4.03.010 Purpose.
4.03.020 Definitions.
4.03.030 Permit required.
4.03.040 Exemptions.
4.03.050 Rules and regulations.
4.03.060 Applications—Issuance of permits.
4.03.070 Licenses, fees and costs.
4.03.080 Liability provisions.
4.03.090 Notice of approval or disapproval of permit.
4.03.100 Appeal of decision of director.
4.03.110 Violation.
The declared purpose of this chapter is the regulation of filming and videotaping, including activities associated therewith, by enterprises or individuals in the film or videotape industry which come to the City of Anaheim on a temporary or short term basis. (Ord. 5510 § 1 (part); August 8, 1995.)
Whenever in this chapter the following words are used, they shall have the following meaning or definitions:
"Motion picture, television photography" shall mean and include all activity attendant to staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, television shows or programs, and commercials.
"Student films" shall mean motion picture film or videotape productions by a student of a public or private school or college where the production is for school or college credit and from which no profit is taken.
"Charitable films" shall mean commercials, motion pictures, television, videotapes, or photography produced by a nonprofit organization, which qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a charitable organization. No person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from the marketing and production of the film or from showing the films, tapes or photos.
"News media" shall mean the filming or videotaping for the purpose of spontaneous, unplanned television news broadcast by reporters, photographers or cameramen. (Ord. 5510 § 1 (part); August 8, 1995.)
No person shall use any public or private property, facility or residence within the City of Anaheim for the purposes of taking commercial motion pictures or television photography without first applying for and receiving a film permit from the City of Anaheim as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 5510 § 1 (part); August 8, 1995.)
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
.010 News Media. Reporters, photographers or cameramen in the employ of a newspaper, news service, or similar entity engaged in on-the-spot broadcasting of news events concerning those persons, scenes or occurrences which are in the news and of general public interest.
.020 The filming or videotaping of motion pictures solely for private noncommercial use.
.030 The filming or videotaping of motion pictures and activities associated therewith which occurs upon property which is owned or leased for more than six months by the enterprise or individual conducting the filming or videotaping and none of such activities are open to view by the general public.
.040 Filming, videotaping or photographing which occurs on the premises, including the parking lot, of Anaheim Stadium pursuant to any agreements relating to use of the Stadium or its premises. (Ord. 5510 § 1 (part); August 8, 1995.)