(A)   Minimum number of spaces required. Except where preempted by Cal. Gov’t Code § 65863.2 or any other applicable state law, each land use shall be provided at least the number of parking spaces stated in Table 23.20.040, Required Parking Spaces. The parking requirement for any use not listed in Table 23.20.040 shall be determined by the Director based upon the requirements for the most similar comparable use, the particular characteristics of the proposed use, and any other relevant data regarding parking demand.
Land Use Classification
Required Parking Spaces
Land Use Classification
Required Parking Spaces
Residential Uses
As specified for each land use classification below
Residential housing types
   Single-unit dwelling, detached
2 spaces within an enclosed garage
   Single-unit dwelling, attached
2 spaces within an enclosed garage
   Multi-unit dwelling
2 spaces within an enclosed garage per unit
0.5 guest parking space per unit. Guest parking may be uncovered
CBD Zoning District: 1.5 spaces per unit plus 0.3 guest parking spaces per unit
   Housing for seniors or persons with disabilities
0.75 spaces per unit (covered, not enclosed)
Family day care
See § 23.22.140
Group residential
1 space per sleeping room
Mobile home park
2 spaces per unit (covered or uncovered)
0.5 guest parking space per unit (covered or uncovered)
Residential care facilities
None beyond what is required for the residential housing type
1 space for every 3 beds
Residential facility, assisted living
1 space for every 3 beds
Single room occupancy (SRO)
1 space per sleeping room
Supportive housing
None beyond what is required for the residential housing type
Transitional housing
None beyond what is required for the residential housing type
Public/semi public uses
1 per 250 square feet of floor area except as specified below
Collection box
Colleges and trade schools
1 space per 125 square feet of floor area
Community assembly
1 space for each 6 permanent seats plus 1 for every 75 square feet of assembly area where no seats or where temporary or moveable seats are provided
Community garden
Emergency shelter
1 space for every 4 beds
3 spaces for every bed the facility is licensed to accommodate
Skilled nursing facility
1 space for every bed
Park and recreation facilities
As determined by the Director in consultation with a parking demand study
Schools (non-public)
High school: 4 spaces per classroom plus 1 space for every 250 square feet of office
Other schools (K-8): 2 spaces per classroom plus 1 space for every 250 square feet of office
Commercial uses
1 space per 250 square feet of floor area plus 1 space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor display and outdoor storage area except as specified below
Automobile/vehicle sales and leasing
1 space per 2,000 square feet of indoor floor area and outdoor area
Commercial entertainment and recreation
Cinema/theaters: 1 for each 6 permanent seats
Other commercial entertainment and recreation uses: as determined by the Director in consultation with a parking demand study
Eating and drinking establishments
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Outdoor dining areas equal to or less than 50% of gross indoor area shall be exempt. 1 space per 120 square feet of nonexempt outdoor dining area.
Farmer's markets
See § 23.22.150
Funeral parlors and interment services
1 space for each 6 permanent seats or 1 space for every 75 square feet of assembly area where no seats or where temporary or moveable seats are provided
1 space for each guest room
Additional parking required for ancillary uses, such as restaurants, according to the parking requirements for the ancillary use
Industrial uses
1 space per 500 square feet of floor area for the first 20,000 square feet plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area after, plus 1 space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor use area, except personal storage uses.
Personal storage
1 space per on-site residential use, plus 1 space per 20,000 square feet of floor area, plus 1 customer space for every 10 vehicle, RV, or boat storage spaces. A minimum of 3 customer spaces shall be provided.
Transportation, communication, and utility uses
1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area plus 1 employee space for every fleet vehicle
Recycling facilities
See § 23.22.220
   Small collection facilities
1 space for each attendant and/or employee, plus 1 space for each vehicle operated by the facility
   Large collection facilities
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum of 5 spaces per business
   (B)   Calculation of required spaces. The number of required parking spaces shall be calculated according to the following rules:
      (1)   Fractional spaces. Pursuant to § 23.02.030(A), fractional spaces shall be counted as the next largest whole space. For multi-unit residential uses, fractional requirements shall be rounded up only after all the parking space requirements for all dwelling units on the site are computed.
      (2)   Floor area. Where a parking or loading requirement is stated as a ratio of parking spaces to floor area, the floor area is assumed to be gross floor area, unless otherwise stated.
      (3)   Seats. Where parking requirements are stated as a ratio of parking spaces to seats, each 24 inches of bench-type seating at maximum seating capacity is counted as one seat.
      (4)   Sites with multiple uses. If more than one use is located on a site, the number of required parking spaces and loading spaces shall be equal to the sum of the requirements calculated separately for each use unless a reduction is approved pursuant to § 23.20.050.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)