet minimum; 20 feet maximum for 60% of the linear width of the front of the site
Rear abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 10 feet minimum for first floor; 30 feet minimum for second story and above
Rear abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Side abutting interior property line, adjacent to single-family residential: 10 feet minimum for first floor; 30 feet minimum for second story and above
Side abutting interior property line: 0 feet minimum
Internal street, driveway, drive aisle or alley: 10 feet minimum
Between buildings: 0 feet minimum
Where a building site abuts upon any highway or public street, there shall be a landscape setback, as indicated in this table, measured from the planned highway right-of-way line, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan
Additional setbacks for entry plazas, courtyards or patios may be permitted
Modifications to setback widths may be allowed subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Landscape Requirements within Setback Areas
Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way, internal streets, driveways, drive aisles and alleys shall be improved with landscaping and/or hardscaping in accordance with Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Landscaping shall be layered in varying heights to provide interest along street frontages
Required setbacks abutting interior property lines and setbacks between buildings shall be landscaped with trees, other plantings, and walkways, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening)
Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Landscape and screening requirements of Chapter 18.46 shall apply
Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner
Permitted Encroachments within Setback Areas
Walkway connections to building entrances
Vehicular and bike access ways
Public art displays, fountains, planters, outdoor seating areas, decorative trash receptacles, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering areas
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces may encroach no more than 36 inches
Awnings, canopies and arcades
Fences and walls that comply with Section 18.46.110 may encroach into any required street landscape and structural setback
Signage in accordance with Chapter 18.44
Any encroachment that conflicts with the Uniform Building Code or other codes, as adopted by the City, shall not be permitted.
Maximum Height
55 feet
Structures exceeding the maximum height requirement, including architectural elements such as cupolas, spires, towers and other non-habitable features may exceed the maximum height, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit per subsection
Minimum Ground Floor Height
12 feet
Ground floor heights of more than 12 feet are encouraged
Minimum Requirements for Recreational-Leisure Areas
Common area minimum dimension: 20 feet
Applies to publicly accessible and usable outdoor space
Yard setbacks may be included in satisfying this requirement if integrated with the design of the open space area
Outdoor dining areas, plazas, corner gateways or other publicly accessible and usable outdoor space may be included to satisfy this requirement
Public plazas, urban pocket parks, outdoor dining, promenades, public art, and other outdoor public amenities shall be designed to activate ground floor uses and engage visitors
Open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall be appropriately landscaped and provide adequate shade through the placement of trees or other shade devices including umbrellas, awnings, trellises, and canopies that are integrated into the building or over the open space
Furniture, fixtures, flooring and materials used in open spaces/ recreational-leisure areas shall complement the architectural style of the project
Modifications to these standards may be allowed, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, per subsection
Table 122-L-2
Design Standard
Table 122-L-2
Design Standard
General Plan
In addition to the design standards below, the provisions of the Community Design Element of the General Plan shall be used as a general guide during the review of all projects
Site Design
Sites with multiple buildings shall be clustered to the extent possible with shared outdoor spaces and with direct pedestrian access between uses, and from parking areas and the street
Loading and unloading areas and collection of refuse shall be located to the rear of the building, screened from view, and shall not obstruct required parking and access ways
Building Design
Building design shall represent a single architectural style; materials, roof pitch, window design, and other details must be consistent with that style
Street wall façades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. Building façades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations. The façade detailing of buildings with multiple floors shall visually differentiate ground-floor uses from upper-story uses; The base shall visibly anchor the building to the ground, with a treatment of higher quality materials; The top of the façade shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, domes, and other forms of multifaceted building tops.
Frontage Design
Canopies, awnings, signs, balconies and other architectural projections shall clear 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and may encroach into the sidewalk up to a maximum of 6 feet, adjusted for parkway trees and street lighting
Main building entrances shall be easily identifiable and distinguishable from other ground floor entries; Such main building entrances shall include at least one of the following:
   •   Marked by a taller mass above the entrance, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface
   •   Located in the center of the façade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition
   •   Accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures
   •   Marked or accented by a change in the roofline or change in the roof type
   •   If a corner building, it shall provide prominent corner entrances as noted below for retail or other activity-generating uses
Materials and Color
Buildings shall use durable, high quality materials; Natural stone, precast concrete, and factory-finished metal panels (heavy gauge only) are preferred; Plain concrete block, plywood, sheet pressboard, vinyl, and similar materials are strongly discouraged
The finish, texture, and color of materials shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building
Front yard fencing shall be low-scale and in an open-view style that is consistent with the architectural style of the building
The type, size, and location of windows shall be designed to enhance natural daylight and take advantage of natural ventilation
Windows and doors shall be recessed at least 3 inches from the face of the finished exterior wall to achieve sufficient depth and shadow; Flush finish installations, especially stucco, are not permitted
Windows shall have clear glazing (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing for windows not facing single-family residential; Other types of mirror glazing, including opaque glass, for windows facing single-family residential may be used
Rooftop Equipment
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets, or architectural projection, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level
(Ord. 6453 § 1 (part); December 18, 2018: Ord. 6506 §§ 78 - 83; February 9, 2021.)