When no punishment for counseling or aiding in the commission of a particular offense is expressly prescribed by ordinance, every person who counsels or aids another in the violation of any provision or section of this chapter is guilty of an offense or misdemeanor and punishable in the same manner as the principal offender.
(Prior Code, § 32-2)
Statutory reference:
Aiding or abetting, see 29 O.S. § 7-203
§§ 32-3 THROUGH 32-22. RESERVED.
32-23. Petit larceny prohibited
32-24. Receiving stolen property
32-25. Injuring automobiles and other vehicles
32-26. Destroying or injuring buildings and other property
32-27. Placing signs on property of another
32-28. Throwing or shooting at persons or property
32-29. Tampering with or damaging public utilities
32-30. Unlawful intrusion upon land
32-31. Illegal entrance
32-32. Throwing advertising on street prohibited
32-33. Throwing injurious substances
32-34. Injury to plants and trees
32-35. Public streets and trees
32-36. Trespass prohibited
32-37. Parking on property of another
32-38. Interference with fire hydrants
32-39 through 32-64 reserved
(A) PETIT LARCENY is the taking of personal property of value of $500 or less, accomplished by fraud or stealth and with intent to deprive another thereof, but it does not include the taking of such property from the person of another.
(B) Petit larceny is unlawful, and any person who commits petit larceny shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $10 or more than $500, or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court.
(Prior Code, § 32-23)
Statutory reference:
Petit larceny defined, see 21 O.S. § 1704
Punishment, see 21 O.S. § 1706