General Provisions
90.01 Definitions
90.02 Nuisances affecting public health
Nuisances Affecting Public Safety
90.15 Prohibited hazards
90.16 Snow and ice removal
90.17 Unauthorized dumping
90.18 Sifting or leaking loads
90.19 Fences
90.20 Surface waters; drainage
90.21 Grass, shrubbery, weeds, and noxious growth
Nuisances Affecting the Public Peace and Welfare
90.35 Unnecessary noise
90.36 Radio and television interference
90.37 Notices, advertisements, and unauthorized markings
90.38 Junk
90.39 Abandoned or derelict vehicles
90.40 Excessive vehicle parking
90.41 Unenumerated nuisances
90.55 Cumulative remedies
90.56 Civil infraction assessment
90.57 Abatement
90.58 Joint responsibility
90.59 Abatement by City
90.60 Assessment of costs
90.61 Notice
90.62 Separate violations