(a)   The limits in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited shall be the entire corporate limits of the City.
   (b)   The limits in which new bulk storage for flammable and combustible liquids is prohibited shall be the entire corporate limits of the City.
   (c)   The limits in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gases is restricted shall be as follows: (Ord. 110-84. Passed 2-4-85.)
      (1)   Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas and the installation of all equipment pertinent to systems for such uses, shall be permitted within the corporate limits of the City on a temporary basis for use only in apartment complexes of six or more units connected to a single piping system, new residential dwellings when six or more such dwellings are connected to a single piping system, commercial buildings and industrial complexes and shall be limited to aboveground installations only. Any other uses and underground installations are specifically prohibited within the corporate limits of the City, except as outlined in subsections (c)(4) and (7) hereof.
         (Ord. 58-99. Passed 4-19-99.)
      (2)   The permitting of the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas and the installation of all equipment pertinent thereto aboveground as outlined in subsection (c)(1) hereof shall be on a temporary basis, only, and when natural gas becomes available, all such aboveground liquefied petroleum gas installations shall be completely removed within sixty days of such availability.
      (3)   Safety requirements shall be established by directive from the office of Fire Prevention Officer, City of Alliance, Ohio, and shall be made available for public inspection. Violation thereof shall be punishable as a violation of this section.
      (4)   Aboveground propane (liquefied petroleum) pumping stations for providing fuel for motor vehicles shall be permitted in industrial zones, as established by the Zoning Code of the City, provided that the installation of such pumping stations shall be made and maintained in accordance with the requirements of National Fire Prevention Pamphlet Number 58, the directives of the Fire Prevention Officer of the City of Alliance; and all Federal, State and local statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations applicable thereto. (Ord. 110-84. Passed 2-4-85.)
      (5)   Before installation of a liquefied petroleum station is made under authority of this section, a permit must first be obtained from the office of the Fire Prevention Officer of the City.
         (Ord. 58-99. Passed 4-19-99.)
      (6)   All pumping units and tanks installed hereunder not used for a period of ninety days, shall be properly safeguarded or removed, in a manner approved by the Fire Prevention Officer of the City.
         (Ord. 110-84. Passed 2-4-85.)
      (7)   Retail sales and exchange of twenty-pound cylinders of propane (liquified petroleum) shall be permitted in business and industrial zones, as established by the Zoning Code of the City, provided that locations engaged in the retail sales and exchange of such cylinders shall meet and maintain the requirements of National Fire Prevention Standard Number 58, the directives of the Fire Prevention Officer of the City, and all federal, state and local statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations applicable thereto. Before engaging in the retail sales and exchange of such cylinders, a permit must first be obtained from the office of the Fire Prevention Officer of the City. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed so as to permit pumping, filling or dispensing liquid petroleum gas in the city limits of Alliance beyond the specific provisions of Section 1501.13. The fee for such permit is established under Section 1501.14(a).
         (Ord. 58-99. Passed 4-19-99.)