After payment of fees and inspection, the Sheriff shall issue a kennel license to a facility that meets the following criteria:
   (A)   Housing structure shall be sound and maintained in good repair to protect dogs from injury, to confine them safely, and to prevent entry of other animals;
   (B)   Reliable and adequate electrical service and a potable water supply shall serve the facility;
   (C)   Storage of food supplies and bedding materials shall be designed to prevent vermin infestation and infection;
   (D)   Refrigeration shall be furnished for perishable foods;
   (E)   Safe and sanitary disposal facilities shall be available to eliminate animal and food waste, used bedding, dead animals and debris, and to minimize vermin infestation, odors, and disease hazards;
   (F)   Cleanliness facilities shall be available to animal caretakers and handlers;
   (G)   In enclosed structures, the interior ambient temperatures shall be maintained above 50°F for dogs not acclimatized to lower temperatures;
   (H)   In enclosed structures, adequate ventilation shall be maintained to assure animal comfort by such means as will provide sufficient fresh air and will minimize drafts, odors, and moisture condensation. Mechanical ventilation must be available when ambient temperatures exceed 85°F;
   (I)   Interior areas shall have adequate natural or artificial lighting and primary enclosures for dogs shall be protected from excessive illumination;
   (J)   Interior building surfaces shall be constructed and maintained to prevent moisture penetration;
   (K)   Drainage facilities shall be available to assure rapid elimination of excess water from indoor housing facilities. The design shall assure obstruction-free flow and traps to prevent sewage backflow;
   (L)   Outdoor facilities shall provide protective shading and an adequate shelter area designed to minimize harmful exposure to weather conditions for those animals not acclimatized to the environment;
   (M)   The primary enclosure shall be of sufficient size to permit each dog housed in the facility to stand freely, sit, turn about, and lie in a comfortable, normal position. No more than 12 dogs may be housed in the same primary enclosure. Each dog housed in a primary enclosure shall be provided a minimum floor space equal to the mathematical square of the dog’s length, as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail, plus six inches. An exercise area or means to provide each dog with exercise shall be provided on the premises;
   (N)   When restraining devices are used in connection with a primary enclosure intended to permit movement outside the enclosure, such devices shall be installed so as to prevent entanglement with the devices of other dogs or objects and shall be fitted to the dog by a harness or well-fitted collar, other than a choke-type collar, and shall not be shorter than three times the length of the dog as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail;
   (O)   Dogs shall be fed at least once daily with a diet of nutritionally adequate and uncontaminated food;
   (P)   Potable water shall be continuously available unless otherwise recommended by a veterinarian in a particular situation;
   (Q)   Cages, rooms, hard surface pens, runs, and food and water in receptacles shall be sanitized to prevent disease, not less than once every two weeks, by washing with hot water and soap or detergent; by washing with a combination disinfectant and cleanser; by washing with a safe detergent followed by a safe, effective disinfectant; or by cleaning with steam. Prior to the introduction of dogs into empty enclosures previously occupied, the enclosures shall be sanitized. Dogs shall be removed from the enclosure during the cleaning process and adequate care shall be taken to protect the animals in other enclosures; and
   (R)   Excrement shall be removed from primary enclosures as often as necessary to prevent contamination, reduce disease hazards, and minimize odors.
(County Ord. 692, passed 7-12-2001) Penalty, see § 91.999