1.09.010 Name.
1.09.020 Purpose.
1.09.030 Relation to Political Reform Act of 1974.
1.09.040 Definitions.
1.09.050 Contributions limitations.
1.09.052 Slate mailers.
1.09.053 Electronic filing of campaign disclosure.
1.09.055 Contributions for officeholder expenses.
1.09.058 Outstanding debt retirement and reporting.
1.09.060 Election cycles.
1.09.070 Aggregation of contributions.
1.09.080 Limitations on campaign committees, bank accounts.
1.09.090 Transfers of funds.
1.09.100 Loans and extensions of credit.
1.09.110 Funds, property, goods or services received by officials treated as contributions.
1.09.115 Disclosure of occupation and employer.
1.09.120 Reporting of cumulative contributions.
1.09.121 Filing of amendments to campaign statements.
1.09.122 Timely return of excess contributions.
1.09.123 (Repealed by 6197, 11/16/10)
1.09.124 Distribution of Campaign Reform Law to city candidates.
1.09.130 Enforcement of chapter.
1.09.135 Laundered contributions.
1.09.140 Applicability of other laws.
1.09.150 Severability.
1.09.160 Interpretation of chapter.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the financial strength of certain individuals or organizations does not permit them to exercise a disproportionate or controlling influence on the election of city candidates. To achieve such purpose, this chapter is designed to reduce the influence of large contributions; to ensure that individuals and interest groups continue to have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in electing city candidates; to minimize the opportunity for, and the appearance or perception of, corruption; to prevent contributors from circumventing the contribution limits; and to maintain public trust in governmental institutions and the electoral process. (Ord. 5704 § 2 (part); October 19, 1999; Ord. 5858 § 1 (part); May 20, 2003.)